Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the 2022 Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year!

The Lunar New Year 2022 falls on February 1st and is in the sign of the Water Tiger.

Each of the 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac represents any given year, and the cycle makes it full round every 12 years. The last Tiger year was in 2010.

You may be wondering how the Year of the Tiger will affect you. Tigers are brave, unpredictable, competitive, sensitive, and dynamic. So think of all those qualities, and you have a pretty good idea of how this year will go!

Tiger years are never boring and often rife with lots of ups and downs. A rollercoaster ride is the best way to describe the life of a Tiger native, and when a Tiger year comes around, it promises to be exciting and eventful.

Chinese New Year: The Basics

The Chinese New Year is also known as the Lunar New Year. These New Year celebrations usually last for 16 days from the day of the Lunar New Year through to the Lantern Festival.

In 2022, these celebrations will last from January 31st to February 15th.

The beginning of each Lunar New Year changes all the time, but it is decided by the Lunar Calendar, which is based on the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. It will always fall on a New Moon.

During the celebrations period, school holidays last for four weeks and people celebrate with friends and family, enjoy good food, and exchange good wishes to one another.

The Tiger Year: What’s in Store?

Funnily enough, the Tiger (along with the Goat) is considered one of the most undesirable to have when questioned about having children!

Tiger girls are considered too fierce, and in some parts of China, people have held off from having a baby in a Tiger year for that reason!

However, Tigers are known for their strength and courage. They can be unpredictable and very sensitive. They are members of the Third Trine, a group of animals known for their desire to change the world and humanitarian efforts.

Tigers are the fighters of the zodiac, and they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

Therefore, you can expect issues of social injustice to take center stage during this Tiger year. Conflict will also come naturally this year as people are emboldened by Tiger energy to stand for what they believe in.

While 2021 was heavily influenced by Ox energy, which is rather slow and focuses more on building and maintaining, Tiger energy is fast and centers more on jumping in headfirst. Risk-taking is strong this year, and plunging yourself into the deep end is likely.

The Tiger is someone who has a tendency to push beyond their own limits and test their own waters. Therefore, people will be more inclined to step outside their comfort zone and expand into realms and ideas they may not have previously had the courage to.

However, Tiger energy is also stubborn and unwilling to back down. This can prove problematic when conflict arises because it may be difficult to find resolutions.

But the influential element of Water this year helps to calm the storm. Water Tigers tend to be calmer and more diplomatic than their Tiger counterparts. Thankfully, this watery influence will help smooth things over if they start to get out of hand.

Unpredictability is a theme this year, and therefore the advice for everyone is: go with the flow!

Read this next: The Best Moon Ritual for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Who Benefits & Who Doesn’t?

All Chinese Zodiac years have their highs and lows for everyone. But some signs may benefit more than others in the Year of the Tiger.

The Dog and Horse, who share the same trine as the Tiger, may experience greater luck and fortune. Humanitarian endeavors are likely to be especially blessed.

The Dog is a champion of social injustice, and the Horse is a free spirit that will not hesitate to speak out if he sees injustice occurring. Therefore, any endeavors or projects that come from the heart will be blessed by the Tiger’s energy.

For Tigers themselves, this will be especially transformational for them, and many may find themselves thrusts into leadership roles. The Tiger is a sign of leadership, and many will have to step up to the plate.

Members of the Fourth Trine—the Rabbit, Goat, and Pig—will also find themselves strongly affected by the Tiger energy. Mostly, Tiger energy will force them outside of their comfort zones. As uncomfortable as this can be at times, it is necessary for greater spiritual growth and works in the native’s favor.

First Trine people—the Rat, Dragon, and Monkey—need to be careful of biting off more than they can true. Tiger energy bestows confidence and self-assurance, but if this confidence turns into arrogance, it can spell downfall.

The Monkey, in particular, needs to keep an eye on this. The Monkey stands opposite the Tiger in the Circle of Conflict, and the energy of both typically clashes. However, if the Monkey can keep a level head and use their wisdom for the greater good, they will see roaring success.

Members of the Second Trine—the Ox, Snake, and Rooster—need to tread carefully this year and not leap into anything. They may be tempted to, but the more cautious they are, the more they will stay the course of their ambitions.

For all signs, it is an exciting year for romance and kicking off new creative ideas!

Read this next: Chinese Astrology: Understanding the 4 Trines

It’s Time to Celebrate the Year of the Tiger!

“Get this party started” is the motto for the Year of the Tiger 2022. It may not be what you expect, but Tiger years rarely are.

No matter how challenging or chaotic things might get this year, the Tiger year is here to help you grow and learn more about yourself and your relationships with others.

In China, the Chinese Zodiac is an integral part of their culture. The more we know about our Chinese Zodiac animal, the more we can better understand our relationship with others and even our own aspirations.

Tiger years are all about aspirations and going for what you want—let the big feline’s strength and roaring energy lead the way!

Related article: 10 Things You Need to Know About the Year of the Tiger

About The Author

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.
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