Are You Ready for Love & Adventure With THIS Spicy Transit?

Have you been looking for a bit of fun in life – and, in particular, love? After such a whirlwind of a year, there’s a good chance that most of us are ready for a bright, bubbly break and a little bit of romantic adventure, which is just what Venus has in store for us as it moves into Sagittarius.

Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and it even has a connection to finances and abundance, so it’s particularly cozy in the lucky sign of Sagittarius. While Venus is not Sag’s ruling planet, these two share a similar personality in that they both enjoy social connection, adventure, and luxurious activities and objects.

Venus wants to be surrounded by beauty, while Sagittarius desires a collection of experiences, wandering the world and exploring each crevice. When Venus moves into this sign, it helps us see the beauty in every experience.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Venus in Sagittarius, as well as how to utilize this energy occurring on December 29th, 2023.

What Does Venus in Sagittarius Mean?

Those born with a Venus in Sag placement will already be familiar with the kind of adventurous, romantic spirit that this transit brings into our lives. However, the keyword here is adventure.

While Venus was transiting through Scorpio, we felt a deep desire for intensity and intimacy in our love lives.

Now that the waters of Scorpio have cleared, we make way for the passionate fire that burns within Sagittarius. Sag is ruled by creative, electric Fire, the element of impulsivity, action, and spontaneity.

You see, Sag is not a sign that is on the hunt for stability and a settled life – they want to try new things each day, to taste every flavor on the planet. Meaning that for Sagittarius to settle down, they need a pretty spiritual and soulful connection presented before them.

When Venus is in Sag, it desires a certain sense of freedom and independence. There’s a reason why Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer and centaur of the zodiac – the centaur roams freely, setting its sights on any goal or dream that its bow and arrow comes across.

Sagittarius does not want to be held back from reaching their deepest desires just for the sake of a romantic connection.

And once Sagittarius meets someone with whom they share that spiritual, soulful connection they seek, it’s important that each partner works on maintaining the union’s excitement and adventure, lest Sagittarius get bored and decide to seek greener pastures. This is not to say that Sag, as a sign, is inherently against monogamous relationships, but only to say that the relationships Sag is willing to enter need to be pretty special to be sustainable.

We’ll all be feeling a bit more independent, a bit spicier, and a bit more adventurous than usual during this transit.

If you’re already in a relationship, this will be the best time of the year to make more memories with one another. And if you’re single, this is the time to start having fun with the idea of dating! Begin manifesting that relationship that you’ve always dreamed of.

This is also a fantastic time to enjoy your singlehood, to embrace all the freedom and independence that Sagittarius loves so much.

Both Venus and Sagittarius have connections with abundance, meaning this transit isn’t all about romance. This is also an excellent time for manifestation, with expansive Jupiter – the ruling planet of Sag – and luxurious Venus joining hands to shower us with blessings.

So, make sure to take some time for manifestation work, including making lists of the things you want to attract, burning candles, and working with abundant crystals like citrine and green aventurine.

Check this article out next: How Venus Placements Affect the Way We Love

Venus in Sagittarius in Your Birth Chart

If you were born with Venus in Sagittarius in your birth chart, this transit is about to stoke the internal, passionate fires of your soul. This transit amplifies your already feisty, loving nature and urges you to go after even more adventure than usual.

However, regardless of Venus placements, everyone will be able to feel the bubbly, bright energy of this transit.

If you’d like to know even more about Venus in your chart, check out our article breaking down Venus placements to learn more about your particular Venus sign and how it affects your love life!

Venus in Sagittarius Horoscopes for the Zodiac Signs

Now that we know more about the main themes of Venus in Sagittarius, let’s take a look at how this transit will influence each sign of the zodiac.


As a fellow Fire sign, you’re pretty comfy and cozy in this transit, Aries.

Your confidence is raised even higher than usual, your desire for adventure and excitement is amplified, and your connection to new experiences is deepened. This transit also helps you feel less serious, making it easier for you to put yourself out there and try new creative outlets.


Venus is your ruling planet, Taurus, meaning this transit might pack an extra-potent punch for you.

Venus encourages you to look at your intimate connections to determine which of them may need more attention. This is an excellent time to focus on new experiences and adventures you can create with your loved ones!


Like Sag, you value your independence, Gemini. This transit may not encourage you to seek out long-term connections but rather focus on your connection with your own spirit.

Take time for yourself, exploring new activities or hobbies that delight your soul and ignite your passion. Working on your relationship with yourself will make future relationships run more smoothly.


Venus may encourage you to focus on your career and financial matters this month, Cancer. It’s time to reignite the fire you once felt for your passions and your path in life.

Concentrate on the activities that bring you joy and determine how you can integrate them into your work life. Bringing passion into your career will propel you further toward success than ever before.


This transit urges you to pay attention to your inner child, Leo.

While you’re typically fiery and feisty, the challenges of this year may have dragged you down a bit. But now it’s time to stand back up and let your inner child come out and play. Focus on the things you love to do, the hobbies that bring you joy, and the connections that make you feel safe and supported.


This transit helps you lighten up a bit, Virgo, especially in matters of love. You tend to take things pretty seriously as the perfectionist Virgo that you are, but when Venus is in Sag, you’re called upon to loosen up and have a little fun!

You are always hard at work, so it’s only fair that you allow yourself time to rest, recuperate, and regain some energy for your future projects.


Your sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love, Libra. And when this planet moves into bubbly Sag, your personality is even more sociable and bright than usual.

This is the time to take a chance on yourself by sharing your creative thoughts and ideas with the world. Your charm and magnetism will ensure that you are taken seriously and credited for your hard work.


Venus is connected to money and luxury, and you may feel like doing little more than pampering yourself during this time, Scorpio.

However, it’s important that you keep an eye on your finances and try to find inexpensive activities that bring peace and joy throughout your body. Meditation, yoga, Tarot, and astrology readings are extremely beneficial for you right now.


Venus is in your own fiery social sign, Sag!

Your confidence is at an all-time high, and you’re likely to make an excellent first impression on anyone new that you meet right now. That means it’s a great time to put yourself out there in romance, business, or any area of life. Don’t hold back – loosen the reins and let your centaur spirit run free this month!


Sagittarius is a spiritual sign, and Venus in Sag may be telling you to take a break from all of your hard work to focus on creating peace and harmony within your spirit, Capricorn.

When you are balanced and centered, it’s easier than ever for you to focus on your goals and what you’d like to attract into your life. Lots of meditation, yoga, and journaling are called for this month.


Aquarius, your spirit is just as carefree as Sag’s, so this transit has an interesting effect on your love life.

While you’re just as independent as ever, you may feel more comfortable with physical displays of affection and sharing your emotions than usual, thanks to the blunt and gregarious nature of Sagittarius.

Don’t hold your feelings back during this time – share them with those you love!


You are a natural dreamer, Pisces, and when your imagination joins the expansive nature of Sagittarius, your manifestation abilities know no bounds.

This is the perfect time to plan for your future and to think long and hard about what you want to attract into your life. Work with crystals, make lists, practice rituals, burn candles – just make sure you’re putting your desire out into the Universe somehow!

What Will You Manifest?

Venus in Sagittarius is an exciting time for all of us – a time when possibilities seem greater than ever, a time when abundance, adventure, and romance seem to be peeking out from just around the corner.

Make space for new and exciting events and relationships in your life by releasing old wounds and pain from the past. Remind yourself that the future is bright, and put on your shades!

This transit offers us the enthusiasm and hope that we’ve been longing for all year, so take advantage of it while you can.

What will you manifest with this abundant, exciting energy?

Related article: Read Your December 2023 Angel Card Reading

About The Author

Rhiannon Liselle

Rhiannon Liselle is a nomadic Sagittarius with a passion for writing and trying to help others grow. She’s studied astrology for about 10 years, and has been writing about metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric subjects for 3 years. Rhiannon lives in the mountains of Colorado, and loves drinking coffee and spending time with her coloring books.
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