Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 20-26th, 2019

Hello friends!

Springtime is already flying by, and this week we close out some Taurus energy. Taurus is the Fixed sign of the Earth signs, helping you to lay some roots for the goals and blessings you want to happen in your life.

Aries previously gave you some ideas and opportunities, Taurus has you getting to work on them, and Gemini energy is picking up steam this week. This week we have Mercury and the Sun both leaving Taurus and entering the Mutable sign of the Air signs Gemini.

Mercury is Gemini’s ruler, and so is comfortable in Gemini, sometimes. Sometimes communication and paperwork can be a little too quick. Expect a lot of paperwork, text messages, and emails to be flying about. Summer plans are just starting, and your mind feels all over the map under this dual-sided Gemini energy. You’re going to have more frazzled days than usual, but if you follow the good angel and not the bad one, you’re getting a lot done as well. Take each day and each conversation and communication one step at a time. That energy begins Tuesday of this week.

By Wednesday, the Sun joins the Gemini party and enters Gemini for a four-week stint. Happy birthday, Gemini! This is the Sun shining on the dual-faced Gemini, and so again energy picks up steam. You’ll be wearing many hats over the next few weeks, and sometimes you may forget which one you are wearing. It’s another kind of energy where you need to be very careful in planning and strategy, and keep an eye out for duplicity. But you can be very social and enjoyable now, as you won’t know which mood the wind is blowing your way until you get there. It will be always something different this month.

Other than that, as we just come off of a Full Moon week, you are launching new things this week while enjoying some of that refreshing Full Moon energy that cleared your plate a little bit. As Gemini energy picks up steam, be mindful of the duplicitous side of it, but enjoy the spice of variety that life is offering now. When you walk in the light and in good karma, it’s going to be an enjoyable ride.

Happy birthday, Gemini!

Planetary Locations During May 20-26, 2019:

• Sun: Taurus (April 20 to May 21); Gemini (May 22 to June 20, 2019)

• Mercury: Taurus (May 6, 2019, to May 21, 2019); Gemini (May 21, 2019 to June 4, 2019)

• Venus: Taurus (From May 15 to June 9, 2019)

• Mars: Cancer (May 16, 2019, to July 1, 2019)

• Jupiter: Sagittarius (Until December 2, 2019)

• Saturn: Capricorn (Until March 22, 2020); Saturn Retrograde: (April 29, 2019 to September 17, 2019)

• Uranus: Taurus (March 6, 2019, to August 19, 2021)

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024); Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn (April 24, 2019 until October 2, 2019)

Daily Snapshots for May 20 to May 26:

Monday, May 20:

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality.

Moon: Sagittarius — See the Big Picture in all things.

Tuesday, May 21:

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Capricorn — Take the lead on a thing that you want to last.


  • Mercury enters Gemini – This is the communicator planet that governs short journeys, transportation, communication, and all of the gadgets that govern these themes entering the Mutable Air sign Gemini. Mercury is also Gemini’s ruler, but can be at a detriment in Gemini because Gemini energy is very quick-witted, sometimes too much so. And Mercury is as well. So sometimes this offers up a duplicitous side to life that can be very confusing. This is going to be a productive period in communication, but it could be very confusing as well. Don’t jump to any conclusions in conversations, communication such as text or email, or even in travel planning. Just take in all the facts and leave the big decisions for when Mercury moves on into slower Cancer in just a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, May 22:

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Capricorn


  • Sun enters Gemini – This is the luminary body of the Sun that is the planet that governs our sense of Self and who we show to the world, entering the Mutable Sign of the Air Signs Gemini. Gemini is the zodiac sign that is symbolized by the Twins, which is often symbolic of the good angel and the devil found in the Garden of Eden. The Lovers card in Tarot shows this dichotomy and is symbolic of the Gemini zodiac sign. When the Sun enters Gemini, our sense of Self takes on these two themes, and we are hearing both sides of the story more. We may make rash decisions now, or we may sever ties or make quick clean cuts with the Gemini sword and not look back. Follow your true sense of Self, always stay true to who you are, and when you lead with the purpose of integrity you will always win. But it’s going to be an interesting ride under this energy, so prepare for it.

Thursday, May 23:

Sun: Gemini – Lead with your head, listen to your heart, and make karmically clean choices.

Moon: Aquarius — Lead with your head, but take your heart with you.

Friday, May 24:

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Aquarius

Saturday, May 25:

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Aquarius

Sunday, May 26:

Sun: Gemini

Moon: Pisces — Lead with your heart, but take your head with you.

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