Vacation Dream Meaning


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Taking a vacation in your dream can be a joyful experience, but it also has a number of important meanings!

If a vacation shows up in your dream, one literal interpretation of this symbol is that a vacation in your waking life is on your horizon.

If not, then perhaps your subconscious is suggesting that you consider taking a break in some way from your current routine.

On the other hand, you also want to pay close attention to other vacation details in your dream. Are you alone, or is this a vacation you take with others? What is your current relationship or work situation in your waking life? Do you need to take a vacation from your current partnership? Or perhaps it is time to start looking for a new job?

Has this dream happened again and again? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.

Dreaming of Going on Vacation

There are many directions that a vacation in your waking life can take you, and the same applies when a vacation appears in your dream life.

Another factor to consider when a vacation shows up in your dream is the notion of escape. Are you going on vacation to escape responsibilities?

Vacations also represent and symbolize rewards, so if neither of these interpretations makes sense, you may be on the receiving end of a reward soon in your waking life. Your hard work may be recognized soon, your status may elevate, or you may reward yourself for some upcoming achievements.

Dreaming of a Vacation Where Things Are Going Wrong

If you are dreaming that you are on vacation and it is not going well, this could also symbolize that you are having a difficult time managing things in your waking life.

You may be feeling overwhelmed and as if you have too much on your plate, and are not doing a good enough job.

If this is the case, a vacation or break from all of it may be an idea to consider. The more details you can recall from your dream, the easier it will be to help you reach the clarity you need to find the interpretation about your vacation that makes the most sense to you.

Dreaming of Traveling Towards Destination

If you dream you are embarking on your vacation it can suggest being disillusioned with your current routine.

Change may be on the horizon or your subconscious is encouraging you to be the change you wish to see.

Dreaming of Lying on a Beach

If you dream you are lying on a beach or suntanning highlights wish-fulfillment in your waking life.

You may be longing for a vacation in your waking life and feel that things have become boring or mundane. You need to take some time to relax and get away from your busy life. Ask: When was the last time you took a moment for yourself?


A dream about lying on the beach can also highlight something much deeper: a desire to return to the mother’s womb. This can suggest deep dissatisfaction in your waking life and it is important to address these areas.

Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.

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