Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Feb 10, 2025 - Feb 16, 2025

You’re being given free range to bring your vision to life early this week, even if you need to dive majorly deep to do it. Rebellious Uranus is moving through your sign and your 1st House of Self at the moment for an extended tour, redefining the way you express yourself and communicate with others, and on the 10th he’ll form a tense and disruptive square with messenger Mercury, currently spinning through Aquarius and your 10th House of Career and Professional Reputation. Under this alignment, you could find yourself reacting in certain ways that might not be exactly professional, to say the least, so leave any outbursts for private moments away from prying eyes.

On the 12th we’ll witness a powerful Full Moon in Leo, which will be popping off in your 4th House of Home and Family. This could result in spending more time with your family–chosen or biological–or deciding you simply need to do some major nesting. Perhaps the place you hang up your hat is looking a little tired and needs a bit of redecorating. If you’ve been considering the possibility of moving to somewhere new, then this lunation could help you find the perfect new spot to hang up your hat. Leo is a Fixed sign like you, so this energy should feel relatively familiar to you¬–dare I say you’ll even be in your element. This could provide you with a little slice of peace in a world of confusion, so there’s something positive to lean into. You deserve a little bit of nurturing.

You’ve been pushing and pushing for so long, but this week there’s a change in the planetary pattern that will impact you majorly. You finally get to take a backseat approach on the 14th as Mercury switches signs after an ambitious tour through Aquarius and your professionally oriented 10th House, so it’s safe to say you’ve been burning the midnight oil. There may have been a few hiccups along the way and some learning curves that required your flexibility, but those matters are getting left behind as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and moves on to Pisces and your outgoing 11th House of Networks and Global Communities for the next few weeks. This transit is much more about social and platonic relationships than anything else, but you’ll meet lots of interesting new contacts who could prove to be worth their weight in gold down the line.


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