Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 06, 2024 - May 12, 2024

There’s a lot going on under your own roof this week, Aquarius. The Sun is bounding through Taurus and your 4th House of Home, bringing the universal focus into your own four walls. On the 7th el Sol will reach out across the sky to form a helpful sextile to karmic Saturn in Pisces and your 2nd House of Income. This potent combination could result in you perhaps creating a home office for yourself where you will be able to earn a nice figure on a regular basis, or perhaps you decide instead to comb through your belongings and do a bit of decluttering, selling off what you no longer want for a tidy profit. The 4th House also deals with the women in our lives, so consider asking a female friend or relative for a bit of advice or even a helpful connection or two; she could be the only think between you and a nice healthy injection to your bank account.

This energy gets majorly amplified at the same time with a beautiful New Moon in Taurus, setting off a whole new cycle of nesting and emotional connecting that is sure to give you all the feels. Even if you’re a little tired of spending time under your own roof, this lunation marks a chance to freshen things up and make you feel a little more at home, if you will. Perhaps you can host a small party at Chez Aquarius, or you might have a really lovely day with a roommate or family member. Likewise, if you’ve been thinking about redecorating or renovating this would be the perfect occasion. There’s lots of potential at this time, so go on and grab hold of it.

This potential won’t be around forever, though; lucky Jupiter is also in Taurus right now, adding a huge boost of positivity to this lunation, however Jupiter will be moving on to Gemini in just a few weeks, and won’t return to Taurus for about a dozen years, so you really want to make good use of this energy while you’ve got it, because it is going to be a long time before we see a Taurus New Moon with this much potential!

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