Tarot Articles

A line of Tarot cards face down next to 2 lit candles.

Your Weekly Tarotscope: February 17th – 23rd, 2025

Are you ready for this week’s energy? It’s time to find out. Here’s your briefing. We’ll finally submerge ourselves into dreamy Pisces season on the 18th, immediately calling us forward into an imaginative, emotional, and whimsical energy for the foreseeable future. Plus, we have Mars in Cancer going direct to

weekly tarotscope feb 10

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 10th – 16th, 2025

Powerful emotions, intense dreams, and the potential for essential epiphanies to come to the forefront… it certainly seems like a Full Moon is underway this week! This week, we’ll experience a Full Moon in Leo on the 12th, followed by Mercury entering dreamy Pisces on the 14th, too (easing us

weekly tarotscope feb 3

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 3rd – 9th, 2025

If there were just one word to describe this week, it’d be “open.” Venus will enter Aries on the 4th, love and enthusiasm and excitement abound! Aries is the first of the zodiac, ready for anything and receptive to trying new things. Coupled with Jupiter going direct on the same

A person holding face-down Tarot cards sits in front of a computer with a birth chart.

Online Psychics Made Easy: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

In today’s world, where you can do everything online—from ordering food to learning new skills—it’s no surprise that psychic readings have also gone digital. If you’ve ever been curious about connecting with a psychic but felt unsure about where to start, online platforms make it easy to explore. Let’s break

A hand holds a blue Tarot card.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope: January 27th – February 2nd, 2025

Are you ready for the shift between January and February? This week, we’ll jump right into a New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th, opening us up to new opportunities, expanding our horizons, and allowing us to think outside of the box of what we would normally think is in

pair of hands holding out white tarot cards over a crystal ball

Read Your February 2025 Tarotscopes Right Now

Knock knock — the Universe wants access to your heart! Venus enters headstrong and independent Aries on the 4th, side by side with Jupiter in Gemini finally ending its retrograde and going direct. Now is the time for open-hearted, forward-moving, and expansive thinking. This month’s Full Moon will also be

weekly tarotscope january 20

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for January 20th – 26th, 2025

Reaching this part of January always summons some of the most unexpectedly intense energy. As we lean further into 2025, our intentions at the beginning of the year may seem to loom over us more heavily. Aquarius season has just come into play, and the transformations and changes that this

tarot cards

The Best Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced Tarot Spreads You Should Try

An ancient form of divination, the Tarot is becoming increasingly popular. As the world transcends to new heights, we are turning to new ways of doing things. Some of this involves esoteric methods that have not been popular for quite some time in our rational-minded society. Crystals, manifestation, the Law of

weekly tarotscope jan 6

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for January 13th – 19th, 2025

Can you believe the middle of January is already upon us? This week, as we ease further into the energy of 2025, we have some room to sit with the astrological happenings already underway. The first and only major astrological shift of this week happens on the 19th, as the

weekly tarotscope jan 6

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for January 6th – 12th, 2025

The first full week of a New Year always seems to have some sort of mystique and strangeness to it, so it’s not a bad idea to see what’s going on with the stars, planets, and cards in advance before it all hits at once! Mars retrograde enters emotionally intense

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