Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 22nd, 2024

Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!

The Sun enters Leo on Monday, shining a spotlight on creativity, confidence, and flirty energy - don't hide your talents from the world now! The Leo Sun is in tension with Pluto on Tuesday, which may signal intense power dynamics and potential confrontations, which can bring underlying issues to the forefront. The Pisces Moon is in harmony with Saturn on Wednesday, urging you to focus on self-discipline, set realistic goals, and address long-term commitments with a mature and practical approach/

Communicative Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday, meaning that you may experience heightened mental clarity and precision, with a strong focus on organization and attention to detail. The Aries Moon is in harmony with Venus on Friday, bringing harmonious and pleasant interactions, with an emphasis on emotional connections and nurturing relationships. There is a Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on Saturday, asking you to focus on harmonious and pleasant interactions, with an emphasis on emotional connections and nurturing relationships. The Taurus Moon is in harmony with Saturn on Sunday, urging you to organize your affairs, set realistic goals, and focus on long-term commitments with a mature and reliable attitude.

This Weekly Forecast is brought to you by Terence Guardino. 

The Week Ahead


Main Event: Sun enters fiery Leo

What to Expect: Leo Season brings a surge in confidence, creativity, and a desire for recognition, leading to more expressive and bold behavior

What to Do: Use this time to embrace new opportunities, take bold actions, and explore unconventional ideas

What Not to Do: Avoid arrogance or overshadowing others, as this can strain relationships and diminish your positive impact


Main Event: Leo Sun in tension with Pluto

What to Expect: Expect intense power dynamics and potential confrontations, which can bring underlying issues to the forefront

What to Do: Use this time to delve deep into self-reflection, address personal transformations, and let go of anything that no longer serves you

What Not to Do: Avoid engaging in manipulative or controlling behaviors, as these can escalate conflicts and hinder growth


Main Event: Pisces Moon in harmony with Saturn

What to Expect: This transit may signal feelings of emotional heaviness and responsibility, as well as a heightened awareness of your obligations and limitations

What to Do: Use this time to focus on self-discipline, set realistic goals, and address long-term commitments with a mature and practical approach

What Not to Do: Avoid falling into pessimism or self-criticism, as this can dampen your motivation and hinder progress


Main Event: Communicative Mercury enters Virgo

What to Expect: You may experience heightened mental clarity and precision, with a strong focus on organization and attention to detail

What to Do: Use this time to tackle tasks that require meticulous planning, improve your communication skills, and streamline your daily routines for greater efficiency

What Not to Do: Avoid overthinking or becoming overly critical, as this can lead to unnecessary stress and hinder your productivity


Main Event: Aries Moon in harmony with social Venus

What to Expect: Expect harmonious and pleasant interactions, with an emphasis on emotional connections and nurturing relationships

What to Do: Use this time to express affection, strengthen bonds with loved ones, and indulge in activities that bring comfort and joy

What Not to Do: Avoid taking relationships for granted or ignoring your own emotional needs, as balance is key to maintaining harmony


Main Event: Last Quarter Moon in grounded Taurus

What to Expect: This transit brings harmonious and pleasant interactions, with an emphasis on emotional connections and nurturing relationships

What to Do: Use this time to express affection, strengthen bonds with loved ones, and indulge in activities that bring comfort and joy

What Not to Do: Avoid taking relationships for granted or ignoring your own emotional needs, as balance is key to maintaining harmony


Main Event: Taurus Moon in harmony with Saturn

What to Expect: This transit brings a sense of emotional stability and a practical approach to your responsibilities, fostering a grounded and disciplined mindset

What to Do: Organize your affairs, set realistic goals, and focus on long-term commitments with a mature and reliable attitude

What Not to Do: Avoid procrastination or neglecting important tasks, as this is an ideal period for making steady progress

See You Next Week

Whether you came here to discover why your week went sideways or where the Moon will be on Tuesday, all the astrological events this week are explained by Master Astrologer Terence Guardino.

Check back next week for all of the weekly transits coming up, and don’t forget to check out your Weekly Horoscope.

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