Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 21st, 2024

Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!

On Monday, the Gemini Moon is squaring Neptune in Pisces, indicating tension between the two. This creates an energy that is unfocused and potentially confusing. On Tuesday, the Moon is in Cancer, opposing Pluto in Capricorn. This indicates intensity and a time for introspection and deep inner work. Then, on Wednesday, we will have the Moon conjunct Mars in Cancer; this is reflective of irritability and anxiety, possibly causing tension or arguments with others.

On Thursday, the Moon is in Leo and trining Venus in Sag. This is a very fun, loving time to enjoy yourself with loved ones and pursue creative, pleasurable pursuits. On Friday, the Leo Moon will be squaring Mercury in Scorpio; this reflects a time window where you may feel your feelings and thoughts are not aligned, so just make sure to be aware of that to navigate those territories more easily. The Moon is in Virgo on Saturday, making it an appropriate time to get organized and focused, dot your i's, and cross your t's. On Sunday, things might feel heavy, restricted, and difficult as the Moon will be opposing Saturn. It would be ideal for you to intentionally pursue an activity that gives you joy and a sense of lightness!

This Weekly Forecast is brought to you by Terence Guardino. 

The Week Ahead


Main Event: Moon in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces

What to Expect: You might be feeling scattered, unfocused, or distracted during this transit

What to Do: Allow yourself to just float and not get too worried about being the most grounded or present. We all need those days sometimes

What Not to Do: Avoid making important, practical decisions. And also, make sure to not take on other people’s feelings


Main Event: Cancer Moon opposing Pluto in Capricorn

What to Expect: Hidden things within or without you being revealed. This is an intense time for inner work/reflection

What to Do: Focus on yourself and figuring out what are the things that make you tick and why

What Not to Do: Get into power struggles with others


Main Event: Cancer Moon conjunct Mars

What to Expect: Feelings of impatience, anger, irritability, and restlessness

What to Do: Exercise or find an outlet to channel these firey energies into

What Not to Do: Get into unnecessary fights with others just because you feel inner tension


Main Event: Leo Moon trining Venus in Sag

What to Expect: This transit is a very harmonious, fun, and pleasurable one. You could feel extra inspired and connective

What to Do: Spend time with your favorite people, cuddle with, them and express your gratitude and appreciation for them

What Not to Do: Be mindful of not being too hedonistic, neglecting the things that still need to be taken care of


Main Event: Leo Moon squaring Mercury in Scorpio

What to Expect: Feelings of tension between objective, rational thinking and more subjective, inner feelings about things

What to Do: Allow yourself to hold contradictory thoughts and emotions; the human experience is a complex one

What Not to Do: This may not be the best time to communicate or share difficult things with people


Main Event: Moon is in Virgo

What to Expect: Having a stronger desire to get things in order and feeling more focused and organized

What to Do: Review your daily routines and habits and think more about how you'd like to adapt or change them for the better

What Not to Do: Avoid getting too hyper-fixated or rigid about how you do things


Main Event: Moon in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces

What to Expect: Feelings of heaviness and emotional restriction

What to Do: Take things slow and allow yourself to be slow and gentle with yourself

What Not to Do: Avoid getting too impatient or upset with yourself if you are feeling uninspired or unmotivated

See You Next Week

Whether you came here to discover why your week went sideways or where the Moon will be on Tuesday, all the astrological events this week are explained by Master Astrologer Terence Guardino.

Check back next week for all of the weekly transits coming up, and don’t forget to check out your Weekly Horoscope.

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