The following individuals did not receive any payment for their testimonials. They are 100% voluntary and an accurate representation of their individual experiences.
"Awakens in me a deeper sense of responsibility for paying attention to not only the decisions I make but how I make those decisions. The Guide was very accurate about my dual nature and I must now be honest about how I have allowed some of my natural tendencies to dictate my behaviour. Now my job is to assess my response, listen more deeply to my intuition and then take appropriate action. Listen first, leap later! A change from my I'm in charge and can handle anything without any help thank you very much...and then wondering how I ended up in such a mess..."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Kathleen Porter

"The guide gives me some specific direction to what I need to do in the following days. Much of the details make sense and seem to apply to me. I have started some of the suggestions and I am eagerly awaiting results."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Kathleen Weber

"I enjoyed my Transit Period Guide because what Katherine pointed out exactly matched who I was, am and want to be in the future. But I just wasn't that brave nor was I conscious enough to step up, lift up my game and change for a better and brighter-looking future, so I looked upon for Katherine's advice. To be exact and truthfully, I had benefit heaps from Katherine's Guidance and I even followed her advice on what to do to prepare for my Transit Guide."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Velene Yu

"it has being really good ,especially about the up coming events that is coming in 6 june . u said that there will be some decision that I wil have to make that is important"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
John Hanna

"It helped me to discover more about things not that only what we see in front of us. But also what can we feel without seeing. When I was reading my transit period guide I felt like she knew me for whole time. Which was amazing.Thankyou !"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Ingrida Suopyte

These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"I have only had the guide for less than 36 hours, so to be honest, I have not had the opportunity to greatly benefit from it; however, what I have read thus far appears to be precise and enticing. All that has happened thus far has been spot on with the guide. It comes at a time when I am desperate for answers so I look forward to witnessing the continued accuracy. Thank you Katherine and team."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Janet McDorman

"wow so far have noticed a big change in myself, being a breast cancer survivor now of over 5 years this is the best i have felt in a very long time.....i almost feel like the real me again knowing that there is someone who is genuinely there to help me both mentally, an spiritually an i thank you Katherine an your staff for the support in the short period i have been with so excited right now.... again thank you very much..."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Roberta Taramoeroa

"I found it fantastic. I am surprised to know how you new so much about me without really knowing me. just great."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Gairoenesia Petersen

"I am only into the 3rd day of my Transit Period Guide but I feel as though I have a constant friend by my side! Every day I can turn to my Guide to be advised and guided! Thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Katrina Vella

"I enjoyed my transit period Guide because it amazingly specific. Everything is explained as to how the days and weeks ahead are likely to unfold and what is likely to present on each given day. I felt as though my inner most fears, desires, strengths and weaknesses were understood. I felt comforted by what was revealed to me and most importantly I now. My worries about whether I will still have a job tomorrow have gone. I know that no matter what happens I will be okay because that is what I Katherine has revealed to me through my transit period Guise."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Olive Barrett

"Because a lot of it is so true because I've either been through that challenge/problem or am coping with it right now! I just love how what I gave up on years ago really could be what the future has in store for me so am seriously thinking about going back down that path again! Thanks for your guidance Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Deidre Shand

"The Transit Period Guide made me open my eyes and heart to things I have been trying to avoid or shove into a corner and move on with my life. That is the problem though, I haven't been able to move on with my life. I now how some tools and techniques to get myself back to the place I want to be and put my plan into action. I feel this connection with Katherine and what she has given me to think about. I have always tried to meditate but never really understood what I was supposed to be getting out of it. I have a mind that races once I have a moment of quietness. This is something that I am now truly ready to challenge myself to do."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Mindy Woodward

"Blessings. Katherine made many references common to Cancers. However, there were SEVERAL incidents throughout my TPG that are not common with Cancers, but extremely unique to my case that Katherine could not have possibly known not even by researching me so I'd say Katherine is gifted and she does not just give the pretty flowers of a rose, but the stems with the thorns and all. Katherine reaffirmed what I already knew and the great part was I didn't know how to begin...she showed me where and how to begin with my TPG."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Catherine Hickman

"Katherine's transit guide explained how me being born under my sign guides me in daily life and interacting with people. Her guidance is helping me understand my dreams and my relationships and how I make my life decisions. I knew there was a deeper meaning in how and why things were happening and Katherine showed it all to me."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Stefani Dzikiy

"This guide is truly amazing as it confirms my belief that order on the planet is controlled to a large degree by the powers in the cosmos, I recently experienced the affects of a partial lunar eclipse, and because of my daily yoga activities I noticed energy fluctuations, it passed and energy levels did resume, but it was only my knowledge of lunar activity that helped me understand how it has an effect on my energy. The same applies to our daily activities which are affected by planetary motion. The guidance from Katherine is excellent I urge people to explore astrologers such as Katherine, it is never too late too explore the power of the celestial bodies that embrace the heavens above."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Stephanie Howard

"At first glance Katherine's website really resonated with me. I am a new Reiki Master and have gone through an increadible (and mostly painful) period for the last decade, due to an unconciously low vibration. Transformation has come to me within the last 2 years due to my own research on (and the incorporation of) Metaphysics in my life. I purchased the Transit Period Guide because Katherine's expertise and ability was extremely evident in her marketing and I am so glad that I did. Not only did her reading validate my own feelings that "something hugely profound" was coming to me soon, but told me exactly what "it" was and how to navigate it to my highest and best benifit. I am so grateful for her intuition and experience, as it has already been of phenominalbenifit with regards to changing any remaining detrimental habits and perceptions. Eternal Thanks Mrs. Katherine, you have been a blessing to me. Namaste - Christina"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Christina Valenzuela

"I completely enjoyed the Guide. Katherine accurately described what I have been struggling with and brought many things to light."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Scott Hruniak

"Very insightful indeed, and I cannot wait to watch it all unfold. Katherine is truly gifted."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Katherine Zimmermann

"Katherine has a true understanding of me and my life at this time. My Transit Period Guide is allowing me to understand why certain events occur on a day to day basis and most of all how to benefit from this knowledge. I have enjoyed most that this is giving me the power and wisdom to take advantage of these events as they happen. From my soul, I thank you Katherine."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Craig Rowe

"I LOVE Katherine! She has hit me on the spot everyday!!! I some times feel her existence right here right now. It is amazing how she knows how I feel and in a situation of money, she explains in detail what I should do for that day. I have always been told to live one day at a time, and I am doing that now. There is one thing I don't understand though, I have a lot longer day now. I am so excited to learn all that this new life BIG PICTURE has to offer I am up any where from 2am to 11pm. It is GREAT!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Terry Craw

"This is my fifth experience with readings. My first was a palm reading, which many years later proved to be quite accurate. Because of that, I always believed readings must be face to face. I must say I am absolutely intrigued by the accuracy of Katherine's reading for me! She not only addressed my foremost concerns, but she bulls-eyed the thoughts and elements that have inhibited my circumstances and ability to move forward. I am excited to follow Katherine's instruction, because her validation has given me a new hope for happiness!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Larissa Hansen

"I just received Katherine's guide and am very happy with the result, am now trying to include it in my daily life. It is very insightful."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Glendora Edward

"Exciting and very motivating in my life. I've had so many setbacks since childhood, I didn't think I'd ever have anything to look forward to again. Now I have heartfelt hope for the future and Katherine to thank."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Cindy Munguia

"It is very through. Much more than I expected. And she was so on the mark. I was floored. I felt much better knowing my money was spent wisely. She is the real thing. And I so look forward to hearing all she has to say in the future. I really need her help right now. And feel like I have a friend who gives me the best advise. Thank you so much."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Barbara Mark

"I enjoyed my Transit Period Guide because it has helped me to get to know myself better. It feels as though it has lifted major weight off my life. Im looking forward to yet benefit from Katherine's Guidance"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lizet Cortes Reyes

"Katherine's guidance was like a breathe of fresh air. Reading made my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. Such details about me that were right on. Thanks Katherine!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Marianne Merritt

"My Transit guide at first took some reading and understanding, because of my situation. At first I felt like I was reading a foreign language, but as it slowly sunk through the many layers of my psyche it became easy reading. I Found it invigorating and exciting so much so I cant wait for the month of June / Juno to start I am now open, ready and accepting my new life that I have waited so long for."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Esther Malik

"The report was full of positive reinforcement to my strong points and constructively critical about my weaknesses. (with a positive solution to overcome my insecurities). I see many influences that will allow me to understand certain aspects of myself in a different light. Change is welcomed, misunderstanding from others is frustrating. This is why I don't always involve myself in many situations anymore. This is a positive move on my part lately."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Jacqueline Sternhagen

"Katherine was on point with everything she said about me and what is effecting my life at this point. I hope to fully understand what she wrote so i will be reading my guide everyday until i get it. My life will be brighter will be better i just have to believe and know who i am and want to be. I want to thank Katherine for this might be the best year of my life to find success and my one true love."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lashawn Tillery

"Katherine included many details that I have been struggling with; it is very accurate with many things pertaining to my life and feelings. I have many things to be looking forward too in coming months. I am very excited to know that I have been putting myself on a better path with positive thinking. To know that things really are of my own doing helps me to realize I need to change how I think so that better things come into my life rather than my worst case scenario. I am working on my Life Plan to help me with everything from desires to real life."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Courtney Bitticks

"it gave me a good point of view of my life n what i can do to make it better. not just that but who i really am. and that its ok to do things for me that makes me happy. andi want it all. love money and a career and i now i can get it. just bye listen. cause it was always there but i was to afraid what other people think instead of doing what i feel. soi think you for that Katherine very much."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Nieya Torrence

"Good morning dear Katherine, I am very grateful that our paths have crossed. My Transit Period Guide is very interesting reading. You place my history and past entirely correct when it comes to happiness, love and choices. Even luck or bad luck, with the outcome and the consequences it has provided. My Transit Period has just started. And I sense it, feel it physically as well. There have been things that you've already envisaged in terms of training / Physics / diet. This is a program I started in February after many years of serious illness / injury, before we met but as you have described correctly. And I can tell you that I really feel I'm alive and have amazing good results. I understand now that this has been the major forces that have led me. I also feel very strongly that things are about to happen both physically and mentally, job related and hopefully financially. The contact with my true self becomes clearer and clearer than for many years. I am ready and open to my wonderful future travel! Thank you! Very best greeting"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Harald Krystad

"i liked the way you are positive with hopes and dreams for me"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Olivia Farrelly

"I am so much appreciative for the insights that I am getting through my Transit Period Because it gives me the necessary guidance and enlightenment that I need enable for me to navigate my journey with clarity and understanding of what is going on with myself and the energies and forces which surrounds me that affects my destiny towards achieving higher consciousness and awareness that will ultimately bring me success and true happiness in life which is to give back and share to my fellowman what I have learned and accomplished in the course of my transit period."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Oscar Dimarucut

"I feel that Katherine really knew the real me and how my destiny in front of me could shaped by following the ideas coming forth through her meditations. I am grateful for her guidance and feel that if I follow through with her suggestions, I will be on a good path towards a great future."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sherilyn Mott

"It was very interesting, and on target. The information was well balanced. It wasn't just a vague response that could have a million meanings."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tammy Miller

"First of all I was interested in Katherine's Guidance because she advertised for free on the Internet. And not only Katherine predict my present fairly accurate, but she also hits me as a person very real and also my past. She seems sincere in wanting to help people, especially the ones who really need it, and she gives more than I pay for. Her website also Works professionally."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Helene Tukula

"I enjoyed the transition guide - because for sometime - i lost my way, i felt my path and thoughts were always foggy, could not concentrate or figure simple things out. I read my transition guide almost every day and taking down notes and and believing openened myself up and just followed everything. Life has been much easier and looked forward to what i felt was coming for me it has been a great experience."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Marjorie Mumba-Paye

"I enjoyed my transit period guide a lot it said a lot about some of the things that are transpiring in my life and it is amazing how someone has that ability to help guide your future and it also confirmed a lot of my inter most feelings and told me a lot about me."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Patricia Carter

"Hello Katherine, I want to tell you that I enjoyed my Transit Period Guide Simply because it gives you the strength to seek change. It made me realize that as a human bein things may be hard but it's all about how you look at it. Another reason why I enjoyed my Transit Period Guide is because it is very helpful, thanks to you Katherine. Without this Transit Period Guide I would have been stuck, it opened me up so that now i'm willing to try and prepare for new and exciting things. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better Guidance Katherine."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Alexus Norman

"From the moment I saw her I knew she could guide me. For the last three to four months I've known that this new year is of trascendent importance in my life and happiness! As I read Katherine's Transit Guide, I was able to "recognize" the feelings that have been holding me back! IT IS TRUE!! I KNOW I have to potential and power to succeed in life and attain and KEEP the things that enrich my joy on this earth along with being able to attract and keep myself surrounded by the people I deeply love!! THANK YOU SO MUCH Katherine!! I am SO excited to bring myself out to FLOURISH AND SHINE!!! IT IS TIME!!!! GOD BLESS!!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Mireya Ruiz

"I enjoyed this guide because it was so very true! The words I was reading seemed to come right out of the page and into my book of life. There is so much truth in what Katherine has told me its amazing!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Shauna Visneau

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my transition period. Every day I looked at my readings to guide me through the day. I have taken on board all of the suggestions that Katherine sent me. The journal being my main one. I would like to meet otherlike minded people in the UK to further my interest. Thank you Katherine and your team."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Barbara Miller

"I am in the ending week of my transit period and if it wasnt for the guidence and reassurance that I took from it all, I wouldnt have had the confidence I've been desperately seeking to make my life true to myself. I have found an entirely new side of myself, and the spirituality that I brought to surface is no longer terrifing. Its as if I was living with the majority in the dark and all the sudden I earned my night goggles. I feel I owe you my life,although it is only the beginning, it would not have been so without you. I am eternally greatful."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Claudia Umlauf

"I really fell positive full of energy look forward to my live to be changed I ask you for help every day you give me strengh confidence I feel your with me sometimes scary Thank you Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lindy Schneider

"Katherine has hit the nail on the head all of the things I couldn't clearly see to what was hindering me in my life and to this very day I still find this information empowering and precious to me. She also showed me steps and goals which she also dug deep into my strengths to clarify what is needed of me to spur forward! Caring, awe-inspiring and direct with her approaches as well as clear and concise to her readings.She really knows how put all the puzzle pieces together! So GRATEFUL :)"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Michelle Delvey

"Thank you Katherine for such a complete and forward looking reading. I found it to be very enlightening with good depth and full details to make it easy to put into actions. These I will be following and am looking forward to the coming times as they will be an advancement in my life."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
David Watts

"I have been reading and reading It's like I am starving and the more I read the fuller I get, It's like I am having a Feast of so meany wonderful new things it is hard for me to say just what one is best Because right now it all taste so Good.I am starting to see who I really am the true me Mark. "Wow""
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Mark Schaub

"My life is coming back"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Aleksandra Stanarcic

"It has made me aware of why I feel and act how I do at times and to stand back and take a good look at what I've said and how I've said it,how I've acted and why, and to let others be just as important as myself."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Grant Richards

"ive found your reading to be spot on for the last 3 weeks, ive felt wiered to the moon, one min and screemin with frustration the next, and all the meditateing is just not workin cause im not in the frame of mind to relax, icant sit still, and for the first time today i felt a bit of ease, everything is so hectic and its like everyone wants a piece of me lately it has bein really tiring, and for the first time i had a break today well deserved me time, raised my vibrations felt resinancewit me and loved it xxx thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Amy Mooney

"I think Katherine put in a lot of work and effort to highlight the varying aspects of my Transit Guide and highlighted playing to my strengths and overcoming weakness in order to achieve the best advantage at this particular time with its challenges and potential success. I appreciated the week by week Calendar which gave me a reference to see where I am and how I am doing in the map of my Transit guide. Thankyou Katherine!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Penelope Harrington

"Hello Katherine, thankyou for your reading, i have found it very accurate in many ways and puzzeling in other ways. i am sure that my questions to the puzzels will surface in due time. Thankyou once again for your help Kindest Regards Anthony"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Anthony Lauria

"The Guide has helped me so much.You were right about so many things about me and I now realise I can live my life to the full.As a retired nursing sister Ihave worked hard and always put everyone before myself.Icannot change the way I am and don’t wish to but I can create a better future for myself thanks to your encouragement.Iam so grateful to you Katherine."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Jacqueline Crowther

"I found your report interesting in the fact that "Yes" there have been obstacles in me moving forward. I have had many disappointment in family issues and I know that I am very sensitive as far as relationships/friendships are concerned. You did give me a little to think about in the sense that I know I have never liked being told by some that I am unrealistic or the things that I wanted or looking for doesn't exist or is impossible, however, I proved them wrong. Yes, I have been very frustrated as many setbacks have occurred the past few years in many areas and I do believe that I need to overcome this which has just been a heavy burden on me. Much of your report hit it on the spot for me, and there are some things that may be questionable as I know I have been confused on certain issues. I look forward to learning more and clearing those issues out of my way to move on, so I greatly appreciate your help."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Veronica Gonzales

"Hi Katherine, going through the middle of my transit period guide at the moment has made me realise, how much i've hidden within myself is slowly evolving to a much more warmer, happy, person which im taking in with a new view of my life and very thankful for your meditation program too which has helped me immensly, thank you again if truth be known 'im changing every day'"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Vaine Philips

"I had my own company for the last 6 years and now due to economy it seems to be very unstable. This company has also generated a lot of conflict in my relationship with my wife therefore I decided to give this up and explore new ventures. I have applied for a new job with the company I used to be with for 30 years and was invited for an interview. But meeting was postponed (Hoping to hear from them soon) - this job would have brought back the nature of work which in my mind I was born for - Public Relation. This is my first time looking at the stars to guide me and will use the Transit Period as a guide. To be very honest this is very helpful piece of reading and is an eye opener for me. Yes after reading the Transit Period - I have become aware of some of my short-comings and will work on it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Dirk Botha

These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Ann Hood

"I am amazed at how accurately you have been able to outline to me the challenges that I face daily in my life currently. My biggest challenge is my conflict in standing true to my beliefs versus keeping the peace. In the last two months I for the first time stood up to my neighbour and challenged her to the truth of a situation and the effects have been cataclismic in our relationship. It has happened several times in my life. When I stand firm.the relationship ends and there is no going back, its always easier to keep the peace. I want to overcome this. Further I am interested in the darkness which you have suggested over shadows me... thank you."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Angie Morris

"Reading through my transit period guide I was overcome by butterflies in my stomach. All of how you perceived me was correct, my personal traits, and how I live my life planning everything. I was enlightened and can't wait to put all you've given me to practise. The first step I will take will be self reflection and boosting my self esteem, being true to myself and showing my true self to others. Thank you for showing me the way during this rough period, I will embrace it instead of being scared of it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sheena Allely

"While I was going through the reading I realised that some of my weakness are so evident. I am wondering as to how you could guess it and also send me the solution to overcome it. At present I am changing my job and am totally confused as to where and how to pick up my new job. Should I get into administration only or get back to teaching which I did earlier? Yes I am feeling more confident now to face the challenges that I have in front of me. Your reading gives me a lot of positivity and I really appreciate it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Parveen Sandu

" Hi, Was very good and I was glad to read, Answer is that I got a lot of things from you. Guidance I have received a better person and a better perspective, stand to life .Do everything in the 11 weeks to bring the best out of myself and achieve the goals and figure out who you really are. I feel that everyone once the time comes when develop a vision is life and already something to happen and waiting, but wait and ask someone who does not know that. Everyone must believe in something or someone, sometimes imagination where there should be led to arrive just in time to know when to go, and once all the time come. But you need to know that we are ready - to this? I expected the piece came and now I'm ready. now is the time came that my presence who you really are. Thanks for that you wrote, I learned a lot from it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Aniko Sendula

"My experience was much needed and at the right time. I have a better understanding of myself and reason. My future holds unlimited possibilities now with hope of truly becoming happy. I have already cleared some internal barriers and becoming in touch with my true potential."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Nancy Segler

"The reading was very interesting. It states things that I have been told before. I am looking for that incredible job and to be able to help others in many different ways. The guide will help remind me to let others shine and to not always be so dominant. I know that things have been changing some before the reading, but I also have been having a lot difficulty in accepting the fact that I have to wait and not be impatience which I have been doing or have done recently."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Dedra Davis

"I feel amazing and confident. I finally do not have the feeling of confusion. I asked myself all the time, ""why me"", ""what do I do?"". ""Why is this happening to me?"" I feel like I know myself better after reading this. I took notes throughout the entire guide. I WILL refer to this guide everyday during every week of my Transit Period. Thank you Ms. Katherine! Imsooo glad I found you when i did!!!!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tasha Martin

"Wow! Talk about hitting the nail on the head Katherine, I feel you really know me. Just receiving your report and you touching my inner thoughts and feeling has really impressed me. I am going to do my best to follow your guidance, direction. With your help I am looking forward to doing all I can to improve my life. Just knowing you are there, giving such detailed direction, support and encouragement is wonderful. Thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Diana Mino

"First and for most...I feel an amazing connection with Katherine, I know why Iam here writing this. I have been asking for questions and I feel a sense of freedom knowing how much Katherine new about me. Makes a woman smile and shake your head and thank God that we have this amazing universe to connect with. I will give it my all and I do already feel there will be a wonderful journey for me ahead. Thanks again my friend I love the warm heart that you have."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Janice Halvorson

"Thank you so much for your insightful readings. They are so spot on, quite amazing really. Especially at this time in my life where I am facing difficult decisions that affect me emotionally, physically and mentally, the readings have given me renewed strength. I know I need to trust that the Universe is at work. I will certainly follow my Transit Period Guide week by week and I will give feedback at the end of the 77 days. I am looking forward to the future, there will be a lot of challenges along the way, but it's going to all turn out positively and for the best. Thanks again!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Beverley Alp

"Hello my experience is the truth story about me,i fill great and excited of what is on my way.I believe the period is going to bring a great change and relief to my daily sruggles,and the expectations is so high to see a turn around in my life."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Kenneth Ehiakhamen

"Thank you very much Katherine for such insightful guide. While the guide relies primarily on the general characteristics of the zodiac sign, it is written with care and compassion. Being aware that my greatest fear of not ever having lived, or never having deeply considered my life's higher purpose and not ever having stepped into that purpose, I am very intensively focusing on that now and you, not only pointed out that, but also provided valuable advice and a guide how to overcome my own obstacles blocking the path. Your words are reassuring and encouraging. I appreciate it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Mariyana Taylor

"I am extremely happy that I purchased this report. It describes the state of my life as it stands. Life has been mundane and unsatisfying for years because of my negativity and pessimism. I hope to use this oh so wonderful transit guide to hopefully make me feel happy and content for once. Since the transit, I have felt more energetic, positive, no hateful feelings, no feelings of jealousy. I swear i can actually see the electricity radiating off of my body. It's an amazing feeling. I know i need to be more open and understanding, patient and compromising to move ahead in a positive direction. I trust the Universe to help lead me to my destiny. Thank you."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Marlene Bonilla

"I really enjoyed my reading, and have to say i feel already better."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Malgorzata Goldak

"thanks for everything miss Katherine sending lots of love and god bless"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Naseema Sao

"Thank you Katherine, you explained my personallity down to the fine details, I look forward to using this advice you have given me to better myself, gain the things I deserve, the recognition i deserve for all of my hard work over the years in my choosen profession and ability to choose my own destiny with confidence that I am making the right choices to better my future, being able to connect with people on a higher emotional level, and allow the wealth to straight in my direction as i am lucky and deserving of wealth and no more budgeting, I am removing all blockages from now on I will no longer stand in my own way, I look forward to this journey and all the dualities involved.. For there is no good or bad, only the choices I make"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sarah Flynn

"Katherine, I so enjoyed my reading. It was just what i'vebeen needing! You were so right in so many areas it is amazing. Although i understand my Transit Period is going to be a challenge for me because of my low self-esteem, i will be using my Transit Guide to keep myself in check and follow instructions to make better choices and take the right path. I am looking forward to recieving my hearts desires, abundance of happiness, financial security and the abiliity to finally be at peace with myself and overcome my insercurities that have held me back my entire life. I feel as if yes, finally i am going to make it and everything is going to turn around in my life and I see my future as the very best years of my life ! Thank you, Katherine. Your friend Tamera"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tamera Kelley

"Your June forecast was spot on with a lot of turbulence in my career due to hidden enemies plotting my downfall. Adding to my worries was unexpected health setback to my daughter's health due to severe back pain and she is just passed her 23rd birthday! Things are getting better with hope for the future, and yes I have found a hot business opportunity and will finalize plans on July 8th."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Ananth Narain

"Wow!..this has really opened my eyes, and made me really think deeper about who I am and who I want to be. Thank you so much, I am so grateful for this guidance and insight and cant wait to change my ways. in fact Ive already changed and Im feeling in tune with what Im thinking and find myself more aware of whats going on around me and how this all effects my self worth and more importantly my destiny. My transit guide is extremly accurate! andive enjoyed reading it over and over! I have always believed that there are better times ahead for me, and my soul mate is getting closer to meeting me! Im feeling excited about my future and a scared too! becausei have to make some changes which are going to be very hard, but it will happen! I know deep down and have always known that I need to change. I have learnt from my reading the reason my relationships dont work is because I dont let people get close enough to me because of a difficult marriage which damaged me emotionally."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Helen Archer

"My transit guide is immensely helpful, as I am trying to get away from a totally controlling partner, fears of moving from my home and how I will cope finically. I will use my guide as a daily self help manual to trust and believe in what I am doing is for the better, and I can and will survive this."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Dawn Dowling

"Very on point. It will be a great tool to have a transit guide. I'm excited and can't wait to see these changes take place. I felt different the moment I started reading it.."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Jahnice Caballero

"It reminded me to keep thinking positively, and that I'm heading down the right track. There are a few personal matters that I have to attend to but I could feel these already, it just helped clear up what i was already feeling. Its always nice to hear what other ""sensitive"" people have to say. thanksKatherine :)"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Caitlyn Borkowski

"These readings, have opened my eyes to my short-comings, and given me hope for the future. At the same time, they have left a few questions. When will money come my way? Will I always be just below, or at the poverty line? When will I find my true love? I will be following the suggestions in here, and start a journal. I cannot see how I can enter any kind of working partnership, or anything similar, as arthritis has disabled me. In a way, I\'m anxious for the challenges, as I\'ve always been one to welcome challenges! Setting my ego aside is something I have had to get used to, as having the doctors force me to stop working, has put a stopper on the dreams that I had. I feel that the reading has increased my determination to do the right thing, if nothing else. I will gladly take the back seat, if it will improve my situation, or that of somebody else."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Ranald Hooper

"I feel more positive. Exactly on the 28th I received an email that started up communication that was missing for 4 mths. I was so down on myself but again I didn't beleive and low and behold it wasn't about me but his issues. I need to learn how to flow and stop distrusting. He is a cancer ,extremely sensitive and also been going through a rough time .He keeps saying he just wants to be friends but I feel he needs more."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Maria Klobach

"Thank you for that amazing guide you sent me. It was very interesting and informative. I will use my Transit period Guide as a ""light"" and ""coach"" during that period. I'm sure that it will help me make less mistakes as I know me and my strenghs and weaknesses better and know how I will be influensed by the stars and the planets. I am already aware of what might happen to me and is waiting for me. Thanks again and be safe. Kambiz"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Kambiz Mola

"I found this reading very interesting, easy to read and informative. I look forward to a new change in direction on every level of my life. I am going to open myself up to the universe and listen before taking action, and notice all the things that come from my higher self with trust in myself and to be patient. I know I feel different about the way I feel, as I realized how much I have avoided change and I believe that change is what helps us grow into what we are meant to be. Thank you for this insight, as its like a little push to make me see and learn to believe in my higher self and to take the chance choice to do so."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Anna Glass

"This reading has been spot on as far as identifying the personal issues which have prevented me (time & time again!) from using my insight & creativity to both help others and to help build the life I sense I was destined for. Ah...just putting that thought into words is making me feel anxious, and I hear that familiar old chorus in the background, trying to tell me I'm not wise enough yet, not deserving of a better life. But I will read & re-read what Katherine said to help me push through that wall of resistance & fear. Here I am, at 64 years of age, with very little to show for a lifetime of hard work besides chronic pain & poverty. Sometimes I really don't know what has kept me going through the last very difficult years. But just recently, I've started to feel a spark of creativity rise up in me again.....and this time I'm going to nurture that spark and allow it to grow & shine. Perhaps this is due to the ""transit period" " Katherine described so well for me... So I sense an exciting (& a bit scary!) time ahead! I will continue to be grateful for all further guidance and or encouragement"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Maya Halladay

"You have exactly told on the button about me and what I think is this."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
William Roeschke

"Katherine, I have appreciated your reading. There are quite some pertinent points you have made. ItÂ's true I that need a plan of action. I am working on several academic papers I have to finish, and this has taken too much time and completion has been delayed. So I indeed need more focus. I am not sure, however, it is because I am too superficial. One might rather say itÂ's because I am too perfectionist. Being too perfectionist is whatÂ's keeps me from finishing certain things rather than superficiality."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Ludwig Van Den Hauwe

"Enjoyed the reading. Felt applies and would like to pursue more personal application of information. Looking to align career and ""true self"". To be aware of strengths/weakness and allow both to grow and transcend. Want to take steps for more balance in my life. Already feel more positive energy coming forth and sense of alignment taking place, simply do not want to lose opportunity. Want to be able to excel in career and spiritual balance of life."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Charlotte Stone

"Thank you for your insightful reading. Things have improved in my life and I appreciate your help."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sally Wainwright

"Dear Katherine; Yourassesment of my situation was 100%. It looks to me I have a lot of work a head of me! Yes there is that person still standing in my way. Need to lear how to meditate more! Looking forward to happier family like and myinprooved financial position in the near future. Thank you for comprehensive look at my situation. Best regards from: Stephen"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Stephen B

"The reading was on target and I already recognize some of the things you said that are hindering my growth. I do intend on using the reading to help navigate thru this transit that I have felt was coming. I have already started to introduce new friendships and open up my emotional side to others and feel much more relaxed in doing so. So instead of suppressing things that make me uncomfortable I am going to just meet them head on! I am excited to begin this journey and aware that I must stay focused."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Karen Murphy

"So many things said in there really hit home, I know where allot of my weaknesses are and what I have to work on. Allot of things said in the report have happened. I still have some really huge decisions to make in my life, but will learn to let the universe do its thing and not try to do my own thing and now as I tend to do"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Helga Classen

"I rate this reading a 5. It was right on! And I feel this reading will be very helpful to me. I am looking to finding a job that is right for me, that I will get great satisfaction from. I am praying that my ""ex-boyfriend"" of a year will be in my life again. I feel we were meant to be together forever. This guide has shown me things I need to work on. I plan on highlighting the important factors here and re-read on a daily basis, so I can truly make my life the best it can be!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Karen Betts

"Thank you Very much Katherine for you amazing reading, I'm very grateful for you insight and help! I have firstly notice a difference in me - and the numbers of luck are beginning to present - 12/7/12 moving house - 13/7 business offer 'private teaching' art to children -holiday program-other opportunities teaching art in refugee camp northern west Australia. Success with my own Art exhibition in October 6th . You stress the importants of following my true path - so i now im going back to being a Visual artist ( 3 years have lapsed) teaching art as workshops (not in schools) I have been standing still not knowing which way to turn! Under valuing my gifts by charging far to little giving it away . I have always wanted to travel and paint and start exhibiting my work again - but I still love teaching children and exhibiting my students work as well - My stumbling blocks have always been making it all work - I then abandon my ideas -all as you have mentioned ..I will now follow your advise and with confidence - i will create the life I always wanted hopefully finding the right partner -supporting my dreams. Thank you again Katherine warmest regards Pamela"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Pamela Brittain

"Katherine was correct about me in her reading. Very correct in fact. I was thinking about how I needed to be more balanced before I read the reading. It was as though I received the reading by telepathy as she was preparing it for me. I completely ""understood"" what she was saying to me and I am going to use her help going through this time. Thank you Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Kathy Dailey-Holstein

"I will use the guide to change my focus from negative aspects to the positive. Be open to my feelings and allow myself to experience them. My personal and spiritual development.( these are things that I have already been working on, the guide has inspired me to work harder on these areas).I do close myself off from others and take things to heart I will try to balance and overcome this. I try to meditate on a dailly basis and am very intune with my higher self and my guides. I will try to meditate more often as I faith and trust in their guidance. It was great to find out why I see the beauty in everything. I am learning to let in the unconditional love from others. I feared letting in love, I was excellent at giving it but unable to let it come to me. I am looking foreward to a more balanced future, finding my soul mate and my personal and spiritual growth. I thank you Katherine, Bless you, Peace love and light to you."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sarah Berdibek

"First your reading was well taken as you hit the whole thing so greatly. Well have some things in mind now to help poor families in the philippines how to support them selves. I also am engaged to a woman there and we plan to marry next summer. I agree about the spotlight and already I have been changing as my future wife has so much to teach me. She has a few degrees and we both have our own ways. I hope to use this reading to gain more knowledge on how to help others as this is my goal. As a retired CATERER I have taught woman there how to cook short order and some even wanted to become chefs and they all went onto make money to keep the children in school and make better lives for them selves. Maybe I can learn much just by listening to others who can also understand what I want to do to help poor."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Joseph De Pompa

"I loved the Transit Period Guide, it told me so much about myself that is so true. Apart from guiding me to think deeper about the decisions i make along the way, it is teaching me to consider my own feelings first instead of putting everyone else first all the time. If i do that i can make better decisions that will help me to have a better future. I look forward to getting my bank balance in better shape, my relationship with my partner become stronger. I look forward to become a better stronger me, to have a voice. Reading my Transit Period Guide has given me the strength to take a more positive approach to life in mind and thought and to deal with whatever comes my way. Thank you Katherine xxx"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Joanne Sapsed

"The reading was amazing. I have a very difficult relationship and lots and lots of jealousy and narcism and all bad things that makes me sad and depressed. I believe that if I try to be strong and with your advises I can let the past go and I believe the future is good to me. I\'d like to be myself again in the future. I did the right thing when I turn to you Katherine. Thank you so much."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Kristi Rosvall

"I enjoyed very much reading my Astrology Answer report. Katherine you did a great job, looks like you have known me forever. I actually had dream, there was this lady layin down (sidewise)on the floor and smiling at me. I thought it was a good sign. I am looking to a good and healthy life. I do not make enough money, even though I stadied hard and I do posses high level degree I will pay attention to your advices. I do feel like I have someone to guide me in acheiving my goal."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Valentina Sulaj

"Katherine, your a godsend! The reassuance you have instilled in me is second to none! I believe i have already been feeling this preperation for sometime and there was definately no coinsidence in our meeting! I look forward to just being! an inner sense of calm without conflictions! my life has been quite difficult as i am my own best friend and as i know also my own worst enemy! I will be referring back to the transit guide and other tool/methods you have given me to keep me positive and foccussed on the task at hand! since reading the material you have prepared for me i feel i am in great stead for my challenges ahead and want to thankyou immensely for being just you! Much love also in your direction Katherine xox"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Matthew Huppert

"This reading gives me hope. A guide for me to know what to encounter and healthy reminder to, not to burn the candle at both ends which I tend to do. I feel fresh excitement of things to come, more positive mindset, upbeat. I look forward to using what you have given me to have the life I desire. Thank you."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Christina Pankhurst

"I have really enjoyed reading all that you have said in my Transit period, I am taking on broad everything you have said and i'm looking forwards to all the changes that are coming into my life. I want the changes in my life and i will do things the i would not do before. Thank you for all your help."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sulita Devi

"I feel blessed that I'm given this transit period to face more fears, to find more balance in my life by seeing the bigger picture and being more open to others suggestions and thoughts. Also to be impeccable with my words and thoughts and not be self sabbatoging, but meditate, live in the present and leave the past in the past. Create in me new visions and Positve energy to send out into the Universe so it will return positively. I am starting my gratitude journal today and will meditate on finding balance and a deeper connection to my Higher Self. : )"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Silvie Carey

"I can see what I need to work on. Becoming a pro-active person with faith in God will propel me to a bright future. I need to be more accountable to myself rather than focusing on others. A little self interest wouldn't hurt a bit. This feels like a study course of self improvement and it is quite positive with lots of good advice and information. I shall work on applying it. No more excuses and a stronger belief in myself."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Easter Jestadt

"Katherine, You are very talented and a great friend. I thought my reading was so helpful and insightful. During and after my reading I started feeling better and by placing the readings in the places in my life and tring to experience my life with my new insight I found so much that I can explain and figure out which was someting I wasn't even close to doing when we first started emailing. Your readings are great and so helpful thanks once again. Shelia"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Shelia Lewis

"i am feeling different ......i feel at peace an happy an excited about this ......i just want to be able to do gods will help people who need it family of course for that ...i pray gods blessing on me ...thank u Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Bevleigh Swainston

"The reading is pretty accurate and I wanted you to know that this reading was just confirmation. I'm a Numerologist, in the process of making this my career along with my life coaching and I'm a personal trainer. So this reading just confirms my path and I'm so happy to not be working for anyone and truly love the idea of helping people and making a living doing it. Still thirsting for more knowledge thank you!!!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Immanuel Kirkland Jr

"Everything that i have read is so true. you have read me down to a path, (amazing) Right now i feel so much lighter, like a weight has been lifted off me. Thank you so much"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Christina Findlay

"Everything that was written about in my Transit guide is true and I fully understand the areas I need to work on. What really struck me was Katherine's vision of me in a ring of fire. The night before I received my transit guide from Katherine I had a dream that my back was on fire and all I could see were flames and the people around me didn't help put out these flames."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Colleen Lewis

"I was taken aback by this Guide so precise and accurate as to my life at this time Happiness and laughter again in my personal life and a career which I can enjoy and look forward to I will be reflecting on each week as it comes and taking the advice given to help me go through each decision, thought and emotion I have to face Feeling quite positive and now I know I am not mad that all these issues are not happing because I am terrible person, but because things had to and will change for the future. Thank You Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Elizabeth Cairns

"Your reading was totally amazing, a confirmation of what I had already thought, but it was so much more than what I had expected. It is great to get that reassurance that I am on the right track. I am still reluctant to make some big decisions but this reading has given me the confidence that I can do it and I will when I am ready. Thank you SO much!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Katrien Brown

"Katherine. Thank you very much for the insight that you have given me. You have validated what i knew to be my true self. I am now looking forward to the future and what it means for me. Your guidence has been essential to my growth and direction. thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Corrine Allison

"I enjoyed reading the information which was prepared for me. I am looking forward to a very prosperous and successful future, which I feel has already begun. I have allowed my heart to accept some of the major changes which have already taken place, although I thought I would have a problem in this area. I can truly say that I know GOD, is working in my favor, I especially feel strong about this RIGHT NOW! I feel strong and strangely relieved about a few areas in my life. I have a very strong intuition and I usually follow it. I know that I have a great deal of overcoming to do and I plan to overcome during this TRANSIT PERIOD. I look forward to the CHANGES and my new life path."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Betty Wilkins

"The reading is uncanny, particularly with regard to leaving money on the table through lack of attention to detail! I have made and lost millions because of this. I will use the Transit Period to be more cautious and selective in my actions. I do feel more confident already, I think this is because you seem to understand me so well and have focussed my attention on my good and not so good points."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Barry Frost

"I am very pleased and surprised at the things you seem to know about me that I have never discussed with anyone else and many I have somehow known but did not want to admit. I have had a tendency to pull away from the people who love me and care about me and so many times in my life have later regretted. I find your reading and advice helpful and I am going to do my best to do the things you suggest. In fact I am scheduled to go to China in about 3 weeks to meet a lady that I plan to marry and am very excited about the adventure. I will try to use your advice to not make a mess of this relationship as I have in the others in my life."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Jim Cofer

"I feel that the report gave me insight into my own self. What I was looking for most was around specific guidance, I found it to be generic to what someone would say to people with my star sign. The report talks about background theories which is good but not enough details on why I have entered into a transit period based on those theories and what are the specific effects of those specific theories both generally and specifically to me. Therefore I feel like asking many more questions. I need more guidance and understanding if I am indeed going through a very important phase in my life."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Bharadwaj Mishra

"Your reading was very accurate regarding my personality, where I am in my life, and what has been happening in my life in the past. I am very excited and also a little nervous about what is to come for me. I realise that it is up to me to make sure that I use to good effect all the information that you have given me if I am to reach my full potential and enjoy all the gifts and opportunities that are available to me. Thank you so very much Katherine."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Teresa Kiddell

"WOW. It is quite amazing how someone, that you don't know, can actually contect with your mind and soul.... I actually learnt a few things about myself. I will use the Transit Period Guide- because I know it is going to put me where I need to be. I have really had a good think - and the reading has made me realise that all is not lost and that I'm not really the bad person that I thought I could be... there are a lot of truths in this reading and now I know that I can work on my little misdermeanours and make me a better person. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Shirley Evetts

"I am amazed at how well you read me. I am going to learn to stop planning and start doing. However, I will keep a diary. I will communicate my wishes with the Universe. Spend more time with family and friends, I spend too much time alone unless at work. Be more daring spontaneously, I used to be. Eat out occassionally, phone someone to join me, rather than wait to be invited, usually by a relative. Week-end away occassionally. Encourage my younger son who is dyslectic to start a business of his own. Perhaps become involved in helping others, human or animal. Since receiving your reading, I am feeling in high spirits, and have already done something daring that I was previously just thinking about! Don't have a photo right now but will consider it. Thank you again Katherine."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Marlene Redman

"Katherine's predictions were described precisely of how things are with me at this time of my life. I was astounded she could tell me things I know about myself both sides. I look forward to a future following Katherine's advice & using my gifts & my awareness to my advantage. Using my Transit Period Guide I look forward to a brighter future I deserve. I notice that I feel confident with my awareness. I will be more open-minded & trust my instincts & intuitions more. I will keep in my mind to have a balanced outlook & attitude instead of being too rigid in my approaches. Thanks Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Eunice Jones

"The reading was very specific I think, and very in tune with what is going on in my life right now. I found it very helpful and motivating. It is just what I need to make the changes I've always wanted"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Zulema Tavarez

"It's accuracy was actually surprising. It is not that I am not a believer, because I most certainly am. I have always felt something in me, but honestly I was brought up that believing in anything other than God is bad. Silly I know, but my past is a BIG issue in my life. I know, I have got to let it go. So hard. I do not know what I am looking forward to in my future. My hope is to find direction. I have been chasing my own tail for so long."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tawania Santee

"Well Katherine for starters, i have been gob smacked by your very precice and accurate insite into my present state of mind EG, physical, mental, financeual& romantic life. (wich is non existant at the moment). I look forward to more giudence from you. Love Norm"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Norman Gobby

"I do very much appreciate the way Katherine transmits her astrological knowlege, some of which I`m familiar with, the Transit information will help me be more alert and attentive, Thank you. Actually I feel like being in touch with a friend, the way Katherine speaks to me, what I`m looking for is a peaceful, meaningfull life where I can use my capacity to the best, for some time already I count on Gods` guidance more than anything else! - I noticed that you, Katherine used ""divine"" in your text, it`s probably there that we connect. Greetings from Tom !"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Thomas Wipf

"Katherine, Fantastic reading and hit the nail on the head! I have always knew about my shortcomings or faults, I can truly see the light and know what I must do to succeed which is going to be a great challenge to my Transit Period. I also thank you for shedding the light for me to do the things I need to do to come out of it successful and I know I can do it and shine like the sun. Something happened not just about 5 min. after I signed up for this Transit Period reading which is fantastically Impressive. It might not blow your mind Katherine, but it would blow everybody else's. It hasn't been 24 hrs since I received my report and I feel like a hungry linebacker and I'm so ready to tackle(with intensity) my challenges for the life I should have been having all along! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Robert Bryan

"wow awesome amazing info i feel that i really need to listen to what im being told and be true to my self, that way i can build a stronger foundation for myself and my family"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Anjela Cassidy

"I found much of the information to be very true. There were a few things that I just don't see in myself, maybe I'm in a state of denial! I’m hoping to learn more of myself. I just want to be a better person. Learn to accept what I can't change and change what I can to the better."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Loisa Xenakis

"I was blown away by this reading, as it very accurately diagnosed the issues of my life that I was concerned about. I want to let go of the many fears I've carried on my back for many years, and finally focus on myself: What I want and need as opposed to what others expect of me. I'm going to use my Transit Period Guide as a means of giving me courage, that what I've been doing and how I've been believing, has not often resulted in the life I want for myself. As I was reading about myself, I began to feel the wheels start turning and telling me to lose my fears and just take the plunge into a new way of feeling, seeing and doing things.. A fresh start, a new way of living in harmony with my TRUE self!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Niki Gourmenis

"You were spot on about something or someone holding me back from my true potential. I plan to use the transit guide to identify what the source of my reticence for improvement is and to allow myself to be open to psychic impressions to move forward positively. I have dabbled in this area in the past but got distracted by the negative and settled into apathy and self pity. I feel that having this reading has already started working on me and feel the stirring of movement forward from the dead center I have been stuck with for most of my life. I intend to make this a lifestyle change for the rest of my days. Thank you so much. Yours truly, James Hunter"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
James Hunter

"I am excited about my Transit Period and looking forward to what it brings for me. I will use all the information to be ready for what lies ahead. i am feeling so positive already."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sylvia Brady

These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Connie Meredith

"Katherine has a tremendous gift it was as if my life before me was unfolding all the way through with the good , the bad. A maze that needs to be slowly guided through to achieve the final results that may await for me. A future that will take me out of my comfort zone, stir me on the right path to a wonderful future. The way I am going to use the Transit Period Guide is with faith, guidance, courage to help myself, family, friends. May we all be truly blissed. Thank - you Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Joy Brown

"I am truly amazed by the reading i received from Katherine. She has described my nature as only a mother could describe knowing her child. I feel this is a remarkable thing to do as i am an extremely reclusive person. I am looking forward to my future now, as it is time for a complete change in all aspects of my life. Katherine has helped me realise my own strengths and potentials to do this, and i thank her for my full reading and week by week guide to keep my mind on target. Many thanks Katherine. Regards Barbara-Ann"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Barbara-Ann Patterson

"It was very enlightening uplifting and truthfully detailed. i am looking forward To letting go of all doubts and fear and loving myself more and doing me."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lina Neal

"My experience I had with the reading was amazing! I feel I am going to soar to higher heights! I just recently became an Ordained Minister, and I feel I am going to be able to give more attention to myself, before that of others, to take care of self, first; in doing so I will be better able to assist in helping others. I plan to refer back each week to my transit guide to remind me of what I need to do to make everything work to my best interest. Yes! I have noticed a difference already, the reading was so right on, so me! I know I will make better decision's over the next months to come! Thank you, Katherine!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Trevor Bone

"I am so grateful for Katherine\'s guidance, she has helped me to understand the frustrations I have been suffering and has given me lot of positive instruction which has filled me with both relief and excitement. I am now extremely excited about what the universe has in store for me whereas before I was really worried and apprehensive. Thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Rachel Eweka

"I feel that I am being guided and that makes me feel supported and not alone. I am going to journal my ideas so that i can remind myself of the major things that I want so that I become more grounded. I feel I have a purpose and when I get to know myself I will achieve them."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Harbans Daffu

"i will use the Transit period guide to its fullest purpose which is to guide me, my steps and my decisions to take control of my own path. yesi already feel different. i have to say everything correspond to what i really want with doubts made out of my fears which i have to learn how to overcome. true, lots of events are coming into place and i have to make decision. i have to choose which way to go with."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Adale Mehl

"I feel very aware. A lot of things was true. I have to learn to be spontaneous and make quick mined decisions. I also have to deal with me being emotional detached because people cry but I don’t because at the end of the day you are in the same situation so I don’t do it I jus write about it. I write songs n play instruments but you probably knew that already :). But I want to win this because there are some questions I want to ask you that will bring me some closure."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Scott Hunt

"I feel positive about the changes i want to make in my life. I am going to use my guide to help me come out of my shell."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Jill Hall

"Good day Katherine Just a note to thank you, I have been referring to your Guide, throughout this time and it has been quite a ride 🙂 Yes, it is now very clear to me, that my Self-Doubt and self-critism has been a huge problem. Journaling did not come easy, but played a huge part to acknowledge these feelings. I am still trying to UP my self worth and to get the fuller picture, of why I constatly have the need to take myself out 🙂 Just wanted to say thank you for your help!!! Much appreciated Marlene"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Marlene Delmar

"Katherine's Transit guide has just been awesome, she has provided really amazing insights, it is truly personalized because I feel that she is able to pinpoint with accuracy several aspects that must be changed and improved. I am feeling myself optimistic and confident to achieve what I have been looking for during all these last few years."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Roger Saprissa

"I feel like something really big and good is coming my way and yet a vague feeling of not knowing whats coming is a little unsettling to me"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Denise Beare

"A pleasant experience. The Transit Guide was written very clearly, enabling me to understand and recognize my potentials/capabilities and the areas of great importance to focus/change to propel myself forward. Developing aspects of myself that I have never have been able to implement, even at my age. Better to be a late bloomer than to never bloom. Read and re-read The Transit Guide (re-inforcement and implementation) I have been shown in an effective/kind manner how to believe in myself, thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Denise Martin

"Was amazed how real it was right on the money how i was feeling . I will. Make changes in my life it was a wake up call. Thank you so much you answered all my questions your friend betty"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Betty Guerrero

"Eye opening, inspiring and insightful perspective. Under the limited information you have on me, I have to say it is as close as it gets, the personal online reading I can get. Thank you."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Judy Zhong

"This is amazing. I will use it daily"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Grethe Hooper-Hansen

"You are right on with my need for freedom and the fact that when the thrill is gone, I tend to move on to something else. I have so many unfinished projects. I am afraid of committing to something completely and I have willingly left a good relationship because of this fear. I have felt the tug that there is a higher purpose and I am not living up to my full potential. I look forward to finding that purpose and doing what I am here to do. Thank you for helping to pinpoint some areas that I need to pay attention."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lou Lienbenberg

"I felt that some things were right on, while some were not. I feel that I do not have any self confidence, but my reading stated over and over again that I do. I always second guess my self. Trying hard not to do that. I am trying to go forward but very hard to do, feel as though something is blocking me at ever turn. I am going to take a closer look at my self and try very hard to change the things that were stated that I do wrong."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Irene Soumakian

"Enjoyed my reading and felt you know what I need to do.To stand straight and tall with a feeling of calm. i will apply the information and work on my strengths and weakness so I can attain my dreams and make the most of my transit. Feeling anxious but ready for the changes."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Trena Munns

"After reading the guide I feel like I should be more positive about my perception in various facets of my life. I do feel like perceive things in a negative way. So yes, thank you for this reading. I read once that when you want something badly enough the entire universe conspires to give it to you! And now your reading has affirmed it. Thanks again!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Marie Pereira

"Thank you Katherine for such an amazing reading. Reading my Transit guide, has already brought me confidence in the way of my thinking. I am looking forward to really opening myself up to any challange that comes along, bettering myself and balancing my emotions mentally and physically to obtain my higher self and being able to Intuitivly work with my highest good. It's all about being balanced within to obtain my goals and what life has to offer and i am not going to give up on this Transit period, i am excited to see what it has in store for me."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Alarna Testa

"Wow.. I was expecting to take this reading with a pinch of to speak, but it ticked all the boxes for me, in the way I feel, to relationships and for work!!!. What i truly like about the reading is the advice Katherine has given me, easy steps that are not hard to follow, and things I felt I should be doing anyway. Thank you for the gentle push in the right direction Katherine, and bring on the next few weeks. Much Love xxx"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Georgie Brown

"As i began reading, i realized i wanted to thank you Katherine, for taking time to outline a detailed reading of what you visualized. I look forward to my future filled with my dreams as my reality. Filled with love and money surrounded by my loved ones. I feel a sense of acceptance to the future i visualized for my life and the path life, the universe, and I chose. Thank you Katherine! Sincerely, Sheila Aninipok"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sheila Aninipok

"This reading was so accurate. It was exactly what I was feeling and who I was. It felt as if God was talking to me and answering my prayers."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Gail Rushin

"My life-long dream has been to be a published author. I have sold a few poems and one article, but feel I should have done so much more in the span of my lifetime. Now time is running out for me but I can't let go of the dream. I'm very thankful for good health and the encouragement I found in this guide to follow my dream and not give up. I think this will provide the motivation I have been lacking."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Adonna Gipe

"I can already feel the truth of your reading Katherine. I have been fighting and at war with myself in many areas. As you said I am in a transition period. I have begun to experience the tiredness and the restlessness. And almost always feel like I need to be in control. I will be utilizing and will be using your advice as, like I stated, I have felt the truth behind it. To be forwarned is to be the key to my situation. Once I have information and learn what's going on, I am more comfortable doing my part and more. Thank you for the reading. Blessings be – Nancie"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Nancie Bishop

"wow! is this reading a eye opener! all my life i was to scared to try anything unusual. what if it didnt work out! there was always someone ready to say I told you so!!!soi just left everything that came my way and let it pass. but things is going to change from today!! thanxKatherine for helping me to be that person i want to be. alli want to be is to be happy, loved and appreciated!!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Esme Pretoruis

"It was amazing! I look forward to live my life fully, to a great, prosperous, heavenly, super rich, super successful future that give puts me at peace. I will try my best to better my life with super positive attitude. I feel great and always knew that at this age 30 things gonna be in my favour and i will achieve everything good for me that I always wanted. I always knew I will be with my true soulmate by marrying him who is an angel and i feel i am an angel too and I will have my angle kids i will live my super perfect heaven life. This special guy who I wanna marry I know he is very nice person thats why I call him an angel. I thankful to my real father God who always took care of me even when i lost faith in him. I am super happy that I am re-attached to my father God forever from now on. I thank God! and Thank to you too as you are another angel that God wanted me to bond with. Thanks, Katherine!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Navraj Kahlon

"I am going to be more confident in the workplace take on new challenges and try to control my emotions"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Andrea Smith

"Overwhelming, Enlightening. How does someone I've never met know so much about me? I'm looking forward to getting out of my own way and letting the true Liz shine through. Yes I feel more confident, my insecurities seem to be diminishing. Before even contacting Katherine I was seeing changes in myself (good ones)I spent time alone Meditating and sorting out some of the things that were holding me back and I realized on my own I was my own worst enemy and it had to stop. Katherine has confirmed some of my thoughts and feelings and at the same time given me the tools to make the changes that need to be made. Patience and time are my friends now. Thank You. Liz Robbins"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Elizabeth Robbins

"Thank you so much Katherine! I'm glad I've taken this decision to contact you. It feels like you have known me for my entire life, I'm ready for my Transit Period to better my life & my future thou I'm a bit scary but I'm looking foward to it. Hoping I will gain all the strength I need to cope with these Period. Already I feel a lot more different!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lihle Masondo

"My experience has already had an impact on my life. The Transit Guide has opened my eyes to doors of my life that were always in front of me , I never chose to see. It has allowed me to answer some of the many questions I have hourbored and the tools in which to answer them. I am always in search of ""concrete "" evidence. I have come to realize to trust in my intuitions and the answers I seek can only be found through having the confidence to meet my own expectations and follow the path I truly seek . I long for more information, but understand the information will unfold ONLY when I open my eyes to see it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Anna Sasso

"Just read my guide. Was completely bowled over by it. The reading about myself was quite precise. Yes, I am very apprehensive to any changes, and scared of coming out of my comfort zone. What you have said I must do to get the best out of my Transit Period Guide, has made me very nervous, as you have rightly predicted, I am the sort of person who is practical, and would like to just close my eyes and hope all will be well when I re-open my eyes. How will I know when this period is going to start?. How can I stop myself feeling scared, nervous? Where do I get the strength to go forward and embrace the unknown? I am completely floored."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Melissa Delaney

"Excellant! The things you said about my actions and reactions were spot on. As I read; all I could do was smile and nod - it was as if you'd known me for years! I am going to do my best to follow the guide. There are some things in there we both know I'm going to fight tooth and nail - but according to you (and other points in my life); these will be things I'll have no choice about - and sometimes (for me) that's needed. I can't wait to start on the challenges that lie ahead. I do feel better knowing."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tammy Mills

"Your previous report was on target and feel this report was very accurate as well. I appreciate the advice and will prepare accordingly. Thank you, Tiffany"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tiffany Clute

"It has been very enlightening. im excited to see how all of this plays out. thank you Katherine for the freat insight. Im sure your guidance will serve me well."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Shivani Padayachee

"First of all, Katherine I Love, really Love hearing from you. Everything you say about me is so true it is Like you are Looking at me and telling me my Life story. Katherine I would Like to thank you for an excellent Transit Reading, I will keep a Journal and yes, Katherine I am feeling different and I believe my future will be more rewarding, with you guiding me with your knowledge. Your Friend, Lureen."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Lureen Chin-Laing

"Overwhelming. Lots of Happiness, stress free, no money worries. I'm going 2 read it daily, and follow it religiously. Yes, very positive and confident."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sharina Singh

"Hi Katherine, I was delighted with my reading this afternoon and found that you were able to give sound advise on what I need to do for this period of my life. My transit period is due to start on Sunday and I am now looking forward to it as I feel I have the knowledge to help me through it. Thank you for your support during this important time in my life. Martina."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Martina Smith

"Most of the things you predicted in your reading were true. My traits are exactly as you said. I am very restless. I have however made some progress. I know what I want to do now and I am working towards my goal. I would like to become a teacher of different languages. I have wanted that for a long time and thought about it before but never followed through. I have enrolled in school starting january."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Cristy Lacken

"Everything in this reading is like conformation of what has been said to me in the past. Have to work on certain areas though as I love peace and yes i do pay myself short at times by compromising to keep the peace... decision here as from now is to take a stand and speak my mind. I will start taking note of every opportunity that avails it self and not just take it as something light. It is indeed a transit period in my life for spiritually i have been seeking for answers to brighten my future and those around me.. I will venture into the avenue of counseling as i like working with people."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Julie D'Abbene

"It gives me a day by day forcast to let me know what to expect to happen that day whether it be a good or bad day!!!! I like the way she explain the plants in detail to me so I finally understand what they mean to my sign & how the interact together. then finally I like how she explain in detail the different signs & what each one means & how they interact with each other I never knew so much about the signs how they work or interact with each other until she sent me my transit guide!!!! Thank you so very much Katherine it was money worth spent Thank you!!!!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Tarra Orent

"I followed my inner voice, went against the grain and purchased my transit period guide. I constantly listened to this other voice telling me I was crazy for doing so and started to regret my decision. Thankfully, I received my transit period guide yesterday and was blown away by Katherine's guidance. I read my guide for the first time at the end of the day. I was amazed that Katherine picked up key things that happened earlier in the day. This was confirmation that I did the right thing by taking a leap of faith and getting my guide. I am looking forward to using my guide during my Transit Period and encourage others to do the same. If there is a little voice inside that says you are crazy, do listen to it and follow your gut that guided you to Katherine in the first place. You will not regret it."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Wanda Smith

"I was skeptical at first of receiving an astrological reading on line, questioning it's accuracy and ability to be personal. As I read on and came to the symbols, a tear came to my eye, as though you knew me somehow. As the reading progressed I found it to be quite accurate in many ways. Much of the reading hit home in a deep way. Now it's up to me, and I understand this more clearly and look forward to this guidance."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Julia Gaunt

"I have only just begun using my Transit Period Guide, but it has been extremely accurate to the situations and circumstances I have found myself in on the first week. Not only external influences but my own inner feelings and expressions towards those events. I did have a birth chart reading over a decade ago and I didn't take much notice of it at first(it didn't mean much to me at the time), but many years later I listened to it again and I couldn't believe how accurate it was in relevance to my current situation. Since then I have always been a strong believer in Astrology. The information you that you have given me has completely exceeded my expectations."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Damien Karney

"I think the transit period guide is very good to help me to achieve success in my life.Thank you! Jose "
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"The advice given in the guide was very accurate! l would never believed it before it actually happened!"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"I am still all new to it and still learning how it works and what I am suppose to do that day to receive all the benefits from it but have found it a very good guide line on what to expect and what to do that day. Am learning a lot more about everything then what I realised also. It has been great!!!."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Well I just started the transit period guide this week. BUT based on what ive read I think that it is going to be very beneficial to my life and im excited to start and see what the world has to offer me. THANK YOU"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Absoulutely spot on. Have been using the guide and the books for 5 days and so many things have "fallen" into place in terms of where I was and where I could possibly find myself in the next few weeks... I really enjoy the positive encouragement and reinforcement aspect of the daily forecasts. So far I am relly delighted and look forward to a long association with Katherine. "
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Well, So far so good the transit guide is a well detailed analysis of the yet-to-occur and i must say that it is well explained in simple english easy for everyone to understand. Thank you Katherine"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Today, the 23 of June, the reading has been accurate on many levels. New financial opportunities came directly to the house . I have been glad to embrace , light humor in social settings, and have been a natural inspiration as we learned of this new business opportunity. I anticipate a romantic encounter after we eat lunch."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"It is giving me insite into a unknown world.Assisting me with planning the days and months ahead."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"I don't know what to say but I am so happy to have come across the Astrology Answers Guide! My transit period just started a day befor yesterday and I now I feel fufiled. I never told beloved Katherine that I'll be traveling soon; but she mentioned it with the actual date I'll be traveling! Am really impressed. Thanks "
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Katherine, its been a delight in reading the transit period guide. What a delight it is made in my life so far. It's so good to see me in a third person view myself in a different way. I've been told a lot from family and friends. I need to change or make into better habits, and by reading what you have given me, is answer to prayers, this has given me a better look and a clear understanding about myself and what needs to be changed to move forward in the future. You have been right on everything, personality, old beliefs that have been very difficult to over come thus far.This is incredible. I am looking forward to making the changes for a better and successful life for me. I'm excited to what the future holds. and what I can do to make into reality and live life with my higher self. My negative thoughts, old beliefs are very strong and I'm looking forward to breaking them and turning them to positive events in my life. This has formed my deepest despairs to positive that I know that I can overcome. I truly believe in everything you're doing for the good. thank you for this wonderful blessing that's come into my life when I needed most.. Valene"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Well done I waited 8 mths everything was spot on Thank you so much for youre help"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Laura M.

"Who says that somebody has to know you to know you? when you are in contact with a genuinely talented phychic,one who has remarkable sensory power, they do not need to meet you, see you or touch you to "get " you.thanks a bunch Katherine, for this positive guide I owe my doubts to myself."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Sara H.

"I enjoyed my transit period guide because it gave me guidance how I can become more happy and at peace within myself. To take the step to plan on what I need to do to find my true calling and to become the person I always new was there but didn't know how to reach. "
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"When I first read the guide it was confusing, and then as I thought about it, it began to make a lot of scence to me.I realized that the guide pertains to me and to me only. It is ment to change the way I think and feel about myself. It gives me a better feeling of hope that I will Change. It is not ment to change the people around me. Thank You"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Rita E.

"It was an indepth reading of what I need to do and where it will lead me when I follow my dreams. It stated I am comfortable in my surrounding and I am but if I do not extend myself and venture out on my own away from the comforts of my home, I will be stuck here. I have looked on the internet and the television for experience in my job and what the reading stated is that I am not looking hard enough. At the moment I have been suffering with health problems that will soon change for the better, I have been having dreams of a better life, a soulmate who will love me for me. I need to put my best foot forward and venture out more and take more chances and send out resumes and see if someone will hire me and give me the experience I need in information technology/ cybertechnology. I have also dreamed of getting more experience by going back to school, but bills have set me back a little for at least a couple of months. I will send a picture at a later date."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.
Vicki K

"This dark veil that I have been wearing or this dark cloud that has been casting over me for almost my entire life has influenced me to miss wonderful opportunities that could have lead to happiness and success. I came across Katherine's page by accident, or did I? After reading my Transit Period Guide from this gifted woman, I have an overwhelming feeling inside of me that is about to jump out. This is the time I will get my life back; Katherine's guidance gave me hope and direction. I couldn't be anymore ready to look for the signs about to come my way. "
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"I felt inside that it will help to solve something that was stuck inside me for a while. I asked different people for help, seems like the astrology that has been prepared by Katherine is more of a help to me. Thank you"
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"The guide has given me a time line for an exciting opportunity and a basis for understanding what I can do to prepare myself. This guide has given me valuable insight into my transition period. I have also been given the guidance to help me clear my mind and to find peace with balance."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"it was at a particular low point when i joined Katherine, Im a white witch and am always very positive about my life purpose, having Katherine's reading set me back on the path and has freed me from my our of character negativity."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"Yesterday was my first day. As I sat at my computer to start reading, I was debating whether or not to dress up and get out of the house for the local Artwalk, in search of inspiration for my art career. I was about to decide to stay home and study my astrology report, but lo and behold, the very first paragraph read: "Should I stay in, or go out? Get out! Meet exciting people from the fringe of society. Have an adventure..."! Needless to say, I went out! Ended up having a great dinner with two fun Russian women, both named Olga, one an artist and the other a bee-keeper's wife! I also signed up for an artists' association and entered my latest painting in a contest! I'll keep you posted..."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"I have found the guide easy to read and, I hope, easy to follow. Utilizing the guide, I changed some plans that I had made for today--the statements regarding what would likely be the outcome of those plans rang very true and I could definitely see those "bad things" happening if I pursued the original plan. I will be printing the guide to use and follow regularly."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.

"I was amazed at my reading. It is enriching my confidence in myself on my -not so strong-days.I feel like Katherine knows me so well!Thank you Katherine."
These results may or may not be typical and yours may vary.