Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 06, 2024 - May 12, 2024

Your ambitions are shining bright this week, Leo. The Sun is currently marching through Taurus and your 10th House of Career, helping you get serious about your goals and making sure you’re on the right path to achieving them. On the 7th, the Sun will lock into a supportive sextile with karmic Saturn in Pisces and your 8th House of Windfalls, which could result in you making some sort of triumph on the professional front and earning a nice lump sum for your efforts. This could be a project that you have already been working on for some time, but you could also receive a new assignment or opportunity that promises to pay quite well down the line. A supervisor or other VIP may be the catalyst for this, so if they come to you with an opportunity that seems irresistible, then you definitely should take them up on it. With Mercury currently retrograde in this sector you may want to wait before you officially sign any new agreements, but if you take your time to properly inspect the situation you’ll be able to find a proper way forward.

The energy gets majorly underlined as also on the 7th the New Moon in Taurus illuminates the heavens and your 10th House. This will offer you up a chance to make some major changes to your career path, so if you’ve been spinning your wheels now is the time to finally start taking back control and gaining some ground. This lunation is extremely positive, so it could feel like you’re finally getting back your mojo after something of a dry spell. You could gain some glowing reviews from a VIP, or even receive a lovely reward for a job well-done. It’s your time to shine, so don’t sit back and wait for others to take your spotlight.

It's important you make good use of this lunation, because not only is it getting a boost from Saturn, but lucky Jupiter is also still in your 10th House, giving this Moon a major dose of good luck and positivity; however, Jupiter will move on to Gemini in just a few weeks, and we won’t get another Taurus Moon like this one with Jupiter on hand for about a dozen years, so make good use of this energy while you’ve got it!

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