Scorpio & Scorpio Compatibility

A Scorpio and Scorpio pairing is an intense pairing of Two Fixed Water Signs, but one that ranks high in love compatibility. Both of these water signs are intensely psychic, and so this is a relationship that is based on an intuitive understanding of the needs of the other. The best things about Scorpio are maximized in this match, with loyalty, sexual passion, and a deep abiding love for the world. These are traits that both Scorpio and Scorpio offer each other in abundance. Unfortunately the shadow side of Scorpio is amplified times two in this match, and so this relationship has potential for power struggle as well. When both Scorpio and Scorpio remember to work to meet each other's needs instead of obsessing about their own, this karmic connection will create wells of love for generations.

The Pros

The pros about the Scorpio and Scorpio match is that they both are committed to the same goals in love. Both Scorpio and Scorpio dream about the same things, and are deeply attracted to the sexual energy the other one gives off. Both in this match are also intuitive and almost instantly tapped into their partner's needs, almost from the moment they meet. Scorpio also has a tendency to become immediately obsessed with every new person they meet, so if two Scorpios meet at the right time in their lives, they have a great likelihood to be obsessed with each other until death do them part. Both Scorpio and Scorpio are as loyal as the day is long, and will fight for each other until the end. Anyone that harms the loved one of a Scorpio is best to stand back, and both Scorpio and Scorpio will be deeply attracted to each other as a result.

The Cons

The unfortunate thing about a Scorpio and Scorpio match is that they are both highly intense in the area of love. The shadow side of Scorpio is one that is obsessive, jealous, and very controlling. This could lead to a major power struggle in this union. And with the infamous Scorpio stinger in play, times two, in this relationship, power struggles could get ugly. Scorpio not only knows how to sting, but feels deeply wounded when the stinger comes their way. And for Scorpio, once they are turned off by someone they are dead to them. So if one Scorpio seriously wounds the other, there may be no turning back. Stubborn tempers, a wild stinger, and a fixed and obsessive nature are the traits that are doubled in this relationship and this could lead to some problems.

How To Maximize Your Zodiac Compatibility

As much as there will be an intense pairing of problems in the Scorpio and Scorpio match, both want the same thing in the end and that is usually the other person. That is the one benefit of two Fixed Signs coming together. It is very difficult to get a Fixed Sign to change their mind about someone, even if they are furious. In order for this match to work, both Scorpio and Scorpio need to put their intuitive feelers onto their partner's needs every single day. Scorpio needs to feel secure in love, and can get this for themselves by assuring their partner of the same security they crave. With two secure feeling Scorpios in one relationship, nothing in the stars can stop them from taking on the world.

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