Similar Dreams: Painting, Mirror, Radio
Say cheese!
Dreaming about a camera can have a variety of different meanings, but there is always one common underlying theme to all camera dreams: it’s time to look at something differently.
Therefore, camera dreams are all about new perspectives. They usually show up when the tried and tested isn’t working and they are our subconscious’ way of letting us know that it’s time to look at a situation, person, event, or way of thinking in a new light. A camera as a dream symbol is a metaphor for the cameras we use in everyday life.
Dreaming About Taking Pictures With A Camera
If you are taking pictures with the camera you are being told to look at something differently. This is especially telling if you keep taking the same picture in your dream.
This type of dream shows that you may have been trying to use the same method or find the same solution to a problem, but have been having no luck.
Play close to attention to your surroundings in your dream as it will be a clue as to what it is you need to start viewing from a different light.
Dreaming About Seeing A Camera
If you dream about a camera on the table or resting on something, it is similar to the meaning of taking photos through the camera. The difference here is that you may have been inactive in terms of looking at things in a different way.
The stagnant position of the camera is letting you know that you may have subconsciously given up finding a new perspective and you yourself may not even remember what it is. Let’s say you had a dream to live in a new home in an area that makes you happy. As time passed, circumstances and situations may have made this dream too tricky to achieve (at least to your mind). You may have given up trying to make this happen, even though the dream is still there.
The stationary camera is a reminder to look at your dream in a different way and revive it.
Dreaming About Looking Through A Camera Lens
If you dream about looking through the camera this is usually a clear message that the answer is right in front of you.
Pay attention to what you are looking at in your dream. What do you see? If you are having this dream repeatedly then it is an urgent message from your subconscious that the answers are right there.
This is one of those Eureka dreams that you end up being glad of having!
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out what that means in our recurring dream definition.