February 2025 Astrology Calendar

This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological events for 2025, intended to help you plan for the year!

The calendar includes all of the major aspects between the planets, when they turn retrograde or direct, when New Moons, Full Moons, and Eclipses occur when planets move into new signs and the potential impact. The calendar uses Eastern time zone.

February 2025 Astrological Transits


Venus in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Be dreamy and romantic. Spend time being creative, being in love, and letting love lead you.

Moon Enters Aries

Take the initiative for what you want. Be enthusiastic about what you pursue.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries


Moon in Aries Sextile Mercury in Aquarius

Put ideas and plans into action. Maximize enthusiasm to make your ideas into something real.


Mercury in Aquarius Trine Jupiter in Gemini

Think big and bright. Focus on the big picture, and come up with big ideas that excite you and help you have new experiences.

Moon Enters Taurus

Take some time to ground yourself. As you feel grounded, you can have an easier time pursuing what you want.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries/Taurus


Venus Enters Aries

Venus in Aries brings energy and enthusiasm for love and commitment. You can get excited with loved ones and enjoy taking the lead.

Jupiter Direct in Gemini

With Jupiter moving forward again in Gemini, opportunities can begin to open back up. You can focus on pursuing ideas and plans and can feel more adventurous.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus


Moon in Taurus Sextile Mars in Cancer

Emotions can energize you, and you can use them as motivation to help you take action.

First Quarter Moon in Taurus

With the First Quarter Moon in Taurus, you can spend the next week making adjustments that help improve stability and security or adjust slowly but steadily.


Moon in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius

Empower yourself emotionally and channel passionate energy into something you can transform for the better.

Moon Enters Gemini

Your mind can be more active for these few days, and you can use this in your communications or gather the information you need.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini


Venus in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Emotional bonds with others can strengthen, and you can be more comfortable with intimacy. Passion in relationships can run high.


Moon in Cancer Square Venus in Aries

You might be more stubborn than usual about something and need to be willing to budge; otherwise, you can get stuck.

Moon Enters Cancer

Over the next few days, the foundation of something can strengthen, helping you feel more secure.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer


Sun in Aquarius Conjunct Mercury in Aquarius

Something can culminate around now, and this can excite you. New ideas flow your way, and you can pounce quickly.

Mars in Cancer Trine Saturn in Pisces

Energy might be a little wonky, but you can feel extra disciplined with it for now, and this helps you find new or old ways to get things done.


Mercury in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

You might be mentally restless and impatient, which can lead to impulsivity. Avoid that and work on small changes.

Moon Enters Leo

Take time to connect to your heart and remind yourself to be joyful. Try to have some fun.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo


Moon in Leo Sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Open up to new experiences, and you can feel more is possible in your life. See the big picture.


Moon in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

Something might be irritating you, and you may want to break out. This doesn’t help, though, so try to keep it under control.

Leo Full Moon

The Leo Full Moon can help you connect to your heart, and you can spend more time with the people you love or doing the things you love to do. Your creativity can surge, so this can be a time of progress with creative projects, and you can get attention.


Read this: The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons

Moon Enters Virgo

Make a list of everything you need to do, and focus on completing the little tasks over these few days.


Moon in Virgo Square Jupiter in Gemini

You might take something for granted and need to make sure you’re being focused and practical.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo


Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury in Pisces greatly increases imagination, and you can use this to your advantage by focusing on creative projects and ventures. You might prefer to do your thinking alone for now and can clear out your subconscious.


Moon in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces

Your energy can be easily drained today, so try to protect it with healthy boundaries and give yourself time to recharge.

Moon Enters Libra

Work on finding better balance, and give more attention to the things you’ve been ignoring lately.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra


Moon in Libra Square Mars in Cancer

Something can get under your skin, and you may want to lash out, but this only creates more problems. Channel the energy into something useful and have healthy outlets for stress.


Moon in Libra Trine the Sun in Aquarius

You can put yourself at ease and make yourself more comfortable. Focus on what you want for yourself.

Moon Enters Scorpio

There can be something you want to know more about or that you need to get to the heart of. Use your passion to keep going.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio


Sun Enters Pisces

Pisces season brings great imagination, compassion, empathy, creativity, and spirituality. Pick up a spiritual project or venture, and make time to strengthen your intuition. This can help you down the road.

Moon in Scorpio Trine Mercury in Pisces

There can be a new idea that you’re excited about, and you can make quick work of it today.


Mercury in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini

Your mental focus might be lost today, and you may want to give your mind a break. Enjoy yourself with something easy.


Moon in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces

You can feel more in tune with the subtle energies around you, which can help you decide what to do next.

Moon Enters Sagittarius

Optimism can run high, and you can feel open to new options. Think big and see what you find.

Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius

With the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, you can spend time over the next week clearing out in big ways, with big ideas and plans, or with a gregarious spirit. This can be easier for you to do.


Moon in Sagittarius Trine Venus in Aries

Someone can be of help to you today, and you can appreciate it. You may give help in return, and this balances things out between you.

Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius


Moon in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces

Give yourself plenty of time for rest, and try to make time for extra sleep. Pay attention to your dreams for messages.

Moon Enters Capricorn

Over these few days, your goals and ambitions will become more focused, and you can work on setting up your long-term plans.

Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn


Mercury in Pisces Trine Mars in Cancer

You may have plans to work on and ideas that deserve more attention. These might be old ideas and plans or ones that have been stalled.

Mars Direct in Cancer

Mars begins to move forward again in Cancer after being retrograde and moving backward since December. This lessens frustration and aggravation, and you can gain some control over your emotional energy.


Moon in Capricorn Square Venus in Aries

Indulgence might be the name of the game today, and you may want to take more time to chill out with some chocolate.

Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius


Mercury in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Mental energy can be incredibly disciplined, and this helps you drill down on your plans and ideas and make progress with your goals.

Moon Enters Aquarius

You may want to work independently, allowing you to move more freely and experiment.

Waning Crescent Moon in Aquarius


Moon in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

Haste only complicates matters, so don’t give in to the impatience. Take time to plan and work on small changes in the meantime.


Moon in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini

There can be something you lack the energy for, so if you can get a break, that would be great. If not, try to find ways to get focused.

Moon Enters Pisces

Work on creative ventures, and channel your imagination or artistic side into something productive.

Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon is an excellent time to focus on creative projects, and you can put your imagination to good use. You can also pursue spiritual projects, and you can listen to your intuition for guidance.

Read this: The Ultimate Guide to New Moons


Moon in Pisces Conjunct Mercury in Pisces

It can be easier for you to express yourself emotionally and focus on the ideas in which you’re most invested. Voice support.

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