Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Color(s): Pink

Affirmation(s): "I am filled with love and compassion for all."

About Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is one of the most loving, gentle crystals available. Bringing us positive energy, Rose Quartz can assist with love, relationships, and self-care. It can even help those suffering from self-esteem that is too low or too high. 

With anything to do with love, Rose Quartz is right there by your side, encouraging and inspiring you to remember that there is no greater power than that of love. 

This delicate pink stone motivates all types of love: For others, for self, for the natural world, and even for all of humanity. 

Like other pink stones, its primary chakra is the Heart chakra, which is connected to how we contribute to relationships and treat others. Sometimes we need a little reminder to take care of ourselves so that we may better care for others—Rose Quartz can help us with this difficult challenge. 

The signs of Taurus and Libra, both ruled by Venus—the planet of love and beauty—can certainly benefit from wearing or working with Rose Quartz.

How to Use Rose Quartz

Keeping Rose Quartz close to you can bring a sense of acceptance, calm, and forgiveness, whether as part of your crystal altar (especially in the bedroom) or through a piece of gemstone jewelry. 

You can incorporate this stone into your beauty routine, as it is a popular material for beauty products like stone rollers and Gua Sha stones.

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