Similar Dreams: Pain, Hospital, Electrical Shock, Paralysis
Boils, blood, guts – not the most pleasant thing to be dreaming about!
However, this type of dream often comes with a warning attached and it is important to pay close attention to it.
An infection in your dream is a symbol that means almost the same thing that it means in your waking life. Some area of your life is suffering or is “in crisis” and your dream is giving you a sign to show you where. This can apply on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level.
Dreaming About Having An Infection
Where is the infection situated in your dream?
Is it in your stomach? On your leg? In your head? On your arm?
Remember, dreams can often be metaphorical. Your dream could be showing you that one of your chakras is damaged and requires your attention. If the infection is in your head, the Crown Chakra could need some attention. If it is in the stomach, the Solar Plexus may need looking at.
In the case of the Solar Plexus, this is the chakra that rules our self-confidence and sense of worth. Think about your own sense of worth and self-esteem. If you struggle in this area, then it is likely the infection dream is pointing towards that.
The dream can also, of course, point towards an actual infection in your body somewhere. If this is the case, please contact a professional physician or local medical help line to assess the seriousness of your infection.
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.
Dreaming About Fighting An Infection
This dream may be a bit traumatic, but this is actually a good dream.
If you are fighting an infection it indicates that you are attempting to do something about the problem you have in waking life, or you will shortly undergo something which forces you to take action.
The aspect of fighting it in the dream is a message from your subconscious, telling you that you are the one with the power to do something about it.
Dreaming About An Infection in Others
If you dream that somebody else has an infection, this usually means that a toxic person in your life needs to be removed, or the relationship you have with them needs to undergo a serious transformation.
The toxic person doesn’t necessarily have to be the person you see in your dream. You might not even recognize the person in your dream with the infection. But this dream often indicates that somebody in your life is stifling you in some way, so it is a sign that it’s time to pay close attention to the relationships in your life and analyze how each one makes you feel.
Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.