Similar Dreams: Dates, Late, Karma
To dream of yesterday often hints towards issues with nostalgia and a desire to return to times that have passed.
This can be a bittersweet dream and you may experience a number of memories from waking life in this dream.
What does dreaming about yesterday mean? There are several meanings that can apply to it.
Dreaming of Things that Happened in the Past
The context of this dream is the most important factor when analyzing it.
Dreaming about things that happened to you in the past can indicate that there are issues in your subconscious regarding your past that have not been resolved.
This dream is sending you the message that while you may have buried it in your waking life, the memories remain and need to be faced.
Dreaming of Happy Memories
Dreaming about happy memories from the past indicates that you are longing for times gone by.
This indicates dissatisfaction with your waking life.
This type of dream encourages you to focus on the present in your waking life, not the past. It encourages you to think about why you feel dissatisfied with your current situation.
Dreaming about Past Negative Memories
If you dream of negative memories, especially recurring ones, it indicates there may be some kind of trauma buried within you which is not being dealt with.
Trauma can manifest easily in the sleeping world in the form of dreams and nightmares. Dreaming about negative memories indicates that the trauma is not being dealt with by your conscious mind.
Your subconscious encourages you to face it, no matter how hard it is to do. One way or another, trauma has to release itself and an unwillingness to face it can result in explosions and implosions that could be harmful to you or others.
Dreaming of What Happened Yesterday
If you dream of something that literally happened the day before then it is your subconscious way of informing you that something important happened on that day. It could be a conversation you had with someone or something you saw.
No matter what it was, your subconscious mind encourages you to pay attention to the details as this gives you an idea of what the message is.
Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.