You’re The Moon!

The Moon

The Moon

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You’re intuitive, moody, and probably more than a bit psychic. You sense things before they happen, and your emotions ebb and flow according to your surroundings and the people you’re with at the time. Sometimes the intensity of your emotions or the depth of your insight frightens you. You know what you feel, but you don’t always know why you feel it, and that can make you twitchy and nervous about what’s yet to come.

You’re also one of the first to sense when things aren’t what they should be. You can usually tell if someone’s troubled or unwell – even strangers. You sense changes in the weather, and you’ve had precognitive dreams. You’ll be thinking about a loved one and they’ll phone the next day. You’ve got such a strong inner light guiding you forward, but you don’t always trust it. When you step out in your faith, you’ll learn a lot about the metaphysical world and about your own soul’s journey.

When you’re feeling out of sorts, your apprehensions can get the better of you. You’re suspicious of people – often unnecessarily. You allow yourself to be confused and overwhelmed by all the feelings and emotions that come at you. You imagine all kinds of drama and crises in your head, which are usually all unfounded. When you feel powerless, like everyone wants a piece of you, it’s a sure sign that you need to retreat into your own company for a bit. Writing out your thoughts in a personal journal or blog and spending time in meditation will soon get you balanced again.

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