There is no sugar coating the 10 of Swords Tarot card. This is the card of ultimate betrayal, pain, deception, or heartbreak. It could also be the pain that comes with actual death or loss in your life. The individual on the card has been pierced with ten swords, and there’s just nothing you can do to bring this one back. The 10 of Swords’ message is that it’s okay to go through this pain and feel your way through it – but don’t get stuck there. The Sun breaking the black sky suggests there will be more Sun once some time has passed to allow for healing from this grief.
The 10 of Swords is one of the saddest cards you can pull in the Tarot. The symbolism is obvious. On the card lies a man on the ground face down, and he has ten swords pierced in his back that have inflicted fatal pain. The sky is dark. There is no hope to be found in this situation. This is the bitter end of something. What has been pierced with the sword cannot be brought back to life. There is a small break in the darkness of the clouds on the horizon behind him that suggests hope is not lost. A time of healing is recommended, but the sunrise hints that the Sun will still come out tomorrow.