
Similar: Minor ArcanaTarotPentaclesCupsWands

The suit of swords is one of the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot cards. Sometimes they are called blades or knives. Within this suit, there are numbers 1 (ace) through 10 and then the court cards – kingqueenknight, and page cards

The four suits are:

  1. Cups

  2. Swords

  3. Pentacles

  4. Wands

Swords represent the element of Air, meaning that swords are also associated with Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

If you were to use regular playing cards for divination, swords are represented by spades. In a yes or no Tarot spread, swords often represent no or a blockage in the question being asked. 

In a Tarot card reading, this suit can help you to understand the obstacles that lie before you regarding a particular person or situation. Swords can be a very challenging suit in the tarot, for they are intense and full of a very different kind of emotion than the suit of cups

Many people claim that swords hold the saddest, most difficult cards in the deck – leading to people fearing their appearance. It is important to look beyond the sad images and look for the lessons involved in the symbolism. 

It can have more to say about power, good vs evil, and intellect in your surrounding world. This is more brooding, more ominous, and has more thought and premeditation attached to it. Swords are also associated with thoughts: what you’re thinking and what other people involved in the situation may be thinking or plotting.

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