When the 9 of Swords Tarot card appears in your day, the message is that not everything can always be rosy. This card is ominous-looking, but it seems more ominous than it is. Some inner turmoil and torment are likely today with this card but know that you are alone in this turmoil, and the problem isn’t as bad as it seems. If something keeps you up at night with this stress or this pain, it may be time to look for solutions to ease this torment.
This card can also be a warning signal that too much stress is a bad thing, as this card often suggests inner turmoil.
The ominous symbolism in this card is clear. There is no escaping the pain and sorrow that arrive with the 9 of Swords. While it is easy to be fearful when we see this Tarot card, know that the 9 of Swords represents internal struggles and not challenges that happen to you that create pain and loss.
The 9 of Swords Tarot carad shows a man sobbing in bed, with nine swords hung on the wall beside him. The struggle is his alone. He is wracked with nightmares, the loss of an individual in his life, or anxiety over something he has done. This card also suggests depression and internal torment could be surrounding you at this time.
If this card appears in your day or your Tarot reading, some anxiety may come with it. Breathe in, breathe out. Nothing lasts forever.