4 Beginner Tarot Practices to Level Up Your Readings

​Have you just started to dive into the mystical world of the Tarot? Or perhaps it’s been something on your mind, but the overwhelming amount of information to begin makes it daunting to start?

Well, no matter the status of your current blossoming relationship with the Tarot, there’s always room for growth!

Whether you’re already on a productive Tarot reading streak, in need of Tarot tips and tricks to level up your practice, or have found yourself in a reading lull entirely, everyone can use some Tarot practice exercises now and again.

Today, we’ll unpack some beginner Tarot practices that will help you, whether a fresh beginner or blossoming reader, step into the next stage of your Tarot reading journey.

Looking for more Tarot inspiration? We’ve got your Tarot card of the day ready.

Where Do I Start?

The Tarot is a centuries-old practice with a rich history, so you may be understandably a bit overwhelmed stepping into this special tradition. Still, it’s important to know that once you understand the basic mechanics of a Tarot deck, much of the rest will be up to you and your own discretion.

That’s right — despite the mystique surrounding the powerful 78 cards, anyone can read Tarot, and that means that the practice will become a distinctly personal journey.

This means that it’s crucial that you find practices, techniques, and exercises that actually speak to you and can enhance your relationship with Tarot.

So, yes, it’s actually totally fine to pick and choose the practices that call to you first and perhaps discard the others that don’t. Just remember that at the end of the day, you are truly the captain of your own Tarot journey!

4 Beginner Tarot Practices to Level Up Your Readings

1. Start Small: One Card A Day

This practice takes the age-old phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” to heart.

When faced with 78 cards and all their diverse meanings, on top of a variety of Tarot spreads, and then factoring in Tarot reversals… well, it’s just a lot to take in for a beginner.

Perhaps you’ve got a penchant for memorization, but either way — the practice of pulling only one card per day, allowing its meaning to marinate for a full 24 hours, and setting some clear intention to connect will do wonders for your relationship with Tarot.

Not only does this come with a kind of mindfulness that’s good for the soul, but it also simply helps you move beyond basic Tarot keywords more effectively.

2. Use Art, Music, & More

It’s unsurprising that many intuitive people are also highly creative. But have you considered putting both skills to practice at once?

There is an abundance of benefits to combining your Tarot study with a creative passion or hobby.

Whether it’s creating playlists that you feel resonate with different Tarot cards, putting pen to paper and writing a dramatic storyline surrounding the court cards, or painting some alternative art for each Tarot card (for an ambitious project, create your own Tarot deck!), there’s truly no shortage of combining the love of art with the love of Tarot.

For some, rote memorization of Tarot keywords will never truly do the trick. Sometimes, flexing the creative muscle is what it takes to advance your Tarot reading journey to the next level.

You may also like: 5 Common Beginner’s Tarot Mistakes Everyone Makes

3. Deck Bonding: Get Connected

Have you ever heard of “bonding” with your Tarot deck?

It may seem silly to attempt to forge a real connection with an inanimate object, but the practice of doing so is as old as time.

There are various ways to break the ice with your Tarot deck, but the important thing when doing so is your intention to make a strong bond. Everyone’s relationship with their deck will look a little different, even if you possess the same Tarot deck as someone else.

Like many of the other Tarot tips and tricks, remembering to keep things personal is key.

Learn how: 4 Easy Ways to Bond With Your Tarot Deck

4. Practice Makes Perfect

One of the best ways to really break out of Tarot study and into Tarot reading is to… as you may expect: read.

Maybe you’re not quite comfortable yet reading, even with friends and family. But even still, there are ways to jump into easy Tarot readings without immediately setting the stage with other querents.

Some alternatives include reading for yourself (on simple topics like how your day will be or a hobby you’d like to improve upon) or even reading on fictional situations, stories, and events just to get the hang of stringing a spread together cohesively.

Most importantly, remember that it’s called a Tarot practice for a reason. Mistakes are bound to happen, and perfectly a-ok!

Cards, Stars, & More

Finding a personal connection to your Tarot deck or your Tarot practice, as well as deepening your understanding of the cards, serves one main purpose. At the end of the day, divination should be a fun, insightful journey that helps you with diving deeper into the core of your innermost truth and world.

Sometimes, if you hit roadblocks with Tarot, you’ll have to take breaks or perhaps turn elsewhere to other tools like astrology or even other divinatory systems. And that’s ok too!

To deepen your connection with Tarot, astrology, or anything otherwise is to deepen your connection with the world around you, the Universe, and most importantly, yourself.

Read next: The Alternative Animal for Your Zodiac Sign, Based On Tarot Cards

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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