How Reiki Helps Change Your Life Exactly How It Should

The first step to becoming the conscious creator of your life is allowing yourself to understand that we are vibrational beings. Everything that you experience in your life is an effect of the magnetic frequency you emit. Reiki helps the body shift into a state of homeostasis and raises our vibration, allowing us to attract things more aligned with what we desire.

When we are consciously raising and maintaining an elevated vibration, we begin to notice the Law of Attraction working at a rapid pace. The Law of Attraction states that what we are a vibrational match to will be attracted into our experience. Your vibration is a culmination of your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. Reiki is an amazing source available to us to make shifts and raise that vibration.

Reiki is an ancient healing modality discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the late 1800s. He discovered that he had access to channeling this infinite energy and light through his hands to transfer to others, which helped heal the recipient on physical, mental, and emotional levels. He then began to heal and teach others to share Reiki. Beyond physical and mental healing, Reiki also sharpens your intuition and psychic abilities. One of the many amazing things about Reiki is that it can be shared with humans, animals, plants, and also experiences. Reiki can help us in so many ways to attract and receive the things we desire and ensure we are aligned with our highest selves.

Here are ways that Reiki helps you create what you truly desire in your life.

1. Reiki helps create clarity and lets your heart speak.

When receiving Reiki, you will able to delve deep into a meditative state, getting in touch with the wisdom of the heart. So often, we block out the messages of our hearts due to the mind and the ego getting in the way. Reiki brings us into a meditative state, allowing our higher selves and our guides to speak with us.

In this day and age, we so often get caught up in living as Human Doings that we forget to give ourselves permission to be Human Beings and simply Be. Sometimes we need to step into full receiving mode to be in balance and receive the Divine flow – this is where Reiki can step in.

During a Reiki session, clarity is able to come through what you truly desire and need in those moments – to show up every day as your best self and serve the highest greatest good of all. Reiki is pure consciousness streaming through; it can do no harm. Our chakras are in need of consistent realignment as they are impacted by our environment and experiences (try this quick mantra to help in clearing your chakras). The energy of Reiki will help align what is imbalanced in your system and help you receive the answers and guidance you need when feeling stuck in an area of your life.

2. Reiki is omnipresent.

Reiki can be received from a distance (sensations and experience are just as potent as in person) and also can be sent towards past experiences and future. For example, if you are looking to find a new home to live in, you can work with a Reiki practitioner (or become attuned yourself) to send Reiki to your new home. With this, you can trust that Reiki will begin to do its work to lead you to the home that is best for you.

Reiki also can help in past healings and inner-child work that is needed to make shifts in your vibrational field to help elevate your frequency and rewire the patterns and operating system within your mind.

Reiki serves the Divine, always creating paths and answers that are going to serve both yours and the collective’s highest, greatest good. So be prepared to receive an answer or guidance that isn’t exactly what you thought it was going to be. But, you can trust that these messages will guide you to something better than you could have thought. Reiki has a beautiful magical way of doing that.

3. Reiki helps you release things that no longer serve you.

Good vibes are a thing. Good thoughts and emotions carry higher frequencies (a.k.a. good vibes). On your journey to become the happier, healthier, best version of yourself, you come into experiences where you can release those thoughts, emotions, relationships, and belief systems that do not serve your highest self.

If you can, try to imagine yourself as a container. You can only fit so much into a container. Therefore, to make sure we are making space in our personal container for the things we do want and all the amazing things the Universe has lined up to come into your experience, we have to continuously make space by de-cluttering our inner worlds.

During a Reiki session, we will discover blockages and un-serving energies that are ready to be released and can help ease low energy out of the body by flushing it out with the healing treatment. We will also discover experiences and emotions coming to the surface that are ready to be cleared.

Public Service Announcement: Feeling Your Feelings is Powerful!

Feel them. Even the bad ones. They are going to go away and make you feel lighter and brighter. It’s science (… and spirituality).

To boil down the formula of manifestation: Get clear on what it is that your heart desires. Get into alignment and elevate your vibration. Trust that it is all coming together and follow the breadcrumbs.

Reiki is an amazing tool and skill set that is readily available to anyone who is ready to receive. Receiving Reiki for the first time can be intimidating since it is so new and feels unknown. If you feel called to try it… here is your first breadcrumb. Follow it.

Are you interested in experiencing Reiki? Are you looking to begin your own personal Reiki journey? Contact Heartspace to book your first session.

About The Author

Kelly Keefe

Following the guidance of her heart for the past 11 years, Kelly has developed a strong foundation in the space of spiritual teaching, energy healing, and empowerment coaching. Living as a Reiki master, ceremonialist, coach, and student of life, she works with individuals and groups to tap into their highest truths and live in alignment with their heart’s desires. She has traveled the world studying with indigenous elders in Guatemala, and while in India, the 2016-2017 #1 Reiki Master in the World.A fun fact about Kelly is that she is known for her bear hugs and random dancing! She lives each day with the intention to inspire and help others raise their vibrations and live from their heart space. Kelly leads by example that we are fully capable of creating the life that we desire.Our hearts are singing to have Kelly as a part of our Astrology Answers team. She has worked with many companies such as WeWork and Rituals and works with individuals ready to level up and ignite their magic. Her meditations can be found online and you can follow her vibration-lifting content on her Instagram @iamkellykeefe.
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