Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the 2023 Lunar New Year

two gold rabbit statues against a red backdrop

2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit, and it officially begins on January 22nd, 2023.

Lunar New Year starts on different days each year (either in January or February) and will always begin on the first New Moon.

Celebrations can take place for up to two weeks, and each year is represented by one of the twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac, ranging from the first animal, the Rat, to the last animal, the Pig.

2022 saw us through the Year of the Water Tiger, and in typical Tiger fashion, it yielded an intense year of unexpected events, upheavals, and shocking developments. It was a year of powerful change, both on a personal and collective level, and for many, it brought about turning points and a change in direction.

What Does the Year of the Water Rabbit Mean?

The Rabbit follows the Tiger in the Chinese zodiac, and 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. The intensity of the Tiger year paves the way for renewal and healing on a number of levels. Naturally, it will come with its own set of challenges, but for many, it will be a year of deeper understanding and longevity.

Rabbits are elegant, gentle, quiet, diplomatic, and refined. The energies of the Water Rabbit will reflect the year ahead; this year, many will begin to find themselves and make greater sense of the previous year’s chaos.

Some signs of the Chinese zodiac are predicted to be free of the misfortunes encountered in 2022 or to begin the path to healing, while other signs are encouraged to tread with some caution.

Rabbit years are typically karmic years where generous rewards are offered based on sacrifices of the past. As they say, what you reap, you shall sow!

Read on to find out what you need to know about 2023 based on your Chinese zodiac sign! If you don’t know your sign, you can find out here. This is based on what each sign can expect and the best way for you to see the New Year in.

What You Need to Know About Lunar New Year 2023


This year will come with its own challenges, but the best thing you can bear in mind is to stay focused, dedicated, and driven. Don’t let the opinions of others stop you from doing what you know needs to be done.

Keeping transfixed on the long-term aim will result in a succession of fruitful outcomes for you, so always keep the bigger picture in mind. To see the New Year in, make a list of long-term accomplishments you want to achieve in the foreseeable future and keep it somewhere in your home where you can view it every day. This will help you stay focused!


Fortune spins in your favor this year; relationship-wise, a few surprises are on the horizon. If single, you may meet a number of suitors, and it will just be a question of which one is most worthy of your affection, Ox!

It’s an important year for you to focus on your health, too, so don’t ignore any niggling signs. Be sure to get everything checked up. Start off the New Year with the following affirmation: I am blessed, beautiful, and deserve abundance!


It was a hectic 2022 for you, Tiger, and you’re ready for a break. It’s not going to all be smooth sailing but prepare for a more balanced and stable year, which will surely come as a relief. This is a powerful year for romance, so if you are single, don’t be surprised if you meet that special someone who can remind you of how awesome you are.

Financially, you may experience some ups and downs this year, so don’t engage in reckless spending. Start the New Year with exciting changes to yourself, your environment, or your mind frame.

Spruce up your outfit, maybe get a new hairstyle, engage in some New Year’s Eve Feng Shui, and let go of negative thought patterns that hold you back.


This is your year and one of powerful karma for you. The sacrifices you made last year will begin to bear fruit for you this year. There will be more twists and turns for you to contend with, but you will find yourself at a deeper level this year, and everything will become much clearer.

This is a year of powerful spiritual transformation for you so prepare for big changes. You can see the New Year in with the following affirmation: I embrace my true, authentic self.


This is a great year for career and business so prepare for some developments in this area which could prove highly beneficial, Dragon. Focus is the key to everything. Try not to let petty distractions stand in your way.

Minor conflicts are not worth the hassle they will result in, so it’s better to walk away than engage. You can see the New Year in by clearing out your workspace and engaging in some intense decluttering. You will feel much better about it as the year begins!


This ought to be a more smooth-sailing year for you, Snake. As the hustle and bustle die down, you can find your footing again and possibly revert back to some plans that you had cast aside. However, this is a good year for growth in your chosen profession so that a promotion may be on the agenda or possibly expansion in the realm of business.

You can start the New Year by writing a list of accomplishments you would like to make this year and then keeping it visible somewhere in the home, which can serve as a daily reminder.

Make sure to read your daily Chinese horoscope for even more insights!


This could be a very positive year for romance, so don’t hesitate to wear your heart on your sleeve, Horse! In the realm of finances, you might experience a setback or two, so be sure to save for a rainy day.

Some new job opportunities may come in, so keep an eye out; you never know where you may find something prosperous, especially in the most unexpected places. Start the New Year with an affirmation such as: I attract love and abundance, and I express my feelings without fear or doubt.


As far as creativity goes, this is an excellent year for you, so don’t be surprised if your creative projects receive some much-deserved recognition, Goat. The most significant danger is procrastination or falling off the bandwagon due to criticism.

Remember, fair criticism is there to help you hone your craft and make the best of your talents, but unfair criticism should be ignored. Trust in yourself and your abilities. You have talent, and it is yours to own. You can see the New Year with the following affirmation: I embrace my authentic creative side and nurture my creative talent.


Focus and dedication are the themes of the year for you, Monkey. You may find moments of stagnation in 2023 that cause you to wonder why you are doing what you are doing, but the more you stay the course, the more you will reap the reward in the end.

Don’t let doubts or negative thinking stand in your way. To see the New Year in, write down a list of long-term aims for the coming year to keep you focused and motivated.


This is an important year for keeping an eye on your finances, so frivolous spending is out the window, Rooster. Instead, set yourself a monthly budget and do your best to stick to it because the more you stay focused on your plan, the more you will thrive in 2023.

It’s a year of hard work and focus for you, but the end results will be rewarding. See the New Year in with positive affirmations such as: I will stay dedicated and true to my goals.


Fortune rises in your favor in the Year of the Rabbit, and while there may be some twists and turns, it looks like a year where things go on the up for you, Dog. If single, that special someone may be just around the corner.

Meanwhile, career-wise you may find yourself experiencing a promotion or change of scene that takes you to new heights. See the New Year in with a clean-out of the old; a New Year ritual is highly recommended, and regular meditation practice is much advised.


2023 is predicted to be a year of harmony and prosperity for you, Pig. Love relationships may yield some exciting and wonderful moments, while abundance looks set to come your way. You have experienced your share of struggle and this year looks to be one where you find your feet and regain a sense of balance.

See the New Year in with positive affirmations such as: I welcome abundance in all its forms and express gratitude for all I have.

The Year of the Rabbit Awaits

As we ease our way into 2023, we can look forward to a year of deeper spiritual enlightenment, regain balance, and find new perspectives.

Embracing change is not always easy, but becoming our best selves and finding our feet. It is often a necessity. The Water Rabbit promises to bring a sense of gentle understanding, even to difficult situations. Keep your mind and heart open, and know that everything happens for a reason.

Related article: The Best & Worst Traits of Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

About The Author

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.
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