Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for September 5 – 11, 2022

We have two particularly exciting events coming up this week. A Full Moon in Pisces on Saturday the 10th, and the planet of love and art, Venus, is entering Virgo on the 5th at the start of the week.

So what does this mean, and, more importantly, what does it mean for us numerologically?

This is a week where there will be intense focus on our relationships. Not only our relationships with others, but our relationships with ourselves, our careers, and our lives in general.

The Pisces Full Moon encourages us to acknowledge any resentments, hurts, or issues that cause us to act in certain ways. If someone has wronged you, you may be holding onto resentment, and this Full Moon helps bring forgiveness and peace of mind.

We know forgiveness is the path to freedom. But doing it and saying it are two entirely different things. With the help of this Full Moon, we can come to terms with what has happened to us and remind ourselves that we deserve to be happy and free from negative emotions that hold us back.

Read this next: The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons

With the Sun in Virgo and with Venus entering this practical sign, too, it is through Virgo that we express ourselves, our feelings, and our love. We feel a desire to run errands to show our affection. If a loved one is struggling, our need to help them intensifies through a thought process of, “What can I do to make them feel better?” It could include making them a slap-up meal, buying them a gift, or even doing their washing!

This desire to make things easier for people in the physical world is spurred on by the Full Moon in Pisces, which encourages forgiveness and an acceptance of one’s true emotional self. Pisces is a gentle and dreamy sign, but its emotional waters run deep, and its ultimate aim is universal and unconditional love.

Here we may experience the explosions, the cries, the tantrums, but once the storm has passed, we see the rainbow, and we want to make things harmonious and happy for ourselves and all those around us.

How else can we best express our love through practical means? We learn much through the physical world. The physical and spiritual worlds are intertwined.

What Does This Mean For You Numerogically?

This week, we release aspects of our lives holding us back and move into a brand new future. A new season begins, and so does a new beginning.

It is through challenge and crisis that we learn who we really are. As such, the Heart’s Desire number (also known as the Soul Urge number) is the most important number in numerology to focus on this week.

The Heart’s Desire number is the urge and drive from your soul which is always present. It reveals what you need to do in life to feel truly satisfied with your journey.

It can be easy for us to forget ourselves in the midst of challenges. Emotions can overwhelm us. Ration and reason may fly out the window (quite common under Full Moons!) But when we are aware of our Heart’s Desire number, we are reminded of what our soul truly needs, and it is through this knowledge that we can begin again.

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for September 5 – 11

Now that you have your Heart’s Desire number read on to find out what it means for you this week.

Heart’s Desire Number 1

You desire independence and a need to steer your life in the direction you want. You are a natural leader. 

This week, you are encouraged to face resentments, anger, or fears that are holding you back and acknowledge artistic endeavors that can help you tackle them. A battle between head and heart is likely, but the answers will be revealed to you the more you open yourself to your own vulnerabilities.

Heart’s Desire Number 2

You crave peace and harmony, and you need to build comfort. 

This week brings the chance to deal with intense emotions you may be holding onto that are holding you back. Emphasis is placed on your relationships as you strive for peace. Just remember that sometimes to acquire peace, a form of conflict is needed to bring all truth to the surface. Don’t run from conflict just because it is conflict. Sometimes it is necessary to find harmony.

Heart’s Desire Number 3

You are creative and playful and crave a creative outlet to express your freedom. As the Full Moon draws near, indulging in creativity will yield an important turning point for you. This is a powerful time of self-discovery and manifestation. Be prepared for great changes ahead!

Heart’s Desire Number 4

You are ordered and systematic with a desire for stability. You might experience some ups and downs this week, which will blow you over! The more you resist the winds of change, the harder it will be to see the important spiritual lessons presented to you. Trust in yourself and let things unravel naturally, so the answers are revealed to you.

Heart’s Desire Number 5

You believe in freedom above all else. 

This week, recognize aspects of your life that are keeping you chained or causing inner turmoil within. You can tap into a tremendous and powerful part of yourself this week, but it can only be done through open and honest conversation with yourself.

Heart’s Desire Number 6

You are kind and compassionate, and you desire union and harmony. This week, a whirl of emotions will likely overcome you, and you may find yourself spilling your heart out. Prepare for nostalgia creeping in. The reappearance of someone from your past may change everything.

Heart’s Desire Number 7

You are an introvert who seeks to understand the deeper meaning of life. This week provides intense reflection time for you to see things from a new perspective. Take time out for yourself as time alone is essential so that you have the space to understand everything without distraction.

Read this next: Your Lucky Crystal for 2022, Based on Your Life Path Number

Heart’s Desire Number 8

You are drawn to material comforts, and you seek to use your power for the higher good. This week could result in discovering new information that could change the game for you. You are encouraged to listen to your inner wisdom and not let outside influence dictate to you what the best way forward is.

Heart’s Desire Number 9

You are drawn to philanthropy and have a desire to help the world and humanity. Your priorities may shift this week as you come to a new understanding of yourself. You’ll find it easier to reconcile with a tough decision. Reminding yourself that challenges are there to guide you, not hurt you, is important this week.

Full Moon Magic

Let the power of the Full Moon in Pisces guide you to a place of deeper wisdom and understanding of yourself.

You may have met your fair share of challenges, but these challenges are not there to harm you. They are there to help shape you, to enable you to understand yourself at such a level that the time comes when the best of you will thrive.

Reminding yourself of your Heart’s Desire Number throughout the week can help you when you feel put to the test. You are a bright, shining light; when your Heart’s Desire is allowed to freely express itself, this light shines across the darkest corners.

Related article: Use Numerology to Discover Your Perfect Career

About The Author

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.
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