Palmistry – Advisors Articles

Need a Life Line? Try At-Home Palmistry

Life is beautiful, but it’s also filled with confusion and challenges. This is why it can be so comforting to turn to professional astrologers and palm readers to learn more about your path, your personality, and why you’re here on this planet. But how fun would it be to read

Blasting Common Palmistry Myths & Misconceptions

Palmistry is a largely misunderstood art; it is an observation of the predictable lines and patterns on the hand that display characteristics of a person’s personality. The Renaissance era imbued many of the topics related to the healing arts as heretical and established a culture of fear around any topics

Palmistry: Hand & Finger Shapes

​Just as there is a lot to learn in astrology, there are many layers and details to the form of divination called palmistry. Palmistry reveals personality traits, general energy, types of life events, and can be predictive which is called chiromancy. Whether you’re interested in being a palm reader, curious

Deeper Into Palmistry: All About the Mounts

​If you’ve been following along with this palmistry series so far, you know the basics of what palmistry is, what to expect if you get your palm read, and the overall features of your palm. Now that you’ve learned a little about the features and areas of the palm, it’s

Palmistry: What Does Your Hand Reveal About Your Personality?

​If you’ve been following along with our palmistry series so far, you know the basics of what palmistry is, and what to expect if you get your palm read. Maybe you’ve decided that seeing a palm reader isn’t for you, or that you’d like to be able to do readings

Palmistry: What Do Your Fingers Represent?

​How carefully do you look at someone’s fingers? For most of us, this is probably not the first physical trait we notice in others. If more of us knew what things such as the length, shape, texture and even proportion of our fingers can reveal about ourselves, we would definitely

I Got My First Palm Reading – Here’s What I Learned

For those who aren’t too familiar with palmistry, it is the study of the palmar lines and mounts of an individual’s hands. While there are many schools of interpretation in chiromancy, a strong reading (and the type I went for) involves both hands, so that your palm reader can get

Head, Heart, Life: Learn the Important Lines in Palmistry

The art of palmistry has been around for thousands of years; it is a form of divination used to see a person’s potential and personality. It’s also called chiromancy. It includes looking at the shape of the hand, the fingers, and the lines on the palm of your dominant hand

Introduction to Palmistry: How to Read Between the Lines

One of the most exciting things about the metaphysical sciences is exploring new portals of discovery – at one point, all of us were new to astrology, Tarot, crystals, or whatever our chosen form of interpretation may be. While it’s always rewarding to master a new craft and become more

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