Natal Planets Articles

What’s the MOST Important Planet in Your Birth Chart?

If you have ever taken a look at your birth chart, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the wealth of information available about yourself all through the lens of the stars. As many of us may have guessed (or already know), there’s more to you than just your zodiac sign

THIS is How to Read Your Birth Chart Like an Astrologer

Have you heard the term natal chart or birth chart being thrown around lately? What’s your initial reaction to this word? Perhaps you’re whispering— “Birth chart! What on Earth is that?” or Maybe you’re an astrology pro who is super excited to be reading this article because you know exactly

What is a Stellium & What Does it Mean in Your Birth Chart?

​There are some configurations in astrology that should be given extra attention, and one of those is a stellium. A stellium refers to when someone has at least three planets in one zodiac sign or house in their birth chart. There is some debate there, however, as some will only

us election astrology

The SHOCKING Astrology of the US Election: Donald Trump & Kamala Harris

The world is pretty wrapped up in the U.S. presidential election, and we’re now looking at choosing between Republican nominee Donald Trump, who seeks to win again after losing four years ago, and Democrat Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and unexpected nominee after President Joe Biden opted to end

Beyoncé taylor swift

The Astrology Behind the Star Power of Beyoncé & Taylor Swift

When you ask someone who the biggest stars in the world at this moment are, you’re probably going to hear most people give the same answers: Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.  One started out in the country and has turned pop, and the other started out in R&B and has recently

leo birth chart

Where is Leo in Your Birth Chart?

With the Sun touring Leo and Leo Season in full swing on July 22nd, we’re about to feel a little more creative, romantic, and fun-loving. You don’t have to be a Leo to have this energy in your life, though—we all have Leo somewhere in our natal charts, and that

Where is Gemini in Your Birth Chart?

Gemini season will finally be taking us out of the Earthy sign of the Bull — in other words, the Sun has moved out of Taurus and into Mutable Gemini! Witty, intelligent, and curious, Gemini brings a sociable and enthusiastic spirit to our astrological landscape. Whether it’s through cracking open

ultimate guide to retrogrades article

Your ULTIMATE Guide to ALL Retrogrades

Retrogrades tend to be the first thing people learn about with astrology that scares the living daylights out of them.  But fear not!  Armed with some knowledge, retrogrades can be managed just like anything else in astrology (or life!). What is Retrograde? What is the retrograde definition in astrology?  A

pair of hands writing information on a piece of paper showing a birth chart

Your Ultimate Guide to Birth Charts

​Do you read your horoscope or articles about your sign and think, “I don’t identify with that at all?!” This tells us a few things about you: Astrology involves many, many layers, and many of us don’t realize that our Sun or zodiac sign is only the top layer of

whimsical image of a woman running through a forest

Where is Aquarius in Your Birth Chart?

People-focused, Airy, and the humanitarian heart of the zodiac, we could all use a bit more Aquarius energy in our lives. Whether or not you are aware of your Aquarius energy, however, it exists within all of us somewhere in our birth charts. The key is just to understand how

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