virgo Monthly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the Month of: July 2024

July - Can you believe July is here, Virgo? Well it is and its hot. The month ahead is going to be busy with major changes in your career, goals, mindset, and overall outlook on life. You can expect a wave of energy that boosts your sense of security and stability in areas that mean the world to you. Surprises are lined up for you. The past? Leave it behind. It's not part of this new chapter. Travel light by dropping the bags. All the inner work you’ve been doing and the trust you’ve placed in yourself is about to pay off big time. Amazing things are coming your way because you’ve put in the effort and believed in yourself. Now, let's take a look at your monthly horoscope.

The month begins with Neptune turning retrorgrade in the relationships and partnerships area of your chart. Things may feel fuzzy regarding connections and the motivates of others. It's a great time to reassess your relationships and get rid of any illusions or unrealistic expectations. Be honest with yourself about what you really need from others.

At the same time, Mercury enters Leo bringing creative and expressive energy to the more private, intimate part of your life. This energy is about exploring your subconscious mind and feelings. There could be a touch of moodiness in the air, thanks to the emotions you are bringing to light. Spend time journaling, meditating, or doing any activity that connects you with your inner world.

Then, on July 5, a magical New Moon in Cancer arrives, infusing its energy into the area of your chart that governs social circles, community involvement, wishes, and dreams. With the New Moon comes a fresh start to your social circle and your dreams for the future. You'll align with supportive connections and encouraged to surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Perhaps, you can channel this energy to join a new group, start a collaborative project, or deepen your bonds with like-minded individuals. Avoid gossip and people who drain your energy. Be cautious of drama or emotionally charged situations. Focus on peaceful and nurturing relationships that are about growing and thriving.

On July 11, after Venus forms a harmonious trine to Neptune, Venus enters Leo. With Venus in this sign you are drawn to spiritual practices or activities that foster inner peace. Relationships seem more sacred, as you seek to build deeper bond with your inner child. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition during this period—they may offer significant insights and guidance.

There will be twists and turns and a strong urge to travel, expand, and explore when Mars aligns with Uranus on July 15. This radical alignment activates the area of your chart related to higher learning, adventure, travel, cultural experiences, publishing, law, and philosophy. Whatever you indulge in, it will shift your mind-set and understanding of life. Be mindful of impulsive decisions. Sure, this energy is incredibly exciting and liberating, but it can throw you off track if you are not strategic or trust your intuition. So, pay attention to your instincts, but also consider the potential consequences of your actions. This is an ideal time to embrace change and seek out new experiences, but do so with awareness and preparedness.

Later in the month, Mars enters Gemini on July 20, bringing flair to your career and public image. There's tons of energy and motivation to fuel your goals and take bold steps toward what you deserve. You'll be buzzing with fresh ideas and eager to communicate your vision to others. Use this time to brainstorm, network, and strategize your next moves. Be proactive in seeking out opportunities and don't shy away from showcasing your wisdom and knowledge.

A powerful Full Moon arrives the next day in Capricorn, lighting up the same areas as last month - self-expression, creativity, children, romance, and entertainment. The energy is potent right now and can bring clarity to various areas of your life. It's a period for realizing and embracing your creative potential, deepening romantic connections, and finding joy in playful activities. Pay close attention to your emotional responses and insights during this Full Moon. It’s a powerful moment to release any lingering doubts or fears, and thoughts of self-doubt that may be holding you back. Channel this energy to gain clarity to better structure your goals. Find more joy in everyday life and celebrate what makes you unique.

The next day marks the beginning of Leo season, and you may be drawn to solitude for much-needed rest and relaxation. It's been a busy month so far, and your energy levels might be running low. As the Sun moves into Leo, it highlights the part of your chart that encourages introspection and retreat. This is a time to recharge your batteries, reflect on your journey, and indulge in self-care. Whether it's meditation, a quiet getaway, or spending more time alone, use this time of renewal.

Finally, the month ends with your ruling planet Mercury entering your sign. As always, it is wonderful when Mercury is back home. You will find your mind sharper, more organized, and ready to tackle tasks that require precision and careful planning.

Moodiness and headaches can come with this transit if you don't take care of your energy. Whether it's through physical exercise, spending time in nature, or practicing mindfulness, find ways to balance your mental activity with relaxation and self-care.

Overall, this month is the incubation period before your birthday season. There are many changes ahead. Your professional life is reaching new heights and your love life just got boosted with greater energy. So, give thanks for the present moment!

Self-care tip: Put self-care first by setting clear boundaries. Don't overcommit yourself and say no when needed. Make time for rest, reflection, and energy-refilling activities. It's not selfish to take care of yourself—it's essential to your well-being and productivity.

July's affirmation: "I celebrate the manifestation of my goals and dreams with open arms and a heart full of gratitude."

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