The 2 of Cups Tarot card represents a happy and blissful pair, strengthened by the union of unconditional love. Each individual is bringing love to the table with pure intentions and a pure heart. The 2 of Cups card often appears in love readings but can also appear in business readings. It’s an excellent time to take on a new partner, initiate a move with a new partner, or extend an offering to a partner in your life, whether in work or play. You may also meet someone special when this card appears!
In the 2 of Cups, we see two lovers joining forces, each bringing a cup of love to the table. Many Tarot readers consider this a twin flame card, so if you see this card appear, expect your twin flame to make an appearance in some way. Look for signs or messages or an invitation of some sort. When the suit of Cups is present, so is committed love. When the 2 of Cups arrives, know that the union you are wondering about is one with unconditional love that flows blissfully between the pair.