Discover Your Deepest Sexual Desires with Mars in Pisces

mars in pisces

On the 22nd, the warrior archetype Mars will dive deep into the cosmic ocean of intuitive Pisces.

This transit provides new energy that deals with the embodiment of our sexual desires in a more intuitive and spiritual nature, along with confronting how we display anger, express ourselves, and assert power.

Mars is the planet of action, confidence, force, and libido in astrology. It is an initiator, so whenever it transits into new energy or passes sensitive points, it triggers activity and starts new movements by bringing passion and fire to stagnant areas in your life.

This is a change that deals with sexuality and expressing the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of yourself with compassion and love.

So, take notes as we dive deep into Mars in Pisces.

Mars in Pisces Woman

The Mars in Pisces woman is magical, sweet, and in love with love. She desires a caring, compassionate, and sensitive partner- the ultimate Soul mate. She is attracted to the playboy type, yet her heart needs a stable fairytale type of love.

Turn-ons are cuddling, massages, kissing, and romance. Her turn-off is physical connections without intimacy, romance, and spirituality.

Mars in Pisces Man

The Mars in Pisces man is dreamy, enchanting, and sometimes shy. Yet, his heart runs as deep as an ocean. Once committed to a cause or a relationship, he is passionate and will stop at nothing for the things or people he loves.

His turn-ons are affectionate, attentive, and thoughtful lovers. He loves to have fun and needs a Soul mate that can handle his level of sensitivity.

Transiting Mars in Pisces

Spiritual Pisces gives Mars a new meaning to fantasy, romance, and transcendent sexual experiences. At an evolved level, Mars in Pisces is the embodiment of our sexual and spiritual nature unified as one.

However, Mars may find it challenging and confusing to move through the uncertainty that mutable Pisces may bring. There is a strong need for love, romance, privacy, and emotional power to shatter the societal view on sexuality and love.

This transit will open you to blissful levels of sexual expression so that you may create more emotionally supportive and magical intimate experiences.

Every placement has good and bad qualities or possibilities, depending on the aspecting planets. Below are some of the qualities you can expect to experience.


  • Attentive
  • Compassionate
  • Creative
  • Devoted
  • Gentle
  • Romantic
  • Playful
  • Psychic


  • Temperamental
  • Delusional
  • Unsure
  • Deceitful
  • Excessive sensitivity

What are Your Sign’s Deepest Sexual Desires?


When Mars is in selfless Pisces, your deepest desire to conquer the bedroom on an emotional level will awaken you to explore the pleasures that drive your inner subconscious, Aries.

Receptivity and tenderness are what you secretly yearn for body touching, foreplay, sincerity, privacy, and emotional connection. So, get the music in the background going. Soften your masculine energy with a dose of feminine love.

Sexual relations are more spiritual at this time, and there is an indication of love relationships to which you have a strong karmic bond.


The foundation of your deepest sexual desire under Mars in Pisces lies in a relationship that holds the basis of a stable and secure friendship, Taurus. Secretly, you yearn for the spiritual experience to merge with another. To have a connection where you can sincerely and completely be yourself.

This transit also brings your romantic dreams to life. Perhaps you want to learn what sexuality truly means to you; use this time to explore new heights. In a relationship? The goal is to form a stronger friendship with your partner.

Single, expect Mars to bring in new opportunities to connect with someone you usually wouldn’t go for, so keep your eyes open.


Although this transit brings out your more controlling and dominant side, hidden within, there’s a deep desire to experience gentleness from your partner or potential mate, Gemini.

You may find yourself putting love, romance, and physical activity on the back burner to focus on work. So, it’s vital to pour into your raw sexuality so it may bloom like a rose. Tap into Pisces’ dreamy and mystical energy to bring your fantasies to life.


When Mars is in Pisces and activates your adventure sector, you’ll feel the pull to engage in meaningful sexual experiences that feed your Soul and not emotional wounds of the past. Mars stimulates your senses, and there is a deep desire to explore the exotic side of life, Cancer.

Here, the focus is on creating and opening up to new experiences. The bedroom becomes your experimental playground. So naturally, you’ll want to incorporate this new energy into your intimate acts.

It is also an excellent transit to learn or study about sexuality or different sexual practices.


Passion ignites, and your intimacy sector is oozing with magic when Mars enters Pisces. Here, sexual desires and experiences are deep and meaningful. This energy guides you toward new heights of ecstasy as you begin to express yourself more intuitively, Leo.

Seduction and teasing throughout the intimate acts will be significant. Connections will be deeply felt and can form karmic bonds. It’s an excellent time to transform your existing approach to love, relationships, and sex.


Mars in Pisces activates passion in your committed seventh house. It’s time to let your soul guide and open your heart to commitment, Virgo. Compassion and love are aroused to new heights while Mars tugs on your deepest sexual desire to commit yourself to the ultimate love.

You can expect to find yourself more imaginative or psychic and easily shine those qualities into a partner or potential mate. Use your intuition to help guide you, so you won’t be vulnerable to deceit when opening up to others.


When Mars moves into Pisces and stimulates your go-getter 6th house, you’ll be eager to please and serve your partner in every way possible, Libra. Details matter, and you tend to pay more attention to your partner’s needs at this time.

Dressing up and fantasy play becomes your deepest desire, and you can expect to find yourself creating new ways to get out of old routines and revamp your sex life.


You are magnetically charming and sensual when Mars is in Pisces, with your sexual energy bursting out the seems Scorpio. This placement reveals your passionate and open-minded nature, asking you to release control and express your heart’s desire without restrictions.

Here, Mars emits enormous resources into romance and love affairs. But, deep down, you desire to express yourself freely and openly. You crave passion and creativity. So, it is vital to find healthy avenues of self-expression, as Mars in Pisces can bring spurts of anger and frustration.


When Mars is in Pisces, you secretly yearn for emotional and supportive experiences inside and outside the bedroom, Sagittarius.

Since emotions affect your desire to maintain a healthy, loving, and stable relationship, emotional development will be advantageous during this transit. Therefore, you’ll need tender loving responses, foreplay, whispers, and slow touches as reassurance from your partner.


Although you may be known for your blunt and direct vocabulary, Mars in Pisces awakens your desire for sweet and loving communication inside the bedroom. Mental stimulation during sexual activities is essential to you, and there is a strong urge to explore your imagination, Capricorn.

You will be more vocal than usual in the bedroom and have no problem telling your partner how you feel. So, speak from your heart with love and understanding.


Neck kisses and slow, tender strokes of love are what you secretly desire with Mars in Pisces. You also need to feel confident, safe, and emotionally secure in your sexual experiences, and deep down, you need a partner that exhibits the same, Aquarius.

Tantra and foreplay or involving your senses with aromatherapy or food is a great way to get your energy going during this transit.


Face kisses, hair pulling, and tender yet playfully aggressive touches are what you secretly desire when Mars enters your sign. You want deeply felt experiences and intimacy in your relationships.

You will feel bolder, more confident, and in control, sexually assertive like a volcano waiting to erupt. So, save that passion for the bedroom.

Let Mars Fuel Your Fire

There is no doubt that Mars in Pisces will be an exciting and spiritual experience for all zodiac signs. Raw energy, intuition, and passion ignite, tugging on your deepest sexual desires.

So, open yourself up to your inner truth. Break free from addictive behaviors, patterns, and harmful coping mechanisms.

Sexuality plays a vital role in manifestation and life experiences. It is time to bring intuition and tenderness back into sexual affairs. Be creative, compassionate, honest, loving, and sincere.

Related article: Which Zodiac Signs Have the Highest Sex Drive?

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