Talismans & Charms: How to Make Your Own

Do you wear a special necklace that seems to bring good luck, or refuse to attend a game for your favorite team without your lucky hat or jersey? Then you may be more familiar with amulets, talismans, and lucky charms than you think.

You may have heard terms like “amulet,” “talisman,” or “lucky charm” in the past and thought these words were all just synonyms for a basic concept; however, in the magical land of energy-infused objects, these terms stand for different practices.

Let’s explore the world of lucky objects: the differences between them and how to make your own.

Lucky Charms

No, we’re not talking about the marshmallow cereal!

While the thought of a lucky charm may bring to mind a rabbit’s foot keychain or a four-leaf clover, charms were originally made of words and intentions. In fact, they were often activated through spoken word or song. Charm even comes from the French word, charme, which translates to song. As spoken-word became less popular, the idea of charms then evolved into the desire for a physical object that can be carried with an individual all day. Eventually, these tangible charms replaced their melodic counterparts altogether.

Anything with value or sentimental meaning can act as a charm. As with many of the metaphysical tools available to us, intention is one of the most important aspects of working with charms. Our intentions are much more powerful than we think, and it is the concept of utilizing this power that lies behind such practices as carrying lucky charms, working with candles, or even the Law of Attraction. When we put our minds to something with intensity, it is more likely to be successful. And infusing this intention with objects is merely one way to remind yourself of your intentions each day.

You may choose to carry your lucky charm all day, or you might prefer to leave it in a safe and sacred place. Many charms exist already, such as the aforementioned four-leaf clover or the rabbit’s foot. The Irish even have a song about the four-leaf clover:

One leaf is for fame,

And one leaf is for wealth,

And one leaf is for a faithful lover,

And one to bring you glorious health,

Are all in the four-leafed clover.

Charms eventually became so popular that charm bracelets entered the world of fashion, allowing someone to wear multiple charms at once.

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Amulets are more closely associated with protection than luck, and they have been used for thousands of years to bring protection to the individual and the home. If you’ve ever seen the famous Egyptian Evil Eye in art or jewelry, you’re already familiar with one powerful and widely popular amulet.

This particular amulet comes from an ancient curse, that held that a malevolent glare from another individual could bring bad luck. This belief is at least 5,000 years old, and it has been said that an evil eye amulet can protect against this specific type of curse.

In the beginning, amulets were primarily comprised of naturally occurring materials, such as animal bone or rock; however, an amulet can be made of any material you desire. It is believed that knots protect against evil spirits and make particularly effective amulets.


Talismans differ from charms and amulets in that they are thought to provide strength, energy, and certain skills or circumstances to the wearer. Because of the nature of talismans and power, many talismans are created under certain astrological conditions to emphasize certain energies. For instance, if you were creating a talisman to attract love, you may wish to wait for the ideal Venus transit to occur before going forward.

Like amulets, and because talismans are often used to provide power, many talismans also come from animal materials: a lion’s tooth for courage, a tiger’s claw for strength.


Stones and crystals have long been used to fulfill the role of charm, talisman, or amulet. Many crystals naturally possess the energy that you may be seeking in making one of these mystical tools. Because so many crystals are inexpensive and readily available, they are an excellent medium to use for work of this nature.

Read this next: How to Choose the Right Crystals for You – Intuitively

Making Your Own

Creating your own charm, talisman, or amulet is a personal experience, like many of the metaphysical practices available to us. You may choose to craft your own lucky charm from clay, or you may already own a small bobble that has a special meaning to you and seems perfect for energy infusion.

Regardless of the material or shape of your object of choice, the most important aspect is the energy and intention that you charge it with. Your own energy is one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal and it should not be overlooked.

For more information on making your own charms, amulets, and talismans, check out Amulets & Talismans for Beginners: How to Choose, Make & Use Magical Objects by Richard Webster.

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About The Author

Rhiannon Liselle

Rhiannon Liselle is a nomadic Sagittarius with a passion for writing and trying to help others grow. She’s studied astrology for about 10 years, and has been writing about metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric subjects for 3 years. Rhiannon lives in the mountains of Colorado, and loves drinking coffee and spending time with her coloring books.
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