Sun Sign Articles

What Does the Moon in Scorpio Mean?

The Moon and her mysteriously palpable and influential energy must not be overlooked, especially when it comes to astrology. The Moon’s pull affects the ocean’s tides, the growth of crops, the collective subconscious, and perhaps most importantly, our emotions. The Moon rules over our subconscious and unconscious minds, our dreams,

Annual Profection: All About Astrology’s Best Kept Secret

Predictive astrology can be used to look at what’s coming for you astrologically, and one of the more straightforward methods is the use of annual profections. Annual profections as a technique is thousands of years old and a part of Hellenistic Astrology. With the annual profections, you move from one

8 Unfair Myths About Leo & Why You Should Let Them Go

It’s Leo season! This means it’s time to dispel some of the circulating myths about Leos. Negative stereotypes in astrology are often a narrow perspective of any of the zodiac signs. The Leo zodiac sign has numerous positive traits and some that are just simply misunderstood. It’s time to dig

The Sagittarius Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics

Born between November 21st and December 20th, the Sagittarius man is a charming traveler who attracts many and falls for few. His traits might include his love for travel, his compassion towards strangers, and his desire to expand. Being ruled by Jupiter, they are always looking for opportunities to seize

Top 46 Gemini Celebrities Who Embody Their Zodiac Sign Perfectly

​Gemini season spans between May 21 and June 20. Those who fall under the Gemini Sun sign have brilliant minds, and are known to have the potential to reach great success. They are the chattiest of all the signs and love to socialize! We’ve rounded up 46 Gemini celebrities, and

Scorpio Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Scorpio

Scorpio is famous for being the most intense sign of the zodiac. A Scorpio woman in astrology has mysterious eyes and an intense gaze. This Water sign likes to go all-in when they are interested in something (or someone) and the only thing as deep as their interest level is

Jupiter in Capricorn Horoscopes by the Zodiac Sign

We are at a point in the year where luck takes a turn. Jupiter has just moved into Capricorn, after spending most of 2019 in Sagittarius. This began on December 2, 2019, and ends December 19, 2020. This time around we have lucky and optimistic Jupiter leaving the Mutable sign

Scorpio Man: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Male Scorpio

There’s nothing quite as mysterious and intriguing as the Scorpio sign in astrology. The Scorpio man is vampiric in nature, reclusive, passionate, and compared to most, wild. This man may seem to be out for himself, but that is only because he is fiercely dedicated to his small wolf pack

The Archer’s Tarot: Which Tarot Cards Represent Sagittarius?

As we move out of the intriguing and heavy Scorpio season, we move into the lighter and yet just as intriguing Sagittarius season. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd and moves on on December 21st. Represented by the centaur, a mythical half-human, half-horse creature, in the zodiac he holds

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