July 2025 Astrology Calendar

This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological events for 2025, intended to help you plan for the year!

The calendar includes all of the major aspects between the planets, when they turn retrograde or direct, when New Moons, Full Moons, and Eclipses occur when planets move into new signs and the potential impact. The calendar uses Eastern time zone.

July 2025 Astrological Transits


Moon in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus

Work on a small change today, and you can have the energy you need and focus to make progress quickly.

Moon Enters Libra

If you need help from anyone, the next few days can be a good time to ask for it. You can give help in return.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra


Moon in Libra Sextile Mercury in Leo

Conversation can be pleasant, and it can be easier to communicate openly with others and have understanding.

First Quarter Moon in Libra

Relationships, commitments, or compromises may require some adjustments over the next week with the First Quarter Moon in Libra, and this can help you make more progress and finalize plans.


Moon in Libra

You can feel comfortable spending more time with others and may want to get more one-on-one time to share.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra


Venus Enters Gemini

Venus moves into the sign of the mind, making relationships more mental. Over the coming weeks, you can connect mentally and enjoy using your mind, being creative, and staying active.

Neptune Retrograde Begins in Aries

Neptune turns retrograde in Aries, moving backward now in this Fire sign, and Neptune retrograde is notorious for its foggy energy. Connect with your intuition and try to take the initiative.

Venus in Gemini Conjunct Uranus in Gemini

Sudden and unexpected developments in relationships might shake things up, or unconventional people may come into your life.

Moon Enters Scorpio

There can be a transformation that needs to happen, and you can focus on trying to get it started now.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio


Moon in Scorpio Trine Sun in Cancer

Give yourself some comfort and put yourself at ease. This can help inspire you creatively.


Venus in Gemini Sextile Saturn in Aries

Ambition can run high, and you can focus on trying to make progress with one of your goals. You can get excited, but stay disciplined.

Venus in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries

Maximize your creativity and imagination in productive ways. You can enjoy using it and get focused and you might get some assistance.

Moon Enters Sagittarius

Big ideas can come to you over the next few days, and you can get excited by what you come up with.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius


Uranus Enters Gemini

This is a massive event for the year with Uranus starting to move to Gemini. Uranus can feel comfortable in this sign and pushes for unconventional ideas, thinking outside the box and pursuing odd interests. Open your mind and absorb new knowledge in new ways.

Venus in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius

Enjoy making use of passionate energy. You can get to the heart of something, take control, or share.


Moon in Sagittarius

The big picture can be easier for you to see than usual, and you can be more optimistic about what’s coming for you.


Moon in Capricorn Opposite Jupiter in Cancer

This can be a lazy day where you’re prone to excess and indulgence. If you can get some time off, it’s good for relaxing.

Moon Enters Capricorn

One of your goals can get more attention over the next few days, and you can work to get on the right track.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Capricorn


Moon in Capricorn Trine Mars in Virgo

Energy and drive can be on your side, and you can use the energy and enthusiasm you have to make strides.

Capricorn Full Moon

With the Capricorn Full Moon, you can hit new heights and achieve in some way with something you’ve done right and are passionate about. There can be setbacks with anything you’re not invested in or have done the wrong way, and you have to adjust your plan or set different goals.

Read this: The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons


Moon in Aquarius Sextile Saturn in Aries

Discipline can help you make progress, and you can take a practical approach to what you want to achieve.

Moon Enters Aquarius

Being independent can help you make strides, and you can feel more in control of what you want.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius


Moon in Aquarius Trine Venus in Gemini

Try to strike a balance as best as you can, and this can help you feel more grounded.


Saturn Retrograde Begins in Aries

Saturn begins to move backward in Aries, and Saturn retrograde restricts even more and limits our options. We have to get creative with what we’ve got in order to open more up and be extra resourceful. We can take the initiative with this in Aries and make use of energy.

Moon Enters Pisces

Imagination can soar, and you can work on creative or spiritual projects and ventures and can work well on your own.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces


Moon in Pisces Trine Jupiter in Cancer

An open mind and optimistic view can be of help, and you can crack open more opportunities for new experiences.


Moon in Pisces Trine Sun in Cancer

What you want for yourself can get more attention, and you can feel at ease when you’re focusing on yourself.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces/Aries


Moon in Aries Conjunct Neptune in Aries

Your intuition can guide you well, and you can work to strengthen your connection and improve your confidence.

Moon Enters Aries

Take the initiative with something, and go down a new road with your approach. You can blaze a new trail.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries


Moon in Aries Trine Mercury in Leo

Communication can flow, and you can have an easier time expressing what’s on your mind and opening up.

Last Quarter Moon in Aries

Take the initiative with any clearing out, cleaning up, and finishing over the next week with the Last Quarter Moon in Aries. You can be enthusiastic about releasing baggage and making room for the new.


Mercury Retrograde Begins in Leo

Mercury moves back in Fire sign Leo, and Mercury retrograde can throw anything and everything off. It’s a great time for second chances if you can navigate it well. In Leo, we may reconnect with our hearts and old flames, but we might need to avoid drama.

Read this: Your Ultimate Guide to Controversial Mercury Retrograde

Mercury in Leo Sextile Venus in Gemini

Communication can be easier, but it might need to be in new, different ways, and this helps you open up and improve mental energy.

Moon Enters Taurus

Ground yourself, as things are getting wild now. By being more grounded, you can have better control.

Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus


Moon in Moon in Taurus Trine Mars in Virgo

Use energy, enthusiasm, and excitement to your advantage. Focus on what you can make a push with.


Moon in Gemini Sextile Neptune in Aries

Focus on taking some time to yourself to work on creative projects and ventures.

Moon Enters Gemini

Mental energy can pick up, and you can come up with new ideas, finish short-term plans, and keep busy.

Waning Crescent Moon in Gemini


Moon in Gemini Conjunct Venus in Gemini

Working with others can be of help, and you can enjoy getting more time with those you care about anyway, so it works out in many ways.


Sun Enters Leo

Leo season kicks off, and this is traditionally a time for creativity, love, romance, fun, play, and good times. It’s great for a vacation, getaways with friends and loved ones, and for sparking romantic vibes. With Mercury retrograde in Leo, though, this might focus more on reconnecting with old loves and hobbies and going back to places you’ve been to before.

Moon Enters Cancer

Take time to tend to matters at home or with those you think of as family. You can focus on being more comfortable and secure.

Waning Crescent Moon in Cancer


Sun in Leo Sextile Uranus in Gemini

A change can do you some good, and you can be open to doing things differently, experimenting, and venturing outside of your comfort zone.

Venus in Gemini Square Mars in Virgo

Someone might frustrate you, and it can be easy to snap. Try to keep this under control and channel it productively into something creative or into romance where sparks can fly high.


Sun in Leo Trine Saturn in Aries

Discipline can return, and you can work on your long-term plans for your goals and feel more ambitious.

Sun in Leo Trine Neptune in Aries

Your charisma can be higher than usual, and you may get along well with others and be more compassionate and understanding.

Moon Enters Leo

Focus on love, creativity, and bringing joy back into your life over the next few days.

Leo New Moon

With the Leo New Moon, you may pursue opportunities to pick back up an old creative project or hobby, reconnect with your heart or with an old flame, and tend to your inner child. You can enjoy yourself and remind yourself of what fun is.

Read this: The Ultimate Guide to New Moons


Sun in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Fights over power and control can break out, and you may be tempted to dive in, but need to work on being more flexible and keeping an open mind, even when others are losing it.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo


Moon in Virgo Square Uranus in Gemini

Restlessness might set in, and you can feel like jumping with something as a result, but this doesn’t usually work. Try to control this energy and channel it wisely.

Moon Enters Virgo

Get productive and efficient. Work on your schedule, get organized, clean up, and stick to a routine.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo


Moon in Virgo Sextile Jupiter in Cancer

Focus on opportunities for new experiences that excite you. This can open up more doors for you to learn and grow.


Moon in Virgo Conjunct Mars in Virgo

Energy can run high, and you can be enthusiastic and easily excited. Use this to your advantage and make progress with a plan, idea, or project quickly.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo/Libra


Moon in Libra Trine Pluto in Aquarius

Empower yourself by taking control of a situation or project that has been derailed or by embarking on a transformation for the better.

Moon Enters Libra

Bring better balance into your life by giving some time and attention to what you haven’t had time for lately.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra


Venus Enters Cancer

The planet of love, Venus, enters the sign of emotion, Cancer, and this means emotional connection is more important in relationships over the coming weeks. You can be supportive and understanding and want the same in return.


Sun in Leo Conjunct Mercury in Leo

This is the Inferior Conjunction, where Mercury retrograde conjuncts the Sun, and it’s a great time for a new project or venture that you can focus on for the next two months or so, so get going.

Moon Enters Scorpio

Intensity and passion can take over, and you can focus on getting to the heart of a matter or project and work to solve a problem.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Scorpio

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