Similar Dreams: Fighting, Wedding, Escape
Dreaming about divorce is often scary business, especially if you are happily married!
Furthermore, if you dream about divorce and you’re not married, or even in a relationship, you may be wondering what on earth that was all about!
The latent meaning of divorce however is generally not as scary as it feels. The symbol of divorce in your dream could simply be telling you to step back and take a look at the bigger picture in a certain situation.
Dreaming About Divorce
Pay attention to who is present in your dream. You may not even know the person who you are divorcing as divorce dreams do not always refer to romantic relationships. The people present in your dream may give you a clue as to what you need to take a step back from.
Is there a particular friend in the dream that you recognize? It could mean you need to let go of this friendship or at least step back and assess it.
Is your boss present or a colleague? It may be time to consider a career change.
Where is the divorce taking place? This could symbolize that it’s time to relocate somewhere else or have a change of scenery.
No matter the circumstances of your divorce dream, it may symbolize cutting ties and moving on from someone or something. At the very least, the dream urges you to take a step back and take a good look from an outsider’s perspective at who or what it is you may need “divorcing” from.
Divorce Dreams Which Generate Anxiety
A common theme seen with dreams about separation or divorce is anxiety or nervousness.
Your divorce dream could have nothing to do with cutting ties or assessing your relationship with someone. When you analyze the dream, it could simply mean you have anxiety about relationships in general and something is preventing you from forming this closeness with another.
Only you know if this is the meaning of your divorce dream. How do relationships make you feel? Do you freeze when getting too close to someone? Do you pull back? Do you deliberately repel potential love interests?
These questions can help you understand yourself at a deeper level and shed some light on your divorce dream. It may be time to ‘divorce’ from this way of thinking which prevents you from experiencing a happy union with another.
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out what that means in our recurring dream definition.