Race Dream Meaning


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Dreaming about seeing a race or taking part in a race indicates competition in your waking life. You may be under some pressure when this dream appears.

A race dream can take many forms and have a number of unique scenarios, but the meaning behind the dream stays the same. This is about an innate desire to come out on top and be the champion.

Dreaming About Being in a Race

If you are dreaming about being in a race (especially a running race), there is a very good chance that the spirit of competition is in your life, or will be very soon. If this energy is passing out of your life, dreaming of a race is a day residue of that dream, a residue of a memory you have already created and stored in your subconscious.

The symbol of a race in a dream is not always about athletic competition; it could be symbolizing any kind of competition in your life.

Ask yourself: Are you up for a big job promotion? Are you working on a career change? Do you feel like you are competing for your lover?

Have you had this dream more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.

Dreaming About Losing a Race

Dreaming that you are losing a race indicates that you are focusing too much on the spirit of competition.

You may need to slow down your current pace and focus on the details around you; those are the things that really matter in life.

Losing a race in a dream also points to fears and insecurities that exist within, especially the fear of failure. This is especially telling if others are jeering at your loss in your dream. You may be too concerned about your image to others in your waking life.

A loss may indicate a potential loss in your future, but it could also mean that you are putting your energies in the wrong project or partnership right now too.

Dreaming About Winning a Race

Dreaming of winning a race symbolizes a win appearing in your near future, and you want to pay attention to as many details here as you can.

Is this a win at all cost? Or are you winning fair and square?

This type of dream often promotes a good feeling and you may feel like a champion upon waking. Sometimes, this type of dream is your subconscious’ way of giving you a boost of motivation you may need in your waking life!

Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.

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