sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the Month of: July 2024

July - It's summer, summer time sexy Sagittarius! Time to sit back and unwind. Because the month ahead offers opportunities to manifest your dreams and desires. As this cycle begins, even if you find yourself in minor disagreements, look for common ground with those you've been at odds with, or seek forgiveness to move forward. This period of conflict is over, so forgive yourself, and move forward. There is so much in store for your happiness. So, let's see what your monthly horoscope has in store for you.

The month begins with Neptune turning retrograde in your home and family sector on July 2. This is your universal rewind button on your emotional journey of healing and growth. Memories may bubble to the surface, as you revisit old hurts and pains. Those hurts will lead to great healing and rewards for your journey. This is all about awareness and clarity. This is your chance to untangle the knots of the past and set yourself free.

Meanwhile, Mercury, the smooth talker of the planets, struts into Leo. It's like an instant spark stimulating your mind to new ideas and inspiration. You are eager to explore, expand, and try something different. It's about pursuing your wildest dreams. Whether it's planning an adventure or developing a hobby, there's a fire in your belly urging you to seize the day.

However, a New Moon arrives on July 5. This New Moon falls in its home sign of Cancer and influences your psychological landscape. You may crave some alone time or time with your loved ones. Intimacy, transformation, and shared resources are the themes activated by this New Moon. With Cancer's watery qualities, you're inspired to dig into your psyche and face any emotional baggage you're hiding. Focus on deep introspection. Lay low and build a new relationship with yourself. During these emotionally charged times, engage in therapeutic practices or activities that facilitate your emotional well-being. Whether it's journaling, meditation, or seeking guidance from a trusted confidant, prioritize your overall well-being and health. Use this opportunity to reassess your financial situation and consider long-term strategies for long-term stability. Avoid escaping reality or uncomfortable emotions. Confronting challenges head-on will ultimately lead to growth and empowerment. Don't make risky financial decisions. Take the time to carefully evaluate your options and seek professional advice if needed. Watch out for self-sabotage. Stay resilient and self-compassionate to navigate any inner turmoil.

On July 11, Venus, the planet of beauty, values and love, gently aligns with Neptune, awakening your artistic and romantic side. Shortly after, Venus glides into Leo, bringing drama, charm, flair, and extravagance to your relationships. This is all about love and marriage. Setting the stage for rekindling romances or gaining access to long awaited opportunities.

Mars and Uranus join forces on July 15, urging sudden breakthroughs and surprises. This energy could manifest in health, work, and being of service to others. There's also a need to really look at your habits and energy. If the universe is shaking things up, it's because you need to step out of your old routines and try a different way of doing something. So, assert your independence, your needs, desires, and wants. Pursue your goals with passion and determination. Just proceed with cation or avoid acting impulsively or recklessly.

As Mars enters Gemini on July 20, your partnerships, contracts, and communication become more important. There's a tremendous amount of energy for you to channel into making a list of all the things you want to accomplish. This is an ideal time to start new projects or ventures. Utilise your natural optimism and positivity to attract good luck and success. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. Be open to new experiences and learning opportunities. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of life to reflect on what’s meaningful.

The following day, July 20th, marks the second Full Moon in Capricorn, illuminating your financial sector. This lunar event offers opportunities for significant financial growth and stability, as if the universe is responding to your wish for increased prosperity. You are encouraged to review your budget and spending habits. Stability is important to you because it illuminates your finances and your relationships. Review where you are stable and narrow your focus toward long-term investments such as business endeavors or property investments. Research and remember to focus on the bigger picture instead of instant gratification.

A surge of energy arrives the next day, as the Sun moves into Leo. This fiery sign evokes your adventurous spirit and thirst for new experiences. You'll feel pulled toward discovering something new and expanding to greater heights. Leo season is an ideal time to reshape your outlook on the world, travel, or try something unique and out of your normal cultural experiences.

Finally, the month ends with Mercury entering its home sign Virgo on the 25th. Mercury in Virgo boosts your attention to detial, communication, and organization skills. Keep an ear out for important news or updates, especially regarding professional matters. This could be the green light you've been waiting for, whether it's a loan approval or a positive response to a request. Trust your instincts and stay open to the opportunities coming your way.

In summary, this month is about using conflicts or failures as stepping stones to success. When you take time out to explore your emotional world and its motivations you will better understand yourself and create more positive experiences.

Self-care tip: Take care of yourself this month by chanting. Let the rhythmic repetition of sacred sounds guide you to inner peace. Whether it's a mantra or just your own voice, chanting can soothe your soul during life's hustle and bustle.

July's affirmation: "I let go of grudges and approach challenges with compassion and understanding. Forgiveness leads to healing, harmony, and deeper relationships."

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