Feeling Cloudy? Clear Your Chakras with Reiki

Do you know that feeling when you just can’t decide to save your life, like there’s static in your head keeping you from thinking and talking clearly? Some people attribute this to poor sleep or perhaps something they ate, and while this could be the case, often it’s the result of a buildup of negative energy or an energetic block in one of your chakras. If you feel cloudy or low energy, that is the perfect time to gift yourself some Reiki.

What is Reiki, you may ask? It is just energy channelled in a certain direction. It’s essentially the same energy channelled when people do martial arts and can break concrete blocks or hardwood. Reiki is the energy that is present in all things and it carries the blueprints of creation that allow a human to grow into the shape of a human and an oak tree to grow into the shape of its relatives. It is channelled by someone who is attuned to the energy from a Reiki master.

How Blocked Chakras Steal Your Energy

Most people that do not get Reiki are not educated on how it works and therefore do not see any reason to spend their hard-earned cash on something they can’t see with their eyes. Some people feel quite a bit during a Reiki session, which may include pressure, heat, tingling, muscle twitches or something similar. The moving energy is often so noticeable that the person receiving Reiki can feel where the practitioner’s hands are hovering above their body. There’s no question there is an exchange of energy when you get or give this energy healing modality.

Your chakras are the stoplights on the energy highways of your body. If those stoplights get jammed and malfunction, there is a backup of traffic. It’s your emotional energy that we call electromagnetic energy that can block these chakras. Negative emotions like fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, loneliness, and sadness are the traffic ‘cloggers’ of your energetic roads. When those emotions are not released, they make your body unable to function harmoniously; thus, your energy becomes murky and slow, like a traffic jam.

How Reiki Removes Energetic Blocks

Reiki adds a boost or a jolt to the system, and like a traffic controller, it starts to direct the traffic to let that blocked energy flow. You actually don’t have to do anything in this process but relax, which is even more awesome. Reiki practitioners can sense where the energy is blocked, and they are trained to find the source of your cloudiness and then simply remove it. 

You’ll likely get a little glimpse of the experience that was causing the emotion as it releases, and sometimes you’ll cry. You may have stuffed the emotion down, and the practitioner will get a glimpse of it, which can feel very heavy temporarily for both of you as you share energy fields.

Reiki can help you feel more clear right away. Many people report that they walk in feeling sluggish and walk out feeling brighter. The aura also holds a lot of energy that we pick up from our environment or that is generated by the subconscious mind. If we are stressing and worrying, we will have a cloudy aura, making us feel tired and foggy.

When the practitioner charges your aura up, you’ll feel back to normal and even better than average because your aura will expand and, for likely the first time in a long time, elevate to a higher vibration. This can allow you to perceive things clearly and suddenly connect the dots in your mind with ease. It’s okay to ask for help, even if you’re usually the strong one.

Read this next: The Ultimate Guide to Reiki & Energy Healing

Closing Thoughts…

To get the most out of your Reiki session, be ready to rest for the next week if you feel tired as you will continue to process the energy that the practitioner has chipped off the walls of your energetic house to be flushed out. You need to drink lots of water to help you feel emotionally stable and keep in mind that you’ll likely release even more strong emotions over the next week as well. If you feel strong emotions seemingly out of nowhere, know it’s a good thing!

We have tools to help your energetic maintenance on a daily basis because energy is always shifting. To get a heads-up on how the planets will affect your energy, keep up on our daily articles and read your Free Daily Horoscope. In order to connect to your own intuition about why you’re feeling a certain way, you can use our Free 3-Card Reading which helps you tap into your own wisdom held by your soul. 

If you’ve felt blocked or stagnant, it’s likely that your energy actually is, and it’s a great time to gift yourself some Reiki. It feels like an energetic hug from the Universe, and could be the missing link in manifesting your goal or finally healing.

Related Article: Why You Should Get Reiki Certified To Heal Yourself

About The Author

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. Her classes can be found online at www.HOI.TV/authors/shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.
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