If you’ve pulled the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in a Tarot reading, then this article is sure to help you out!
When it comes to Court Cards, some readers find it a little tricky to understand them. This is because Court Cards (which consist of Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages) can represent an actual person or a situation—or even both. It is up to the reader to decipher what the Court Cards mean in each individual spread.
To keep things simple, let’s imagine that each Court Card plays its own significant role, something like the following:
- The Pages are the students who are just starting out. They are at the beginning stage.
- The Knights have been studying their craft for a long time and are ready to apply what they have learned to the real world.
- The Queens have mastered their craft, and they use their knowledge on an internal basis which includes embracing creativity and nurturing their families.
- The Kings have mastered their craft, and they use their knowledge on an external basis, which includes building businesses in the real world and providing for their families.
Each Page is on a journey to become a King or a Queen. Pages also represent messages, and the messages depend on their suit.
Are you looking for your own free Tarot reading? Check out the Tarot card of the day, or try the free three-card reading for more in-depth guidance.
What Does the Page of Pentacles Mean?
The Page of Pentacles can mean a variety of different things:
- Acting on your dreams and getting your plans in motion
- Being realistic
- Seeking abundance
- Expanding your ideas
- Being trustworthy
- Standing by your word
- Trusting in others
Read this next: How to Interpret the Court Cards in Tarot
What Does the Page of Pentacles Mean in Love & Relationships?
If you get the Page of Pentacles in the position of feelings, it often means that someone is attracted to you, but they are moving cautiously and possibly unsure how to proceed.
This is a Page that means there are new and exciting feelings of attraction, but because it is a Pentacle, it moves slowly. Therefore, the feelings of this person may not express themselves for quite some time.
As feelings, the Page of Pentacles can also mean that someone is studying and analyzing you and thinking of how to make things work in a relationship.
The Page of Pentacles can suggest someone – possibly younger – admires you from afar but is acting more like a secret admirer as there is shyness and reluctance to approach you.
It can also suggest a relationship that has the potential to grow into something steady, strong, and solid, but which requires some work.
Read this next: What is the Tarot Trying to Tell You in a Love Reading?
What Does the Page of Pentacles Mean in a Career Reading?
In a career reading, this Page indicates you are just starting out in your chosen craft and a time of great learning and study is upon you. This card bodes well for career readings, especially if accompanied by other Pentacle cards.
The Page can also indicate someone in your life who is just starting to learn a craft and is determined to become the master at what they do.
What About the Page of Pentacles as an Obstacle?
As an obstacle, this card can indicate someone who is too critical of others or has trouble trusting other people. When in the position of an obstacle, there could be someone in your life who is continuously critical of your efforts or who won’t trust you for some reason or another.
It can also show up as yourself, showing that you may have trust issues or be acting overly critical of others or yourself.
This Page can highlight immaturity when it comes to the material world. As an obstacle, it can also indicate that money is not being spent wisely.
This card can mean that you are being too slow at something, and it’s time to speed up!
What About the Page of Pentacles in Reverse?
As a reversed card, the Page of Pentacles indicates that you have reached some kind of stalemate with your plans. There may be laziness or unwillingness involved. You might find yourself lacking motivation and no longer able to see the long-term goal.
There could be external distractions that are preventing you from moving forward with your plans. This card can also indicate someone who struggles to get up and commit themselves to their goals.
Read this next: Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards
How to Make the Page of Pentacles Work for You
There are many ways you can make the Page of Pentacles work for you!
1. Meditate With The Card
Meditating with the Page of Pentacles can help you understand its meaning much better—especially if you feel stuck!
Close your eyes in a quiet space (and put on some soothing meditation music in the background if you wish) while holding the card and envisioning its image. Pay attention to the thoughts that spring to mind about this card. They could be words, images, or even sounds.
Write down everything that came to mind afterward and analyze how this can relate to the Page of Pentacles.
2. Keep It With You For Inspiration
The Page of Pentacles is a card for putting your plans into action and manifesting your dreams into reality.
Therefore, carrying the card around with you or placing it lovingly on your work desk or mantlepiece to remind you of its energy is a great way to harness the card’s power!
3. Use Positive Affirmations
Repeating positive affirmations specific to the Page of Pentacles can be a wonderful way to motivate yourself and boost your energies. Some great Page of Pentacles affirmations that you can repeat to yourself are:
- I will achieve my goals.
- I am motivated to move forward with my plans.
- I can do anything I set my mind to.
- I trust myself and others.
We recommend repeating one or more of these—50 times in the morning and 50 times at night.
Use the Power of the Page of Pentacles to Motivate You
Motivation isn’t always the easiest thing to get a hold of. Sometimes, all we want to do is sit back and do nothing. Procrastination can be a pretty easy thing to fall into!
But this Page reminds us that if we want something, we have to get up and go for it.
If you pull the Page of Pentacles in your reading, remember that it has a message for you. The Universe wants you to succeed, and the Page of Pentacles is here to remind you of that. Harness the energy of the Page to help you achieve your dreams!
Related article: You Pulled the World Card: Now What?