Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 2 – 8, 2023, Right Now

blue tarot card deck spread along a white table with a pair of hands holding one card with crystals and wood

It’s time to see what the first full week of this year has in store for us.

We’ll first be kicking things off with Venus, planet of love and beauty, entering sociable yet independent Aquarius on the 2nd. If you think that’s exciting, we’ll also almost immediately be having our first Full Moon of the year in Cancer on the 6th.

With all of these events underway, you may feel the pressure of ensuring your 2023 is off to a good start. But fear not, as we’ve consulted the Tarot to ensure you’re fully in the loop for what’s in store!

Let’s see what the cards have to say for you this week.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for January 2 – 8, 2023


Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Aries is ready to start 2023 with a full-on entrepreneurial spirit, but it’s not quite time to put that in full gear just yet.

The Queen of Wands is usually a pretty accurate depiction of you on the regular — passionate, leadership-material, adventurous, and ready to take on the world.

Reversed, you may need more time to fully reconnect with all of that energy. And yes, it’s a lot of energy to work with!

You may be ready to press “start” on everything you have planned, but the Universe is asking you to take a breather first.


The Chariot (Reversed)

Taurus, you may need to hit the brakes this week.

The Chariot reversed takes this a little literally, as the momentum of this typically magnificent energy is now put to a sharp halt.

Your goals, plans, and ideas may not exactly fall apart dramatically, per se. However, this is still a sign that you might need to rethink some of your next steps before revving up the engine again.

Slow down, breathe, and consider your next steps carefully. The important things will wait for you!


Knight of Cups (Reversed)

Gemini, you might be needing some extra “me time” to recalibrate the energy within your heart.

In less dramatic terms, the Knight of Cups reversed points to potential imbalance or confusion stemming from your emotions and intuition.

You may be rushing into things or leading too much with your heart, or potentially not listening enough to it. Either way, the remedy is taking a time-out so that you can reconnect with what’s actually going on.

Keep your ears open — but this time, for the beat of your own heart!


7 of Cups (Reversed)

Cancer, now is the time to choose what is most important to you.

The 7 of Cups reversed hints that you may have been caught in feelings of confusion and indecision for a while now but are finally ready to move forward and make the call that is most authentic to you.

This means listening to your intuition fully and trying to tune out external expectations or things you’ve internalized from others.

Plus, with a Full Moon in Cancer occurring this week, it’ll be a powerful time for you to finally make that breakthrough!


8 of Wands

Leo is ready to make big, bold moves and charge through with passion and enthusiasm!

The 8 of Wands is all about that exact energy, and it readies you for the experience of pursuing what you’re truly passionate about.

This is also a great week for flirtation, open communication, and sending a powerful message!

So if you’ve been wanting to put yourself out there a bit more, this is also a fantastic time for that.


Ace of Swords (Reversed)

Virgo always tends to be a more productive, problem-solving sign.

However, this week is when you may feel off your game. The Ace of Swords reversed can point to burnout, or generally, your mind just not working with you in the way it usually does.

Importantly, this means it’s not a great time to have important conversations or make solid conclusions about anything yet.

It may be frustrating, but it’s instead time to pause, take a break, and let the mind rest before trying something new.


5 of Pentacles

Libra might not have everything that they’re looking for right now, but you’re still trudging forward!

Although the 5 of Pentacles points to disappointments and loss, especially within career and finances, you’re still moving along to bigger and better things.

This card might seem like a damper, but ultimately it’s only midway through the suit! You’re not meant to give up here. When you feel like all is lost, that only means you have everything to gain.


Knight of Pentacles

Scorpio, you’re on the right path to getting the material success you desire.

This week, the Knight of Pentacles graces your week with a grounded, down-to-earth energy that’s great for getting things done.

This is especially cohesive with things like work, career, and finances. If you’ve wanted to get your things in order within these things, now is the time to straighten them all out, one by one.

Although this energy may not be glamorous, it is undoubtedly productive and worth taking advantage of.


The World (Reversed)

Sagittarius has not quite been feeling like themselves lately.

The World reversed continues this trend as you wrestle with the frustrating yet distinct feeling that something is just “missing.” It’s hard to put your finger on, but you can feel that your balance is at least a little off.

As frustrating as this may be, you can’t lean into the impulse to just “power through” this and ignore it.

If you aren’t honest about what isn’t clicking or fulfilling you, it may fester into a larger problem later.


5 of Swords (Reversed)

Capricorn can feel the chaotic energy that sometimes just is the New Year and is still trying to find their way through the rubble.

The 5 of Swords reversed indicates that you really don’t want to participate in drama or chaos. If anything, the hustle and bustle of the New Year that everyone seems absorbed in are actually just weighing on you internally.

Unfortunately, miscommunications are prominent right now, and it may seem like everyone is too busy being absorbed in themselves to resolve anything important.

Stay patient, calm, and as collected as possible. It’s not your job to keep the peace — so at least maintain your peace in the meantime.


The Empress

Aquarius seems to be thriving, with Venus moving into your very sign!

The Empress, after all, is Venus’ card, the beacon of love, abundance, and beauty in all her glory. This week is all about looking, feeling, and showing up as your best self.

And so, it’s also a fantastic week for love, especially self-love. And for all the creatively-minded Aquarians, the good news is that this love and beauty translates right into your creative projects and work just the same.

Have fun, Aquarius!


The Emperor

Pisces is starting off the year by putting their foot down!

The Emperor shows you standing in your power — your passion, sense of leadership, and your capability to ground yourself (and the world around you).

There have been many times where you’ve been tested and challenged, made to feel not good enough to lead in your independent path and take your own journey by the bullhorns. But this week, you’re ready to show up as the leader and visionary that you really are!

What are you ready to create, Pisces? It’s time to show the world your voice.

Start 2023 With Your Boxes Checked!

What did the cards have to share with you? Was the news sour, sweet, or something in-between?

The truth is that the Tarot is a powerful tool to help you proceed with a clear mind and vision, but it’s also just one tool. With this news now under your belt, you can make the checklist that is best for you to have the best first full week of 2023 possible.

So, what’s the rest of your checklist going to look like? Will you be checking in with your horoscope or maybe even consulting the cards a bit further?

Remember: whatever you choose, the Universe always offers you these little nuggets of insight to guide you along your journey.

Related article: Your Ultimate Guide to ALL 2023 Retrogrades

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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