New Moon Articles

new moon Aquarius article

THIS New Moon Could Bring You the Life You’ve Always Wanted

It’s that time again when the Moon is new and encourages us to gather our energy and manifest our dreams. And this time, it’s in the futuristic and humanitarian sign of Aquarius – pushing us even further into the mysterious world of the unknown. The winds of change and the

new moon ritual

Which New Moon Ritual You Should Do, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The New Moon occurs once a month and marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This is an excellent time to set your intentions for the upcoming month and let go of the energies that were built during the last cycle!  The reason that a New Moon ritual is

man standing on a deserted street staring at a large moon in the night sky

Everything You Need to Know About All the MAJOR Moon Events of 2025

We’re just a few weeks away from 2025, and with a new year, we get all new astrology – including all new Full Moons, New Moons, and eclipses! Full Moons occur when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are opposite one another, so they are in exact opposite positions in

THIS is What it Really Means When the Moon is in Your Zodiac Sign

The Moon spends about two and a half days in one sign and will be in your Sun sign every month for about two and a half days. So… what does this mean for you? The Moon is the planet that moves fastest in astrology, covering all 12 zodiac signs

sagittarius new moon

Are You Ready to Tackle THIS Powerful Upcoming New Moon?

What happens when the fiery archer of the zodiac connects to the emotional, intuitive energy of the New Moon? Magic happens!  And that’s what we’re here to talk about today: the mystical nature of the Sagittarius New Moon, which is arriving on December 1st, 2024. The Moon represents the emotional

scorpio new moon

How to Embrace the November Scorpio New Moon – Read Your Horoscope NOW

It’s time once again to celebrate the restorative, refreshing energy of the New Moon. And this time around, we’ll experience one of the spookiest New Moons of the year because it’s occurring not only in the sign of Scorpio but also in the month of November. This transformative energy helps

leo new moon

THIS Upcoming New Moon is About to Reveal Some Exciting Insights

The season of the lion is finally here! That’s right. It’s Leo’s time to shine once again in all their bright, bold, and glamorous glory. While the Sun is burning bright in this playful sign, we can also look forward to a glowing New Moon in the feisty sign of

beautiful African American woman with an afro gazing into the distance

Emotional Transformation is Coming With THIS New Moon

Have you been sensing an energetic or emotional shift lately? Cancer season is known not only for the emotional energy it brings but also for the heightened intuition—which means that you’ve probably been picking up on more subtle energy than ever. And if your instinctual senses have been picking up

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