Palmistry Articles

Need a Life Line? Try At-Home Palmistry

Life is beautiful, but it’s also filled with confusion and challenges. This is why it can be so comforting to turn to professional astrologers and palm readers to learn more about your path, your personality, and why you’re here on this planet. But how fun would it be to read

Does Your Fate Change With Your Palm Lines?

The art of palm reading is one that dates back to ancient times. Palm reading, or chiromancy as it is also known, is the study of palm lines which claim to be able to read a person’s future – including the path their lives will take, their relationships and their

Chinese Zodiac Palmistry: The 4th Trine

This article focuses on the fourth and final trine in the Chinese Zodiac and how it links to palmistry.  The fourth trine consists of a group of animals who are known as the ‘peacemakers’ of the zodiac – the Rabbit, Goat and Pig. A Little Bit About Palmistry… An ancient

Chinese Zodiac Palmistry for the Third Trine

The Chinese Zodiac is made up of 12 animals, each of which corresponds to a certain year. In Chinese Astrology, it is believed that you have the same characteristics and personality as the animal that rules the year you were born in. So if you were born in the Year

Chinese Zodiac Palmistry for the Second Trine

The Chinese Zodiac is made up of 12 animals, and within this exists 4 trines. Much as Western Astrology divides its twelve signs into groups of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, Chinese Astrology also corresponds with the 5 Chinese elements (Water, Wood, Earth, Fire, and Metal), except its groups are

Chinese Zodiac Palmistry for the First Trine

The ancient art of palmistry is one that has roots in Indian and Chinese Astrology and it is the ability to read one’s hands in order to discover more about one’s character and possibly predict aspects of their future. In the Zhou Dynasty (roughly 3,000 years ago) palmistry was very

Blasting Common Palmistry Myths & Misconceptions

Palmistry is a largely misunderstood art; it is an observation of the predictable lines and patterns on the hand that display characteristics of a person’s personality. The Renaissance era imbued many of the topics related to the healing arts as heretical and established a culture of fear around any topics

Palmistry: Hand & Finger Shapes

​Just as there is a lot to learn in astrology, there are many layers and details to the form of divination called palmistry. Palmistry reveals personality traits, general energy, types of life events, and can be predictive which is called chiromancy. Whether you’re interested in being a palm reader, curious

Deeper Into Palmistry: All About the Mounts

​If you’ve been following along with this palmistry series so far, you know the basics of what palmistry is, what to expect if you get your palm read, and the overall features of your palm. Now that you’ve learned a little about the features and areas of the palm, it’s

Palmistry: What Does Your Hand Reveal About Your Personality?

​If you’ve been following along with our palmistry series so far, you know the basics of what palmistry is, and what to expect if you get your palm read. Maybe you’ve decided that seeing a palm reader isn’t for you, or that you’d like to be able to do readings

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