Zoo Dream Meaning


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To dream of a zoo often symbolizes some kind of freedom loss or the feeling during waking life that your personal talents are not receiving the recognition they deserve.

This might be a literal symbol from a day residue if you have recently visited a zoo.

In this case, your mind is simply revisiting this lovely memory in your sleep.

Dreaming of Negative Feelings While at a Zoo

If there are negative feelings associated with your dream symbol of the zoo, then it could be that you are experiencing a loss of freedom in some area of your life.

Are you feeling caged in and as if you have no freedom or range of movement?

Or are you the one visiting the zoo? Is someone around you feeling controlled and monitored? You may need to revisit how you are handling some key relationships. Are you alone when you experience the zoo and feeling wonderful?

Positive feelings, on the other hand, indicate a good healthy sense of control in your waking life.

Has this dream happened again and again? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.

Dreaming of Animals Escaping From a Zoo

It’s that Madagascar moment! If there are animals escaping from the zoo in your dream, this could represent aspects of your life that you feel are getting away from you in your waking life.

You may be feeling like you are losing control of something, or like something is going to come out in a “cat out of the bag” kind of way.

See how much of the dream you can remember in this case and follow it through to the end.

If it is a happy ending you experience where the animals are safe and well, or you find them and they are happy, then know that you are getting the message that letting things go is a part of life, and in this case may be just what you need to experience the success you have been hoping and dreaming for.

Dreaming of Being Attacked at a Zoo

If you dream of being attacked by an animal in a zoo it highlights an urge in waking life to pay attention to your primal instincts.

You may be repressing a part of yourself in favor of another area of your life. This dream can be a frightening one but it is your subconscious’ way of alerting you to the fact that all aspects of yourself must be faced and acknowledged, not just some of them.

Being attacked in a zoo can also highlight that you fear you are being watched in some way during waking life.

Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.

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