Pig Daily Horoscope
Feb 09, 2025 - It can be hard crossing the bridge to the unknown, but it's time to step forward and into the new path that awaits you.
This has been a time of great change for you and there have been times you have resisted. It is easy to go back. Going back means going toward the familiar.
But the familiar can only take you so far before it is time to embark on a new journey. Embrace the newness that you experience. There are exciting times ahead.
There may be challenges too but through these challenges come the greatest wisdom, understanding and strength. Trust in yourself and all that you have to offer this world and others.
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Daily Tarot Reading
We hear the words "random act of kindness" a lot, and the 6 of Pentacles is a card that embodies that. This is a card of giving and charity, and that could be actual giving, such as to someone with less money. Or it may simply be payday! If you've…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading

Red Jasper is a form of Quartz, and its energy radiates grounding, passion, and protection. Known as the “Stone of Endurance,” it brings stamina, strength, and courage to the user. Warriors often sought it out in ancient times to encourage these traits on the battlefield. Red Jasper is even thought…