Tied directly to the Mutable Gemini, The Lovers card is often about a big decision at hand. When The Lovers appear in a Tarot reading about either work or love, the message is to follow your heart. Your intuition is not fooling you at this time. This Major Arcana card tells us that it is safe to proceed with the decision pulling at your heartstrings the most.
It’s essential to consider all parties when you meet The Lovers Tarot card, as feeding your ego will backfire. But, when you do, know peace and harmony will prevail in your Garden of Eden.
Decisions are always paramount when you see The Lovers appear, as this card is directly connected to the zodiac sign Gemini and the constant decisions they face. This beautiful card represents the harmony and peace found in the Garden of Eden. We see two lovers in this card, suggesting there is a choice in play that could change your life. Most of the time, this card appears in relationship spreads, thus signifying decisions in love are the theme of your reading. Sometimes it could be a major work decision too. You may be asked to relocate from an area that you love deeply or that brings you peace. Or you may be forced to choose between work and love, or forced to choose two jobs, one that will bring in money and one that brings in joy and happiness. What you choose depends on you. This card is usually a sign that it’s safe to follow your heart.