Confront What You’ve Been Ignoring with Jupiter in Scorpio

Remember that dream you had long ago, before you started your current job, paying bills and being, well, responsible? Perhaps you’ve never been worried about all that, but have never been able to make one of your lofty ideas work in your favor? We’ve all had our heads in the clouds at some point, and it’s not uncommon to carry those dreams, however faded and far away they may seem, into our adulthood. Is it steely rationalism or limiting fear that prevents us from forging ahead and making the impossible happen?

With positive, outgoing Jupiter occupying inward-looking Scorpio until November, you may be pursued by a renewed passion in that long-lost idea – but this time, optimism from the past meets a more tempered view into the present, propelling us to the future desire we keep. Today’s theme is all about using a realistic approach to tackle what’s been holding you back!

If you’ve been trying to forget a past dream that seemed too difficult to achieve or even stuffed down a deep desire because it didn’t seem convenient, now is the time to grab hold of it, throw it on the table and really decide if this is something you still want. Could you it make happen if you put your mind and soul into it?

What Influence Does Jupiter Bring?

Jupiter is sometimes described as the Santa Claus of the planets, ruling our cheerful, adventurous friend Sagittarius. It’s no wonder Sags are so open-minded; Jupiter represents hope and luck, helping us expand our horizons, to dream big with our heads in the clouds and to believe we can really achieve anything we set our minds to. Jupiter fills us with optimistic spirit, ever showing us the bright side of life, and often bringing us good luck and a feeling of abundance.

Jupiter is associated with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion. When Jupiter arrives, we get a further sense of perspective – a fuller view of the world, a brighter and more expanded view of it all. This mighty planet reminds us of the delight found in discovering new things – about ourselves and the outside world.

Do you sit inside all day at a desk, but find yourself staring dreamily out the window at the beautiful park across the street? Maybe you still hold your childhood passion for the outdoors? What are you doing in that office then?! Perhaps you’ve buried your dream of owning a food truck, where you could be outside all day in the sun, cooking up (insert familiar delicacy here) for eager patrons?

Was it too farfetched? Does it seem like too much work? Didn’t know how to get started? What do you actually need to do to make this high hope or dream come to fruition? Enter Scorpio.

How Does Scorpio Affect Jupiter’s Energy?

Scorpio’s influence on Jupiter will temper the normally optimistic planet’s outlook, keeping the dream alive, but inserting realistic speedbumps that will need to be addressed if we are to be successful. We can more easily recognize complications that could come from our impulsive decisions. This may sound boring or restrained, but it can bring some truly concrete results.

Sex, death, intimacy: Water sign Scorpio understands the power of transformation, and combined with their hard-working and ambitious drive to succeed, this is a fantastic sign to wield its influence when we can’t seem to get our engine started. Jupiter will help you discover your passion, Scorpio will give you the tools and considerations to bring it to light. On the other hand, realistic Scorpio can also lead you down a path where you find your pie in the sky idea was just that and you should focus your spirit and energy on something more lucrative.

Fixed sign Scorpio knows how to get stuff done. They have an almost eerie ability to focus on what they want – and their lack of concern when it comes to diplomacy makes them a bit… steamroller-y. Ever work with a Scorpio? They are as intense as they come, but if you can get to know them, you will want them on your team if you hope to accomplish anything.

They can be very controlling and like to be in the know at all times, lest something should surprise or embarrass them. You could say this is the opposite energy to Jupiter’s carefree and spirited ways. Jupiter lets things roll off their back, even welcoming chaos – at least it’s not boring! Scorpio’s ability will lead you to face the pieces of your dream that could blow up in your face – and in doing so, will help you problem solve before they become a roadblock.

Put it All Together…

In Jupiter dream-mode, we lay blissfully in the grass at the end of the race. In Scorpio realist mode, we are drawing up plans, looking at our budgets, and gathering resources to build the bridge to get to the finish line.

Secrets meet discovery – perhaps something you’ve kept to yourself all these years will be forced out and you’ll finally have to deal with it. This doesn’t have to be negative, perhaps there will also be a chance to release something you’ve been carrying around on your shoulders – the monkey on your back, as it were.

The intimacy with which scorpions are well acquainted can serve to bring additional meaning to your lofty Jupiter plans. What was already exciting to you may now take on an important, even altruistic purpose. The missing piece of the puzzle may well have been a connective thread about why you should bring it to life.

Scorpio is deep, like Mariana Trench deep. They don’t do anything just for the sake of it and certainly not for the sake of pleasing people. Scorpio will challenge you to question what values you bring to the table, and if you are willing to fight for what you want, or simply content to remain in fantasy land.


All in all, now is a time to make changes – the transformative effect of Scorpio on the optimistic and exploratory influence of Jupiter combines for a powerful opportunity to make things happen. Dust off your old business plan, vow to finally get past a regret from long ago, challenge yourself to take a calculated risk.

What is it you really want and why haven’t you achieved it? The boundaries are thinner, your willpower higher, and the chance to make some of your dreams come true is here for the taking. Are you ready to work hard and take what you want from life? We wish you the best of luck in your endeavours!

Related Article: Beneficial Thought: Jupiter In Scorpio Turns Direct – Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

About The Author

Vanessa Hardcastle

Vanessa Hardcastle is a hardheaded Taurus with an affinity for sarcasm, good books and large dogs. She is fascinated by sociology and behavioral psychology – what, exactly, shapes our personalities? Astrology is a leg on the journey of self-awareness, as is philosophy, frank conversation, self-reflection, and heavy metal. Writing allows this emotional hermit to indirectly communicate - making powerful connections through storytelling.
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