All About the Libra Lunar Eclipse & the 6 Zodiac Signs That Will Be MOST Affected

libra lunar eclipse

On March 25, 2024, we’re going to experience our first Lunar Eclipse for the year in Libra! The Libra Lunar Eclipse brings an intense focus on our relationships, so that is at the forefront right now.

Let’s dive in to see exactly what this means!

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About the 2024 Libra Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipses occur with Full Moons, which have the Sun and Moon in opposing positions in the zodiac. This means emotions run high, and we usually see culminations, endings, and results.

This is amplified under Lunar Eclipses since they only occur every six months or so. Major developments tend to pass with Lunar Eclipses, and we can make important decisions to further commit or to break apart.

With Libra being the sign of relationships, this means the energy is focused on our relationships, partnerships, alliances, and commitments. For some, this means deepening and strengthening the ties with others, and you can take the next step to be more invested and committed. 

In romantic relationships, this can mean moving in together, getting engaged, getting married, having a child, reaffirming your vows, or anything else that would signify a stronger connection to you.

In friendships, this might mean going on a trip with a friend, supporting a friend through a challenging situation, spending significantly more time with or even living with a friend, or embarking on a project with a friend.

In business relationships, it can mean signing new contracts, solidifying a partnership agreement, or forming an alliance.

Eclipses occur in sets of opposing zodiac signs, and we’re in the Libra-Aries eclipse set now. There is only one Libra Lunar Eclipse for this set, so this one is extra strong and packs a stronger punch since there won’t be another again during this set.

In general, we can all feel that improving balance in our lives, having more peace and harmony, and making compromises are a good thing that benefits us, improves confidence, and makes us more decisive.

The 6 Zodiac Signs Most Impacted by the Libra Lunar Eclipse

Some signs are impacted by this eclipse more than others. Let’s review the six zodiac signs that are most intensely impacted by the Libra Lunar Eclipse.


The Lunar Eclipse is in your sign, Libra, so it’s no surprise that you’re the one who gets the biggest impact! Your emotions might be super strong right now, and you’re feeling everything more personally than usual, and you might be experiencing a lot of developments, decisions, and demands.

Take a deep breath! Remember to prioritize yourself right now. What do YOU want? While this eclipse highlights relationships for everyone, it also highlights YOU being in your sign.

Libra is known for being pretty easy to get along with, to the point of sometimes ignoring yourself in favor of everyone else, and this eclipse might bring attention to that. In what ways have you been ignoring yourself, and what can you do to change that?

Maintain peace and harmony as best as you can since this is likely key for you to get through this eclipse. You get thrown way off whenever you’re surrounded by chaos, so try to avoid chaotic people and situations as best as you can.

If you have no choice but to deal with them, try to use your social skills to help you maneuver.

Developments, decisions, and demands with this Libra Lunar Eclipse might tie into whatever passed, or you began with the Libra Solar Eclipse in October 2023 and might continue through to the Libra Solar Eclipse in October of this year. 

These are the only eclipses in your sign, so this energy passes quickly. Stay focused, get plenty of rest, and keep calm!


After Libra, Aries is the sign that gets the biggest impact from this Libra Lunar Eclipse. First, Libra is the sign opposite yours, so this eclipse is in opposition to you. That can bring out developments that feel out of your control, and sometimes, something out of left field gets thrown at you.

It’s important to have some degree of flexibility with this eclipse. You may resist what’s happening, but that likely doesn’t do you any favors. Leave room in your plans and with your goals for changes on the fly.

Aggravation and frustration can be high with this Libra Lunar eclipse for you, and when things seem to come at you from nowhere, and high drama people keep making their way into your life, it’s easy to lash out. That only makes it worse, though.

Try to have healthy outlets for frustrations and aggravations so you don’t snap. It’s natural to get mad at situations that you feel you have no control over, but you don’t have to let it take over.

The other reason your sign gets such a big impact from this Libra Lunar Eclipse is because this eclipse set is in Libra and Aries, your sign. In fact, the next eclipse is a Solar Eclipse in April, and it’s in Aries.

You’re moving from this Libra Lunar Eclipse right into a Solar Eclipse in your sign (and it’s a doozy). This Lunar Eclipse might throw you off so you end up wrecking your chances to use the upcoming Solar Eclipse, and it’s important you make sure that doesn’t happen.

Be flexible, have outlets for frustration, and be understanding with both yourself and other people. Keep your eye on the prize, as energy is likely coming soon for opportunities with it.

Cancer & Capricorn

The signs of Cancer and Capricorn are what is called square the Libra Lunar Eclipse. Astrology has something called aspects, separated between major and minor, and aspects are when two bodies are at certain distances from one another in the zodiac.

Squares are considered challenging aspects that have internalized friction. This means the Libra Lunar Eclipse is presenting internalized friction for you, Cancer, and Capricorn.

This is a little different from Aries, which has the eclipse in opposition, which is out of its control. Squares are in your control and are more issues within yourself, so you two have more options. They just might be more challenging!

Yes, they can be more challenging because this often means facing something or having to deal with a situation, person, or past issue that you’d rather run away from. It’s unsettling and disconcerting, but you don’t really have anyone else to blame externally since it’s all inside of you, and the choice to work on it or not is entirely yours.

If you avoid it, the eclipse can make you extra emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, and irritable. Watch for insomnia, upset tummies, and headaches.

Astrology always wants you to face it, and while it might be anxiety-inducing, you can see in the end how it was for the better and are grateful that you did, so don’t avoid it. 

For Cancer, this might tie into something with your upbringing and family, your roots, and where you come from. This is likely something that has impacted you at your core for a very long time, and you’ve had more than enough of it.

For Capricorn, this might tie into something with your responsibilities and feeling overwhelmed by everything on your shoulders. This has likely caused lots of stress and weighed you down for a long time, and that weight is ready to be lifted.


The Libra Lunar Eclipse highlights a challenging sector for you, Pisces, one that governs what you hold deep inside: old traumas and deep wounds, inner demons, and unsettling memories. This is an area that we’d rather avoid, and so we keep shoving everything down further and further, deeper and deeper.

That leads to subconscious motivations and decisions that end up working against us because we’re not addressing the deeper problems. Yet we still keep running.

When this area is being stimulated astrologically, this is an opportunity to stop running, bring out what’s been shoved away into the stark light, and deal with it. It’s not easy, and it might force us to face a fear that’s been controlling us for too long.

This is what you’re tasked with when it comes to the Libra Lunar Eclipse. Not for the faint of heart!

The most important thing to remember is that you need to transform this from a negative to a positive. Take control and mold it into something that empowers you instead of controls you.

One other thing to keep in mind with this eclipse is that the next Lunar Eclipse is in September, and it’s in YOUR sign! And it’s going to be a big one, so it’s even more important for you to work on facing what you need to with this Libra Libra Eclipse, transforming, and empowering yourself so you can handle the eclipse in your sign.


The other signs are listed because the Libra Lunar Eclipse presents challenging energy for them, but it’s a slightly different situation for you, Taurus! This is because you’ve been targeted for the last few years with eclipses, specifically Lunar Eclipses, and the last one in October was in your sign.

You’re finally free from the eclipses, though, and that can be a breath of fresh air! Hopefully, you’ve worked through the issues that popped up with those eclipses over the last few years and are ready to move on.

This eclipse helps you to get focused, get more done, and make improvements in your daily life. You might get stressed out about something though, so make sure you’ve got healthy outlets for stress ready to go at any moment (and don’t forget to get extra sleep).

As long as you can handle the stress well, you can work with this eclipse and might even get attention for a project you’re working on.

Another positive is beneficial Jupiter and changemaker Uranus are still in your sign and moving to conjunct (align) in mid-April. It starts to go into effect shortly after this eclipse. It can feel like pieces are coming together that have separated for too long, which can happen quickly. Adapt and rise!

Find Some Peace With the Libra Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses can be a little challenging no matter the sign they occur in, and Lunar Eclipses love to kick up emotional energy in a big way for all of us, so try to prioritize peace and harmony as much as you can with this Libra Lunar Eclipse. 

Having peace, harmony, serenity, and calm can go a long way to managing this eclipse to the best of your abilities. Oh, and make sure to get enough rest (you’re going to need it with the astrology coming in April)!

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About The Author

Nic Gaudette

Nic Gaudette's astrology career began in 2004. She's performed thousands of astrology readings, helped thousands of students learn astrology, and has written over a dozen horoscope columns and hundreds of articles for various publications, in addition to creating The Dark Pixie Astrology. Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day and instantly became hooked. She believes astrology is an empowering tool everyone can use to help themselves. She affectionately calls her followers her "pixies." She provides daily astro tidbits on Facebook and Instagram and sends extra astro wisdom in her regular newsletter. When not working, you'll usually find her baking, obsessing over the Yankees, or binging on politics. Make sure to check her out on The Dark Pixie Astrology.
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