Is Your Menstrual Cycle Affected by the Moon?

Your menstrual cycle and the Moon definitely have one thing in common—they both follow 28-day cycles. Yet, does this mean that the Moon plays a part in your menstrual cycle? And if so, how?

Before the internet and phone apps became regular occurrences in our lives, the cycle of the Moon was followed more closely, offering ways to track and measure certain times of the year and more. More specifically, those that lived close to the water used the Moon to track tidal changes.

At the same time, there are tons of interesting similarities between the menstrual cycle and the Moon.

So, let’s dive a little deeper into this relationship—what meaning can we infer from the Moon phases and the menstrual cycle, and what should you know?

The Menstrual Cycle Moon Connection

The truth is that the research is mixed. Some studies show that there is no link. Yet, there’s almost just as much research indicating there might be a link.

In one study, researchers showed how some women’s cycle synced up with the Moon and even with the Moon’s gravitational pull. Other research showed how a large proportion of menstruation happened at the time or around the Full Moon.

Then, other longer, more intensive studies have noted zero links. So, what’s the deal with the Full Moon and the menstrual cycle? What is going on here? Is there some sort of association?

The truth is it really depends on what you believe. Some believers hypothesize that the following is how your menstrual cycle and the Moon sync up.

The Waxing Moon

The Follicular Phase

The follicular phase is the longest part of the menstrual cycle.

During this time, the ovaries are producing follicles (and mature eggs). The uterus lining is thickening as estrogen increases. Basically, your body is preparing for ovulation and, potentially, pregnancy.

Interestingly, the Waxing Moon phase has a focus on “expansion” (similar to the idea of pregnancy). In fact, this time offers the perfect space to pursue your dreams and expand your horizons in terms of goals and friendships.

The Full Moon

The Ovulatory Phase

Ovulation occurs around days 13-15 of your menstrual cycle. Estrogen and progesterone levels rise. Similar to how many women experience their peak energy during this time, the Full Moon is considered to be at its peak energy.

This marks a powerful time, both in regards to your period and the Moon cycle. It’s a good time to let go of what doesn’t serve you and re-focus on what will bring abundance into your life.

Make sure to read: What to Do Between the New Moon & the Full Moon

The Waning Moon

The Luteal Phase

After ovulation, your body enters the luteal phase.

This lasts about 14 days unless fertilization of the egg occurs. In that case, pregnancy happens. During this time, the follicle that released the egg goes on to produce progesterone.

This signifies a resilient time.

Yet, as the end of this phase approaches, you might notice your energy begin to decrease, similar to that of the Waning Moon. This indicates it’s time to rest. If your menstrual cycle and the Moon sync up here, self-care takes on an even more important meaning as you attempt to balance the energies of the surrounding world and yourself.

Try gentle stretching, baths, naps, and any other practices that feel soothing and bring peace and calm into your life.

The New Moon

The Menstrual Phase

These two phases go hand-in-hand. The New Moon signifies the beginning of a new phase. It’s all about starting fresh and preparing yourself for a new beginning. As you can likely already tell, this goes right in line with the menstrual cycle.

During the menstrual phase, the body is getting ready for a second shot at a fresh life (quite literally). It’s flushing out the old uterine lining and preparing for another new beginning.

In the midst of transitional moments in life, it’s always important to take time to yourself. Listen to your body. Note how you feel and follow those feelings.

Read this article next: The Ultimate Guide to New Moons

Identifying Your Menstrual Cycle & Moon Connection

Ideally, you want these two cycles to work together. The only way to start doing this is by examining the Moon cycle and determining where your cycle falls in it. Even if you don’t fully align with the above, the energies associated with each Moon cycle might offer insight into how you feel during each phase.

For example, some women might start menstruation with the Full Moon. Thus, this time is best to let go and re-focus on your pursuits.

Were the Moon Phase & Menstrual Cycle Previously Aligned?


Here’s the thing, though: in-depth research on the topic wasn’t exactly explored before technology. In fact, women’s health and cycles weren’t a huge focus in scientific or medical communities.

Many researchers actually hypothesize that the human reproductive cycle was likely more aligned with the Moon. Yet, due to modern lifestyles, artificial light, technology, and more, this relationship isn’t as prominent as it used to be.

It’s similar to the circadian rhythm.

At a time before technology, humans functioned in sync with the Sun. With artificial lights and screens, it’s safe to say we don’t do this as much anymore. We do on some level, but not to the extent it used to be.

While this isn’t necessarily a problem, it does put us out of touch when it comes to the energies of the world, including the Moon cycle.

An easy way to get back in touch is by monitoring and recording it all. Do you have a New Moon menstrual cycle? What is the connection between certain Moon phases and your menstrual cycle?

You might consider tracking it to find out!

Use the Moon Cycle as Your Guide

The Moon can offer a window into your energy levels and where you should focus your energy toward. Unseen energies and connections are all around us. Sometimes, we just don’t notice them and need them to be pointed out.

So, start pointing them out. Find those hidden meanings and use them to your advantage.

Read next: The Relationship Between Astrology & Femininity

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