Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for August 29 – September 4, 2022

Welcome to your weekly numerology forecast!

The big news this week is that we’ve got a go-getting First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, and for astrology fans, you will know that this Moon phase is all about being bold and reaching for what you want.

It takes courage, drive, and ambition, and in the sign of Sagittarius, it relates to aspects of life such as travel, higher learning, and stepping outside our comfort zone.

Few things can be scarier than stepping outside the comfort zone. We become so accustomed to the familiar that we forget that there is a big world out there waiting for us!

The First Quarter Moon is that time of the month when our hidden passions come rising to the surface. One way or another, we are reminded of what truly matters to us, and we resolve to go out there and get it.

Fears and doubts may stand in our way and paralyze us from acting. That’s why this Moon is here to help us out. It’s not always the most comfortable experience, but in the long run, we are glad it happens.

This week we will focus on the Hidden Passion number in numerology to see how you can use the energy of the First Quarter Moon.

Read this next: How to Use the Quarter Moon Phase to Grow Spiritually

What is Your Hidden Passion Number?

Your Hidden Passion number reveals your strengths and abilities as a person.

Your strengths and abilities may manifest externally through entertainment or hobbies you enjoy, through your behavior, and through your actions. Or they may be hidden beneath the surface, still waiting to be unlocked.

By acknowledging our strengths and abilities, we are able to harness them better. If we don’t know what we are, how reach our full potential?

This week, our strengths and abilities will be called to the forefront, and through expansive Sagittarius, we will be urged to let the world see exactly what we can do. The First Quarter Moon brings courage and motivation – so combined, all of this energy helps propel us into the unknown, where our strengths are tested.

Your Hidden Passion number will give you further guidance as to how you can manifest these strengths to the best of your ability.

If you don’t know your Hidden Passion Number, use this free Hidden Passion number calculator.

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast August 29 – September 4

Now that you’ve got your Hidden Passion number, read on to find out what it means for you this week.

Hidden Passion Number 1

At your core, as a number 1, your drive is to stand out, and your aim is to achieve.

This First Quarter Moon encourages you to take those first steps, especially in regard to travel, occupation, or studying, and make things happen for yourself. You are a warrior and a leader, and sometimes you just need reminding of this.

Focus on being resourceful this week. Planning and organizing are essential to make those dreams come true.

Hidden Passion Number 2

As a number 2, your drive is to nurture, and your aim is to bring peace to the chaos. You are the eye of the storm. What would others do without you?

This week, you are called to your higher purpose and invited to go within and seek the courage inside you. You may have been neglecting some of the aims you made earlier on in the year, but things are going to happen this week that jolt you back to your senses and remind you of everything you are capable of.

Hidden Passion Number 3

Your drive as a number 3 is to connect with your others, and your aim is to use your talents and skills to build harmony. 

This week you are reminded of your higher purpose. If you have been using your gifts for yourself and forgetting your higher aims, this week will be that reminder you needed to bring you back to yourself. 

The important thing this week is to trust in yourself. You sometimes allow doubts to get the better of you. But your power is infinite—it’s just a question of reminding yourself of this.

Hidden Passion Number 4

As a number 4, your drive is to create order, and your aim is to bring greater stability to this world and those around you. Sometimes you can go off the beaten track and plunge yourself into chaos, but this is ego-based—the ego will defy the soul’s purpose for as long as it can when it gets out of control. A healthy balance is required. 

This week, areas of life where you may be acting in a dogmatic way or stubbornly refusing to see the other side will be bought to your attention, and there is an opportunity under this Moon to try doing things a different way this time.

Hidden Passion Number 5

Your drive as a number 5 is to absorb as much information and experience as possible, and your aim is to use your expertise to help this world. You’ll thrive under the forthcoming lunar energy! 

This week, opportunities will be buzzing out of your ears. Just don’t put too many fingers in the pie. Pace yourself and remind yourself of what the aim itself is. Does the opportunity benefit the aim? 

The Universe will require you to do things you may find tedious or dull, but even these experiences are essential for greater learning.

Hidden Passion Number 6

As a number 6, your drive is to be of service, and your aim is to sacrifice for the higher good. You may find this manifesting in your daily life but if you are not careful, it can be taken to extremes and you find yourself being taken advantage of or burnt out. 

This week is a time for resetting your goals and reminding yourself of balance. You are likely to have several revealing conversations this week.

Hidden Passion Number 7

Your drive is to explore the depths of yourself and others, and your aim is to bring greater awareness and creativity to the world as a number 7

The First Quarter Moon reminds you of your priorities, and you are encouraged to write a list of your aspirations for the coming future and find ways to attain them, as well as note obstacles standing in your way. 

Your intuition is especially powerful this week so pay attention!

Hidden Passion Number 8

Your drive as a number 8 is to conquer your challenges and your aim is to use your strength for the higher good. You may have been oscillating between confidence and doubt, but this is a time for grabbing the bull by the horns and reminding yourself of your unique abilities. 

If you have suffered a setback recently, this week reminds you to look forward and not to the past. The past is now the past for a reason.

Read this next: Use Numerology to Discover Your Perfect Career

Hidden Passion Number 9

As a number 9, your drive is to understand the workings of this world and your fellow humans, and your aim is to remind this world of its higher purpose. 

If you’ve been lacking motivation lately or simply despairing from the negativity of everything, this week brings renewed energy and a sense of purpose. It may come in the form of a conversation or form of entertainment, or an experience. But one way or another, the Universe is going to remind you of your awesome power and all you are here to accomplish.

Embrace Your Strengths

The Hidden Passion number is there to remind you of your abilities and strengths, especially during times you have forgotten them.

As the First Quarter Moon draws nearer, take time to write in your journal about your ultimate aims and what drives you. See whether your thoughts reflect your Hidden Passion number.

The more time you take to get to know yourself, the more you will feel able to show it to the world. It’s a time of learning, growing, and expansion. Trust in yourself and in the strengths you possess!

Related article: Your Lucky Crystal for 2022, Based on Your Life Path Number

About The Author

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.
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