Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 29 – September 4, 2022

Welcome to the beginnings of September 2022 — ready to tie up your August with a neat bow and start a new month off on the right foot?

This week doesn’t feature a set of wildly turbulent nor extremely exciting astrological events, so you’re safe from more potentially uncomfortable astro-weather for now.

This means it’s prime time to get your ducks in a row — or perhaps catch some rest and relaxation, depending on your needs right now — as we head into September and wrap up the ends of August. Finish strong, and start with the right mindset!

Wondering what that right approach may be for you? That’s why we check in with the lovely Tarot to help!

Read next: Your Sign’s Virgo Season Horoscope Is Here

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 29 – September 4, 2022


Knight of Wands (Reversed)

Slow down, Aries. And take the spark down a notch just a bit.

We know you’re a bit of a fighter and definitely a go-getter. The Knight of Wands alludes to just as much, but its reversal hints that this energy may be a bit of a problem for you this week.

Indeed, there is such a thing as “too much of a good thing.” Sometimes the boldest, stubborn, or fastest approach isn’t the right one.

This week doesn’t have to be one of riding rocky waves; just don’t demand to be commanding the ship 24/7.


8 of Wands (Reversed)

Taurus is familiar with the issue of speed.

Usually, it seems like the world moves too fast and the steady bull is behind or that no one appreciates your detailed and devoted approach. But the 8 of Wands reversed actually indicates you might be wanting to unnecessarily speed things up this time.

Perhaps you’ve fallen to the illusion that you had it “wrong” and that you’re “behind.” But this is not really the case.

Just because you can’t reap immediate rewards doesn’t mean that your current pace is a bad one. Move with authenticity and not the beat of whatever drum seems fastest.

Read this: Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards


6 of Swords (Reversed)

Gemini may be feeling a bit stuck this week.

The 6 of Swords isn’t always the most comfortable energy, but it is a harbinger of change and always brings us to newer tides.

Reversed, you may be resisting this energy. We know how hard it might be to step away from what’s familiar and fully trust fall into the unknown. But just know that even if future plans are not guaranteed, staying in stagnant waters is guaranteed dissatisfaction.

Be honest about what doesn’t serve you this week — and be a bit brave too.


Queen of Wands

Who said that hard-shelled Cancer couldn’t be a bit of a bold leader too?

This week is all about confidence, self-expression, and showing up with a bit of spunk, boldness, and leadership finesse. The Queen of Wands demands some attention right now, and you’re the person to take on her throne.

This means speaking your mind, accepting new responsibilities, and sometimes being the one who has to start projects and invent opportunities if you’re not seeing any pop up out of the blue.

You are a Cardinal sign, after all; it’s time to act like it.

Learn More: Everything You Need to Know About Wands in Tarot


9 of Wands (Reversed)

It’s tempting to be on standby, Leo, but that’s not always the smartest move.

Sometimes we think that by pulling back, being patient, and observing before we act, we’ll always come up with the right plan of action or be ready with fuller energy reserves.

The 9 of Wands reversed reminds us that sometimes being cautious is just as much of an engaging, active act as stepping right into battle. And this week may be exhausting if you try to play the waiting game.


King of Wands

You’ve been on a roll with a variety of leadership court cards in your hand for a few weeks now, Virgo.

This week, that energy is in the form of the King of Wands. You’ve played the role of nurturer, of advisor, and even wrestled with the uncomfortable aspects of leadership and trying to get your ideas out there too.

Now is the time to lead with passion, strength, and willpower, and perhaps also lead by example. This week may not be so much about words but allowing your creativity and actions to lead.


Strength (Reversed)

If you run into a problem this week, the answers will likely be found within you, Libra.

Strength is the kind of card we don’t just stumble upon but forge through time, effort, and sincerity. Reversed, it sometimes highlights the underbelly of the energy — some of our weak spots and the areas that need more nurturing.

This doesn’t mean that this week is doomed to highlight your insecurities, but more that solutions to problems likely don’t need to be new or inventive — you may have stumbled upon them before.

In other words, use your existing toolkit of internal wisdom and resources here, and be open to traversing some uncomfortable memories if needed in order to re-remember them.


2 of Wands (Reversed)

Scorpio, you may find that adventure does not yet await you — even if you do want it.

The 2 of Wands reversed hints that you indeed may be oh-so-very-close to making the next big steps, traversing the newest adventure, or beginning to take hold of a major creative endeavor.

However, you’re just not ready to take the leap. Something might be missing. Our advice? Ask yourself how this all aligns with the bigger picture, for starters, as it’s important that there’s some long-term alignment here and not just the desire for something shiny and new.


Page of Wands

Sagittarius is flowing with their home turf in a way, residing comfortably in the Fiery and fun Page of Wands this week.

In other words, this week is all about experimenting with your passions, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and possibly taking a little bit of a trip or mini-travel (if not physically, then consider researching different cultures or philosophies).

None of this is all that new to Sagittarius, but the key here is remembering that even so, there’s always more to learn and new adventures yet to be discovered.

You may be the wild archer, but there’s always a new target every day!

Explore More: How to Interpret the Court Cards in the Tarot


8 of Cups

Capricorn and its wisdom of the week reside in knowing when to let go.

The 8 of Cups hints that, on paper, nothing may be exactly out of place. Your work may be just fine, your relationships are functioning as normal, and everything just seems alright.

But “alright” doesn’t necessarily mean “aligned” with you in a real way. Sometimes walking away from something that has been “just ok” for too long is an act of bravery, even if it’s hard for practical Capricorn to sometimes just act on a moment of intuition.

Trust yourself to make the call when it’s time, Capricorn. A voice inside you knows the way.


The Moon (Reversed)

Aquarius is an eccentric, mysterious type by nature — at least, others often seem to think so.

It’s not unlikely that you often feel like a bit of a black sheep. With The Moon on the table for you, it’s clear that this week feels shrouded in a bit of a veil of mystique and cloudiness.

However, the reversal here feels to indicate its energy may be directed within. The mysteries of the Universe actually are more like… the mysteries of Aquarius. Are you feeling a bit out of touch with who you are?

It’s time to do some self-examination and come with an open mind when you do so.


The Empress

Pisces is in their creative, almost entrepreneurial spirit this week!

You may be inspired in some way to get a move on with your creative and independent pursuits with The Empress on the table.

Chances are, this isn’t just a random thought but the result of something that you’ve been wanting to plant and cultivate for a while. While this is productive energy for work, advancing relationship milestones, and creative projects, the most important part is that it’s something resonant with you.

And also, of course — have fun too!

Letting Go… And Preparing For the Next

Whenever we find our weeks split up at the end and beginning of a month, the energy can feel a bit strange in terms of setting intentions.

On the one hand, we’re letting go of a full month. We are releasing the energy that we may want to leave behind but also trying to hold gratitude for the positive experiences we did have. Plus, we want to hold space to process anything that may have happened and self-reflect.

On the other hand, we’re stepping into a new month as well as stepping into a new week. This means planning for the new month, learning the energy of the new month, and transitioning into a fresh slate.

It may seem like something we do all the time, but planning for this energy contained within one week means accepting both sides.

How will you choose to accommodate this full spectrum of experience?

Plan ahead: The Most Practical Zodiac Season is Arriving Soon: How You Can Prep

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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