Career and Money Articles

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How to Make Money in 2024, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever felt like you were in the wrong job? Maybe you took a job to learn a specific skill. Or, maybe it was simply to pay the bills (that’s a reality in life that doesn’t need a spiritual purpose). At any rate, if you have ever found yourself

Essential Career Advice For the Fire Signs

While your career is only one facet of your personality, finding a career that fulfills you can do wonders for your mental and emotional help. When you feel aligned with what you do and what you contribute to the world, you feel more confident and self-assured. And for Fire signs,

Money Matters: Using the Tarot to Draw Wealth to You

2020 promises to be a year of upheaval and change for many of us. The desire to be financially secure may be stronger than ever. This is also the Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology and Rat years are often focused on wealth, health and stability. One way that

How to Use a Free Online Tarot Reading for Career Success

Have you been wondering if a free online tarot reading could help you with career advice? The tarot dates back to Italy in 1420 and has been used extensively for career advice by people of all different backgrounds. Many people consult a tarot reader to help them interpret their cards

How Does a Free Online Tarot Reading Work?

Are you wondering if it’s worth your time to get free online tarot readings? Well, let us explain to you how it works so that you can see the many ways tarot can actually help improve your life! Tarot is a tool that helps tap into the creative side of

8 Reasons to Include a Daily Tarot Reading in Your Morning Routine

Most successful people attribute their success to their habits, and for most people that includes a morning routine. Good habits help us tap into our creativity and generate momentum in our lives that allows us to see new possibilities and reach higher goals. Just like eating a healthy breakfast boosts

DIY Tarot Reading: Pros & Cons of Using an App or Your Own Cards

If you’re new to tarot, you may be wondering, what is a tarot card reading? The definition of a tarot card reading varies based on the intention of the person offering the service and the person asking the question. The tarot is designed to help us see our patterns, our

Spending & Making Money by the Stars

The hard aspect between Venus and Saturn can take some of the fun out of life. Fortunately this aspect is a fleeting thing, influencing you for two or three days. It brings with it a caution to watch your spending, and can also have an impact on your love life

Jupiter in Virgo: The Only Money Ritual You’ll Ever Need

Transit: Jupiter in Virgo 2016 The heat of July is beating down upon us — are you feeling it, financially? There always seems to be something extra to spend that hard-earned cash on during the summer months, so why not plan for a bit of extra money. This is a

5 Ways to Boost Your Career While On Summer Vacation

After all of the struggles that came with the planets moving retrograde this spring, you’ve earned a breather! Well, we’ve got good news: Summer Solstice (also known as Litha) has come and gone, and summer is finally here, so kick off your shoes and take a deep breath. Even if

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