Rooster Daily Horoscope
Feb 09, 2025 - This is a time of powerful assessment. Shocking events have caused you to question and perhaps even withdraw in recent times.
Now is the time to fully understand the degree of all that is happening. This time of reflection is essential for you as it helps you understand the path that lies before you.
Sometimes the things we imagine do be do not always turn out the way we expect. It's time to let go of the old and embrace the new. It's time to recognize the power of your own being and know that you are more capable than you ever realized. Step into your own power and face what comes head-on.
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Daily Tarot Reading
We hear the words "random act of kindness" a lot, and the 6 of Pentacles is a card that embodies that. This is a card of giving and charity, and that could be actual giving, such as to someone with less money. Or it may simply be payday! If you've…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading

Red Jasper is a form of Quartz, and its energy radiates grounding, passion, and protection. Known as the “Stone of Endurance,” it brings stamina, strength, and courage to the user. Warriors often sought it out in ancient times to encourage these traits on the battlefield. Red Jasper is even thought…